Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 47 Sure enough, you and Ace!Get huge!

Chapter 47 Sure enough, you and Ace!Get huge!

"Are you Nan Xizi?"

Beidou was stunned, he didn't expect it was Nan Xizi!

They haven't seen each other for years!
It's been decades.

Nan Xizi's face also showed the look of being worn by time...

"Yes! Long time no see!"

Beidou nodded, his eyes showing nostalgia.

"If I were not a moon person and had stayed on the earth, I might have experienced such wasted years with you, Seiji!"

"Time has made you so cruel!"

"They are all starting to be chopped into pieces for the monsters."

There was a trace of ridicule on Nan Xizi's face, which made Beidou blush immediately!

"I did that because..."

Before Beidou could speak, Nan Xizi waved her hand, indicating that there was no need to say anything.

"Maybe it would have been much better if I was by your side!"

"But...I don't regret it!"

"I always feel like you're with me."

"It's really nice to see you again."

Nan Xizi smiled, stretched out her hand and touched Beidou's hand.

Light shines in the universe again...

After meeting Nan Xizi, Ace finally relieved his long-standing longing.

It would be nice to know that the other person is doing well!
Then he returned to the earth with Team GUYS...


On the spaceship!
The remaining Desreim and Mephilas also saw the Yabo people's operations.

His face is full of anger!

As subordinates of the Great Emperor of the Dark Universe from Ampera, they were actually able to surrender to the Ultra Warriors.

It was just rubbing their faces and the faces of the Ampera people on the ground!

"Damn Abo people! They are so worthless!"

"I would rather die standing than live on my knees!"

The star Mephilas cursed secretly.

"The question is what do we do now?"

Desrem also began to think about what happened next.

Allen's strength is indeed beyond their imagination. If he tries hard, it is basically impossible for him to be Allen's opponent!
"Why don't we go find His Majesty the Emperor first!"

The Mephilas star thought for a moment and said to Disrem.

"Looking for His Majesty the Emperor? Do you want to die?"

Desrem looked at the Mefilasian with an idiotic expression.

If they don't complete the mission of the Ampera planet, they will basically die!
"With the strength of the two of us, plus the super beast left by the Yabo people, we should be able to fight Allen!"

"The other Mebius and Ace are nothing!"

Disrem thought for a moment and decided to give it a try!


On earth at this time...

"Are you saved..."

"I'm alive!"

"Alive, still alive!"

After Hiruchuan Mitsuhiko came out, he knelt on the ground with a look of surprise on his face.

Seeing Hiruchuan Mitsuhiko's appearance, Mirai kindly came to him.

"That's great, Mr. Hirukawa!"

However, after Mirai finished speaking, Hiruchawa Mitsuhiko's eyes changed instantly!No one cared about him inside, and he didn't dare to conflict with Allen, but now he is back on earth.

Can you, an Ultra Warrior, still kill me?

"I have seen your two true identities!"

"Don't expect me to be silent!"

Hiruchawa Mitsuhiko ran away decisively after making harsh words!
If he continues to stay here, who knows if Allen will take action against him!
Future heard this and was a little confused.

He obviously meant well and wanted to be comforted.

In the end, what happened was what the other party deserved.

And judging from the other party's intentions, it seems that he also wants to reveal his and Allen's identities!

It was himself who harmed Allen!

Allen also noticed a change in mood going forward.

"Alan, Mitsuhiko Hirukawa is right...I can't protect anything by myself..."

Feeling Allen's movement, Mirai expressed the confusion in his heart.

It would be nice to find someone to vent to right now.

"In the future, instructor Ace once said that enthusiasm cannot be annihilated."

"Be considerate of the weak and help each other. No matter which country you are with, you can become friends. Don't lose this feeling."

"Even if this relationship has been betrayed hundreds of times."

A smile appeared on Future's face after hearing this.

I am still too weak and too entangled!

Like Allen, he has never struggled with anything!
I still have a lot to learn!
"Alan, Brother Ace still knows a lot of things!"

"I don't know what Brother Ace's previous experience was like!"

"Only to be able to say such good things."

The future is quite emotional.

If you were alone, it might take a long time to get out!

The Yabo people on the side almost stared out of their eyes when they heard this.

Hey Hey hey!

Are you sure this came from your mouth?
Are you sure it was Ace who said these words? ? ?
Do you two take me for a fool?
Seeing the look in Yabo people’s eyes…

Snapped! ——

Allen slapped him directly!

Who the hell gave you the courage to look at me like this!
The people of Abo covered their faces and were about to cry without tears.

Didn’t I just say something?
Why would you hit me like this?
Do you know how insulting a slap is to a poor cosmic being?
I am still a child!

Sure enough, you and Ace are both bastards!
The result is here.

The long-lost voice suddenly sounded!
[Your fighting style is extremely ferocious, and you have received the critical blessing from the Mother of the Universe! 】

[You have an epiphany of skills—enlargement (unlimited)! 】

Allen:! ! !
What the hell! ?
There is a reward! ?
Allen lamented that there was no such thing in the last two battles.

He thought his methods were not cruel enough!
The result was unexpected!
Here comes the slap on the Yabo people!
And he also got this skill!
You must know that the skill of enlargement is not that simple!

Ultra Warriors maintain a height of 50 meters because monsters are basically of this height level.

Any bigger size will consume more energy.

But that doesn’t mean that enlargement is useless!
Once it becomes bigger, it means that its power becomes more powerful!
The light skills released will also be more powerful!

It can even reach the level of destroying stars!
There are generally only three factors that limit the power of light skills.

Size, energy and light control ability!
Allen's three aspects this time were directly full!
Infinite energy, top-level light control ability after obtaining Ultra Guillotine, and now unlimited enlargement!
In the future, maybe I can crush the monster with my fist!
If you smash the monster directly, it would be considered a kind of cruelty!

Maybe you can even get better skills!

Even if you face a huge monster like Beludora, you won't feel hard to fight!
Then he looked at the Yabo people with a smile on his face...

After seeing Allen's eyes, Yabo people were suddenly shocked!

what do you want?

(End of this chapter)

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