Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 48: The Yabo people were beaten violently by three parties, and they cried!I want the Zhang

Chapter 48: The Yabo people were beaten violently by three parties, and they cried!I want to go home!
Clap clap clap clap! ——

Continuous slaps echoed in the park.

Whoa whoa whoa! ——

The screams of the Yabo people also echoed in the ears of several people...

Just listening to the sound, everyone would probably think that something terrible happened here!

Mirai and Sister Cai saw this scene...

All confused!


What's the situation?

What is Allen doing?
Abuse of prisoners of war?
Keep slapping Abo people in the face!

It seems that prisoners of war also have human rights!
But having said that...

There seems to be no human rights law related to aliens on Earth...

That's fine!

That's fine!

Hit whatever you want!Hit whatever you want!
There won’t be any laws to protect monsters anyway!

Since there is no legal protection, they just pretend they didn’t see it!
This is just a unique way to welcome alien friends!

The future is finally enlightened!

It is no longer the straight male mentality before.

"Sister Cai, it's okay. Allen is just naughty. He is just having fun with the Yabo people right now!"

Yabo people: @&#*&*@
The people of Abo were numb after hearing this!

Totally numb!

You call this a joke! ?

I'm fucking playing with you!
at this time!


A familiar voice sounded!

"Ellen, stop it, you bastard!"

Allen was stunned when he heard this, but the movements of his hands did not stop.

Then he and Mirai looked in the direction of the sound.

It's Ace!
Ace is numb now!

It’s so numb!

As soon as I returned to Earth, I saw Allen whipping someone!

How the hell am I supposed to explain this to Nan Xizi? !
When the two of us whispered, we made sure she was doing well!

I will definitely teach Alan to be a gentle and kind person!
The result is now...

"Ellen, what on earth are you doing!"

"Why do you hit humans?"

"Do you know that the purpose of the Kingdom of Light is not to allow nesting against people?"

Ace hadn't finished his reprimand yet.

As a result, he and the Yabo people looked at each other!
"Damn it! Arbo people!"

"Fuck! Ace!"

Ace is stupid!

Totally stupid!

What's happening here?
As soon as I arrived, I saw Chang Wei calling Laifu...ah!
When I came here, I saw Allen fighting the Yabo people? ? ? ?

Am I not awake?
Or am I falling under the illusion of someone now?
He must be under an illusion!
definitely is!

I'm going to kill everyone!

How could it appear in front of him again?


Must be fake!

Ace pinched himself hard and looked at Allen again.

But the scene in front of me has not changed at all!
Then the shocked expression on Ace's face slowly turned dull...

As for the Apo...

It thought its savior had arrived!
Ace is more or less amiable than Allen!
You would never abuse yourself like this!


What Yabo people didn't expect was...

With a calm expression on his face, Ace pointed out the usage of Eren Ultra's slap...

"Alan, you bad boy!"

"Is this how you use the Ultra slap I taught you?"

"Just that much strength?"

"I'll tell you!"

"Ultra's slap will turn someone's neck 360 degrees!"

"do you understand?!"

Allen: 6!

Then the Yabo people ushered in Alan Ace's mixed doubles!
After seeing this scene, Sister Cai became even more confused.

Turning to look at the future.

"Is this...a joke?" As for the future, he looked serious!

"No, no, no! This is no joke! This is brother Ace's teaching practice!"

"It's not a joke at all!"

Yabo people: @%...#%@! ! ! !

Allen and Ace were both happy.

call! ——

I have to say, it’s really cool when Ultra slaps people!
The Abo people were holding a pig's head on their heads with tears in their eyes...

Are you Ultra Warriors poisonous?
I've never seen you like to beat people up before, right?
What happened all these years?
You have become like this!


It's outrageous!
Now I finally understand why you care about the reputation of the Kingdom of Light!

Good guy!
How can the reputation of your Kingdom of Light be better if you mistreat your opponents like this?

You're just trying to deceive the poor monsters who don't know what you really are, right?


"Instructor Ace, are you still a little unsatisfied?"

Allen looked at his hands and said with some unfinished meaning.

"A little indeed!"

Ace nodded heavily!
It's really cool to smoke your old enemy!

But it’s still a bit unpleasant!

Do you want to think of other ways?
Allen lowered his head and started thinking...

There is no reward for a slap in the face anymore.

But the Yabo people can create super beasts!

Wouldn’t it be possible to get rewards for beating super beasts that don’t feel pain?
Can you also use different methods and different skills to completely abuse super beasts?

This is cool!

This is completely a perpetual motion machine for collecting rewards!
A thought here.

Allen was so excited!
As long as he has the help of the Yabo people, he feels that he will not be far away from punching the monster graveyard in Nanshan and kicking the mysterious Siao in Beihai!

Snapped! ——

Allen quickly mentioned Yabo and slapped him!

"Don't you know what you should do?"

"Didn't you hear my instructor Ace say that he didn't feel happy?"

"Hurry up and make a super beast!"

"Otherwise I'll chop you into dumpling fillings!"

Allen's face full of murderous intent made the Yapo people tremble uncontrollably!

Whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! ——

Ace, why are you like this?

I still like you as you were!
As for Ace...

His face turned dark when he heard this!
What do you mean I'm not enjoying myself? ? ?
Why don’t I think you’re not enjoying yourself!

But speaking of it, it seems pretty good to have Awa people make super beasts!

In this way, a steady stream of training objects will appear!

When I was so angry at Allen, it seemed like there was a monster that I could vent my anger on!
This way you won’t be angry and your lifespan will be shortened!
He also rushed to the Yabo people.

Snapped! ——

"Why don't you make a super beast?"

Yabo is numb!
Totally numb!


Ace, you are so serious!

Really let me make a super beast!
The people of Abo were about to weep but had no tears.

I feel like I want to die, woo woo!

The only one who can save him now seems to be Mebius!

This is really the first time that Mebius looks so pleasing to the eye!


I know you are the gentlest!
You can remain gentle in the face of a human being who attacks you like that!

So you will definitely save me!

So he cast his eyes towards the future asking for help.


Something happened that made the Yabo people’s mentality even more explosive!
Not only did Mirai fail to save him, but he slapped Yabo directly in the face.

The Yabo people were stunned!

What did I do? ?
Are you coming too? ? ? ?

"Can you do it faster!"

"Didn't you see that Alan and Brother Ace are a little impatient to wait now?"

"If you don't hurry up, I'll give you a taste of special jeep training!"

Yabo people: QAQ

I want to go home!

(End of this chapter)

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