Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 50: King Jianbo of Gachulein appears! 5-meter Allen giant!

Chapter 50: King Jianbo of Gachulein appears! 500-meter Allen giant!
"Look! It's Ultraman Eren!"

"Ultraman Eren appears!"

"Kill this guy! Revenge for Team GUYS!"

"Yes! Ultraman Eren, avenge Team GUSY!"

After seeing Allen appear,

The people are very excited!
Now Alan is their savior!
This guy wiped out the GUYS team, which completely ignited everyone's anger!

In their eyes, Team GUYS is like a savior who has helped mankind survive many crises!

It's on the same level as Ultraman!

As a result, a guy suddenly wiped out the GUYS team. Naturally, they couldn't stand it!

Everyone hopes that Allen can help the GUYS team get revenge!
And seeing this scene in the future will also be quite confusing...

To say whether Disrem can beat Allen in terms of strength, it is really hard to say in the future!

But the situation is different now!

Even Allen's strength far exceeds Desrem!

But the other party has the lives of other members of the GUYS team in their hands!

Allen's method of fighting monsters is indeed cruel!

But in the face of threats,

What exactly would Allen do?

He doesn't know...

If Allen gets mad, Desirem kills all the guys, which is what he doesn't want to see!

on the battlefield.

"Where's Membius? Are you too scared to come out?"

"But it's okay!"

"If you can abide by the agreement and die honestly!"

"I'll let the guys from Team GUYS go!"


Disrem's face was full of sarcasm and he pointed to the sky!
In a blue sphere, the Phoenix Nest was still intact and controlled in the air.

The meaning is self-evident!

That is, if you dare to attack me, Allen, then everyone in Team GUYS will die completely!
So you kid, you better think about it!

"That's it??"

Allen spat with disdain.

If Team GUYS threatens Mebius, he will really be threatened, but threatening him?
Totally impossible!

"Hahahaha! Of course not!"

"I know you are cruel, but the lives of the mere GUYS team have little impact on you!"

"This is just a gift for Mebius!"

"As for yours..."

Desrem's eyes showed a cruel light.

Black-red mist suddenly appeared in the space around him.

Mephilas appears!

With a wave of hand from Mefilas Star!
The space around the two of them began to shatter!
An extremely scary-looking monster came out of another dimension!
"This is your opponent! King Gasureine Jambo!"


After the people from Mephilas summoned King Gasureine Qianbo, they looked up to the sky and laughed wildly!
That's right!

This is the super terrifying super beast that the Yabo people created before!

A combination of Gashurlein and King Qianbo!

Whether it's defense or attack, this super beast is fully equipped!

The ultimate prize just for Ellen!
Allen was also stunned when he saw this King Gachulain Qianbo!
King Qianbo's body, but his face was replaced by the faces of the three Gasullein brothers!
And he also has the same wings as Gashurlein behind him!

So that means he has all the skills of Gashurlein and King Qianbo!
Even golden light can be released!
To be honest, Allen didn't even expect that there would be monsters that were not in the original work.

And the plot has also changed greatly!
The Mephilas star actually appeared here!
But it’s okay!You can fight even if they all show up!

After all, it is unlimited energy!

He is the real Dharma King now!
Another thing that made him very unhappy was...

Gou Yabo people, you actually didn’t tell me that you created such a super beast like King Gasurein Qianbo!
It looks like I’m going to practice more with you when I get back!

Facing such a brand new monster with no previous reference.

Allen is no nonsense either!
Decisively start using skills to start tentative attacks!

The first is an eight-point light wheel with a diameter of 50 meters!

Lost it remotely!

Zizizi! ——

The eight-point light wheel hit the faces of the three Gasullein of King Jianbo of Gasullein quite accurately!

If the original defense power of Gachurein were to be followed, such an attack could easily crack their faces open!

However, this time, facing Allen's eight-point light wheel, King Gachulein Qianbo was not harmed at all!
Instead, he was easily blocked by the opponent!

Naturally, Gachulein and King Bo would not watch Allen beat him!
Decisively use the skills of King Qiangbo, and the destructive light rushes towards Allen!

Allen doesn't dodge either!

Anyway, Allen, who has the power of aurora, can only send energy to Allen with his light skills!
After absorbing the destructive light, Allen once again injected a lot of energy into the power of the aurora and reflected it back!

The yellow light bombarded King Gasureine Jambo.

Caused a huge explosion!

Countless sparks splash!
But it still didn’t cause much harm to King Gachulain Qianbo.

"There's something to this defense!"

A kind smile appeared at the corner of Allen's mouth!

High defense is good!

very good!

In this way, he can use more cruel methods to play with King Gachullein Qianbo!

You might be able to get a cool reward!

And this super beast,

The attack power is also good!

At least it's much stronger than King Qiang Bo's attack!

As for telepathy...

Although Gachulain is not using telekinesis now, he can still guess that he is definitely not weak!

Thinking of this, Allen also decided to give Gachulain a little respect to King Qianbo!

Hands condense huge energy!
A thousand-meter-long vertical guillotine stands in the middle of the city!
"That's it??? That's it???"

"It's just a thousand-meter Ultra Guillotine, it can't hurt me at all!"

Looking at the thousand-meter-tall Ultra Guillotine, Gachulein's victory over King Bo was completely justified!

Future and Ace were also quite worried when they saw this scene!

I didn't expect these guys to be able to create such a terrifying monster!

Can Allen beat this guy?
A 50-meter-diameter eight-point light wheel is completely unable to harm King Gachulain Qianbo...

Now looking at the opponent's intention, it seems that even a thousand-meter-high vertical guillotine can't do anything to the opponent!
How to do!
"Hahahaha! Let me see what you do!"

"This guy Yabo still came up with some interesting things!"

Disrem and Mephilas also started popping champagne at halftime!
Aren't you, Allen, very strong?
Didn’t he use a thousand-meter-high vertical guillotine to make the Yabo people surrender?

What now?
Come on!


Allen was very calm, and then he was in the extremely shocked eyes of everyone.

The body directly transformed into a giant 500 meters, and then looked down on all living beings like a god, and said calmly:
"So what?"

(End of this chapter)

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