Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 49 Allen: Dare you threaten me?Let you experience being the director of a meat factory!

Chapter 49 Allen: Dare you threaten me?Let you experience being the director of a meat factory!

After experiencing inhuman torture.

The Yabo people who had turned into pig heads are now numb!

Totally numb!

Now he finally understands why Allen's methods are so cruel!

Good guy!
It turns out that you people in the Kingdom of Light are all dogs!
Membius, you are such a handsome guy, but you are also such a cruel guy!
Especially you two, Alan and Ace!
If I create a super beast, you two will chop it into pieces!

Anyway, the super beast has no pain and no fear!
As long as it doesn't chop into my body, it doesn't matter!
Anyway, it’s not me who’s in pain!
But none of the capitalists on earth are as outrageous as you two!

Capitalists all know how to let their people rest.

At least there is some rest time!

What happened to you two? ? ? ?

I ran out of energy to make super beasts.

No more power to make.

Is this guy Allen directly transmitting power to himself? ?
I**** you ******!
He doesn’t even have any rest time!

It’s really too much!

Can you let me have a good rest? ? ? ?
In comparison...

Mebius’s jeep training is still so comfortable! ! ! !

at this time.

"Ellen, it's great! It's so great!"

"Give the Yabo people a special jeep training, and bully you...well, beat the super beasts, I feel that my current strength has improved dramatically!"

"You've become so much stronger!"

Future jumped in front of Allen with a happy face.

Show off your muscles to Allen!

He now finally understands why both Allen and Severn like Jeep Special Training!
Good guy!
This special training is so interesting!

Is there anything super cool about hitting someone?
"Speaking of which...Brother Ace, have all my companions returned?"

After showing off his muscles to Allen,

Mirai looked at Ace aside.

He felt like he hadn't seen the members of the GUYS team for a long time!
"I was anxious to return to Earth to check on your situation, so I flew a little faster than them. They should have arrived above the Earth by now."

Ace thought for a moment and said to the future.

"That's it! Let me take a look!"

In the future, he nodded and looked at the sky.

"It's the base of Team GUYS!"

"They're back!"

After seeing the Phoenix Nest, a smile appeared on Future's face.

Finally able to see my friends again!
But right now!
Behind the Phoenix Nest, a black hole wrapped in purple-red gas suddenly appeared!

Swallowed the Phoenix Nest directly!

When everyone has not reacted.

boom! ——

The huge fireball caused by the earth-shattering explosion stunned everyone!


Future's eyes were blank, he didn't expect such a thing to happen!

He quickly rushed towards the explosion site!

I want to see if my teammates are...

Is there still a chance to save it?

Not just here in the future.

People in the city were also shocked!
Have absolutely no idea what's going on!
"GUYS team base...GUYS team base exploded!"


"The GUYS team's base can withstand any harsh conditions!"

No one wanted to believe this scene.

after all……

After all, the GUYS team base gathers all the top technologies of mankind!

How could it explode so easily!
This is impossible!

Future runs on the road and keeps crying out in despair!
He couldn't believe it all!
The enemy was not seen, the enemy's face was not seen.

His teammates just like this, suddenly all died in the air...

Even if I don’t want to believe it in the future, I still know it very well!
At such a height, it is impossible for anyone to survive such a huge explosion!But right now!
Other departments suddenly sent messages to the future!
Find a survivor!
Allen looked at the appearance of the future, and quickly brought the future to the hospital and met George.


After knowing that George had woken up, Future rushed in quickly.

"Sorry... I'm the only one back..."

George's face was filled with sadness and he was afraid to face the future.

"What are you talking about! George! Everyone is still alive, right?"

In the future, I don’t dare to face reality at all…

I can only hope to get the words I want to hear...

George also nodded, confirming Future's statement.

Everyone in Team GUYS did not die.


Future let out a long sigh of relief.

Very good!
But there was no relaxed expression on George's face.

"The reason why I came back alive is to send a message to Desrem, one of the Four Dark Kings..."

"It wants to bring a message to Ultraman Mebius and Ultraman Eren through the mouths of its companions."

"It wants Ultraman Mebius and Ultraman Eren to be completely defeated on Earth!"

"This is the condition for it to be returned to its other companions..."

George was filled with despair!

He didn't know why Disrem chose him.

This makes George always feel that he has betrayed his companions.

at the same time!

A huge blood-red vortex suddenly appeared over the city!

All humans who see this vortex can see it at a glance!

This is the thing that destroyed Team GUYS’s base!

Desirem appears from it!

At the same time, in the hospital, news of Desrem's appearance also spread!

Let the future be stunned!
What should we do now!
The other party directly threatened him with the lives of all his companions!

Does he want to go over and fight?

However, if he doesn't fight, his companions will definitely die!
But Mirai finally decided to transform!
Right now!

"Forget it, I'll leave this place to you in the future, stay with your companions."

"As for Desrem...just leave it to me!"

Allen patted Future on the shoulder to reassure Future.


"But if you lose, Allen..."

"Everyone on earth will be in despair!"

The future is naturally clear, and letting Allen pass is the best solution!

But Disrem said it.

Allen must fail completely,

Only then will you return guys’ companions! ! !
But how could Allen, such a cruel and proud guy, be willing to admit defeat!

Even if Allen was really willing to be defeated by Disrem!


Human beings will also fall into despair in an instant!
Moreover, if Allen is defeated, what other choice does he have besides defeat?

It will really be the end of the world then.
"Don't worry! I can't lose yet!"

"It's just a Desirem!"

"Your teammates will also survive!"

Allen smiled and reassured the future!
A mere Desrem is nothing at all!
As for the GUYS team, Phoenix Nest is quite impressive!

Absolutely nothing will happen!

After saying that, Allen decisively transformed and appeared in front of Disrem without waiting for Future's answer!
The rewards for the super beasts that killed the Yabo people before were not very good!
This guy Desrem just happened to come!

You dare to threaten me, right?

Let you experience what it means to be a meat factory director!

(End of this chapter)

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