Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 46 Yabo people, I still like your arrogance!Ace is also a butcher!

Chapter 46 Yabo people, I still like your arrogance!Ace is also a butcher!

hiss! ——

I go!

Man of Abo, aren't you one of the four kings of darkness?
As for being so undignified?
Isn't it just a vertical guillotine only 1000 meters high?
As one of the Four Dark Kings, you knelt down directly.

No need!
Really unnecessary!
I still like your arrogant look just now!
You look much more handsome when you are arrogant!

Allen was quite emotional when he saw the Yabo people kneeling down!
When did the people of Abo become so aware of current affairs?
It seems like I can’t get any rewards like this!

It's hard for him to start with the other party like this...

After all, there are still people watching!
Why don't you get excited and see if the Yabo people are going to do something to you?

In this way, you might be able to acquire some other skills!

"Hey! Any super beast can feel pain and be afraid, and the Yabo people are no exception!"

"Tell me! Since you are kneeling down and begging me to catch you, why do you have to let me take action?"

"You are completely asking me to ruin the reputation of the Kingdom of Light!"

Allen shook his head and said, his words full of ridicule.

The man from Abo, the man from Abo, turned black!
Do you want to listen to what you are saying? ? ? ?

Do you really care about the reputation of the Kingdom of Light? ? ?
I haha ​​your face!
You said you cared about it before! ! !
How did the Revelite die?

Let you go straight through the pain!

Grozam even beats you to pieces several times!
Especially if you dual-wield vertical guillotines!

Just chop it into pieces!

None of this is what you did!
The reputation of the Kingdom of Light has been completely ruined by you a long time ago!
What a pity that the Kingdom of Light has earned its reputation over tens of thousands of years!

Thinking of this, Yabo couldn't help but snorted!
But this cold snort made Allen feel quite happy!
Good guy, it looks like you are still very unhappy with me!

Then I will teach you how to be a good person!

He decisively condensed a hand-held eight-point light wheel with a diameter of 500 meters and rushed in front of the Yabo people!

"Huh! That's right! Why don't I be more honest!"

"You must let Mr. Allen do it yourself!"

"I really am a bastard!"

When the Yabo people saw Allen rushing towards him with a 500-meter eight-point light wheel, the expression on his face suddenly changed!
Become extremely frightened!

My body couldn't help but tremble!

How did you come here? ? ? ?

You must know that the Abo people are people who know the current affairs!

The only way to face Allen is to be cut into pieces or chopped into minced meat!

But if it falls into Ace's hands, he might still survive after some hardship!

As Ace's old rival, Yabo still understands Ace's character!
Ace will not attack an opponent who has surrendered!

So it’s better to give in now!

Then he decisively became smaller, made a pair of handcuffs by himself, and cuffed them on his hands.

Looks like a good baby.

Allen also snorted coldly when he saw this scene.

Good guy!
His skills are gone!
But it doesn't matter!
People of Abo, the days ahead are long.

Also transformed into human form.

see this scene.

People in the future will be stupid...

Can it be like this?
Are the people before him now the people of Appos?
Aren’t the Yabo people very arrogant? ? ?

You have changed!

Now he has become so gentle and polite!
It's up to Allen to take action!

If it weren't for Allen, he would have faced the Yabo people alone.

He will probably be beaten up by the Yabo people!

Not just the future!
The reporter in the distance was completely dumbfounded!

What is the situation!

It turns out that this guy is the ferocious Ultra Warrior!

No wonder he attacked me directly!

no!not like this!

Absolutely not!

This Ultra Warrior can really kill people!

They are all so cruel in their treatment of monsters, which is fundamentally different from Mebius!

You must not make this Ultra Warrior angry!

Otherwise, you will really die!
Of the four people present now.

Two Ultra Warriors, and the other woman seems to have an awkward relationship with Mebius!

No one helps me at all!

Even if they die here, they won't expose that cruel Ultra warrior!
I will only be regarded as a poor ghost killed by a monster...

A gentleman does not stand under a wall of danger!

and so……

Plop! ——

Decisively kneel on the ground!

"I'm sorry! Ultraman Eren, Ultraman Mebius, I was blinded by lard before!"

"I actually didn't mean to bully you!"

"It's entirely because of my leader that they asked me to write bad reports about you!"

"Let me say something bad about the GUYS team in every aspect!"

"If you are unhappy, go find my boss!"

"I'm just a poor person who obeys orders. I am a senior and a junior!"

Hiruchuan Mitsuhiko knelt on the ground, crying to Allen with runny nose and tears.

It's not easy to talk about how difficult it is for him, and everything he does is not his intention!

None of this was what he wanted to do!

Seeing this scene, Sister Cai looked at Mitsuhiko Hirochawa with disgust.

It’s okay to deceive children with these words, but isn’t it a joke to deceive them?
Allen also looked disgusted!

But I have absolutely no interest in taking action against this guy!
Hitting such a person is dirtying Allen's hands!

Besides, what if he reveals Future's identity later?
At that time, we basically faced the Ampera people.

It’s time to leave in the future!
Humanity has not changed anything about Mebius because of his future status as Ultraman!
Then Allen directly left this space with Yabo and Mirai Sister, plus Mitsuhiko Hirukawa...


on the moon...

Ace used a vertical guillotine to remove one of Lunaticus' arms again.

Then decisively started mincing meat like Allen!
It didn't take long to completely chop Lunaticus into meat paste!

It's so cool!

Ace has a satisfied expression on his face!

Why hadn't he discovered before that the fighting method of cutting monsters into pieces was so enjoyable?

This little guy Allen still has something!

Sure enough, these new generations still know how to play!
I still need to study more in the future!

Everyone in Guys was dumbfounded!

Good guy!
Your Kingdom of Light...

They are really butchers per capita!
Monsters also feel pain, okay?
Although there is no monster protection organization, such a battle really makes people think that the Kingdom of Light is a moral model in the universe!
It seems that no previous Ultra warriors had such a fighting style!

Ace's previous battles didn't seem so terrifying!


Didn't the Ace they saw before evolve into the Butcher?

I don’t know what other Ultra warriors’ fighting styles are like now…

Could it be the same?
It seems that the future is the most normal!

Just when Ace was feeling comfortable!

A call made Aisun stunned for a moment!
A figure wearing a white dress appeared in front of him...

(End of this chapter)

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