Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 51: Allen crushed the monster to death, and Noah Hellfire killed two kings in one instant!

Chapter 51: Allen squeezes the monster to death, and Noah’s Hellfire kills the two kings instantly!

quiet! ——

Quiet! ——

The city, which was originally noisy and full of voices asking for help and refueling, suddenly fell into deathly silence!

Everyone's faces were full of shock!

My heart was even more filled with fear!

Everyone unconsciously rubbed their eyes, unable to believe what they were seeing!

This is a god!
This is definitely a god!
Only gods can possess such terrifying power!
They couldn't believe it at all. Allen actually grew to a height of 500 meters!

What kind of concept is this!
For humans, a 50-meter-tall creature is the limit of their imagination!
Among all human disciplines, monsters are something that subverts everyone’s imagination!
Not to mention Ultra Warriors!
Light particle life forms are already outrageous!
As a result, now, it can actually grow to 500 meters!

500 meters! !
The tallest building that humans can build is only 500 meters taller than this size!

What is this concept?
Buildings cannot be moved!
But the Ultra Warrior is different. This is a living creature that can move 500 meters!

Everyone looked at Allen who was far beyond the city buildings.

It's like looking at a god...


Inside the GUYS team base at this time.

After all the members of the GUYS team saw this scene at first.

Everyone was filled with worry and guilt.

They really didn't want Eren to admit defeat because of them.

Moreover, the opponent also released a King Gachulein!

This guy is a monster that is the fusion of the most powerful super beast that has ever appeared and a three-sided golem from the universe!
This guy's defense and attack power are quite terrifying!

If Allen can't fight well because of them, then it will be really dangerous!
You will definitely be bullied to death by this guy!


Something they didn't expect happened!
Alan actually grew to a size of 500 meters!


In the past, Allen was just the Saw Man of Light.

Now Allen has directly transformed into the Giant Saw Man of Light! ! ! !

Ace here...


Totally numb!


What did I see? ? ? ?

Don't you think it's hard to hold the 1000-meter guillotine?

It’s not easy to hold, isn’t it? ? ?
It's not fun enough to kill monsters without holding something in your hand, right? ? ?

So you directly enlarge to 500 meters? ?

You're going to piss me off so much! ! !

look at you! ! !

How does it look like Ultraman!
A thought here.

Ace looked into the distance and seemed to see the Kingdom of Light.

Then he knelt down.

I am a sinner from the Kingdom of Light!

the other side.

The jaws of Desreim and King Jianbo were about to drop!


What the hell is this?

Eren, it's outrageous that your fucking weapons are so big!
How can I still grow bigger? ? ?
Are the current skills of the Kingdom of Light so terrifying? ? ?

You're so damn afraid you're not a fake Ultraman! ?
and also!

What's more, the amount of energy required to grow to a huge size is a quite terrifying figure!

Simply by virtue of the fact that you Ultra Warriors can only move for 3 minutes on earth.

Such a huge body may not be able to withstand it for even 30 seconds!

Thinking of this, Desrem and Mephilas suddenly felt at ease!

you boy!
You want to exchange energy for huge attack power, right?

Let's see how long you can last!

With such a body shape, all we need to do is hold on!

What's more, you have to use various attack skills!
We really don’t believe that the energy in your body is endless!

But before they could react.Boom! ——

Boom! ——

Boom! ——

Allen raised his foot and stomped toward the ground!

Every kick is enough to trigger a magnitude [-] earthquake!

After all, it is a creature that is 500 meters tall and weighs a million tons!
Not just anyone can block a powerful kick!

Even the plates began to squeeze and crack under such impact...

The earthquake made everyone completely unable to stand!
The surrounding buildings collapsed under such terrifying vibrations!

The dust is flying, turning the city center into an earthy world!

However, even this is the case.

There is no way to cover Allen's huge body!
A demon-like figure stood in the middle of the city.

Everyone who saw this scene trembled in their hearts!

My body was shaking like chaff!
They couldn't imagine what it would feel like to be stepped on...

Maybe you'll sleep peacefully!
In other words, it is peaceful to turn into meat sauce!

But something happened that shocked everyone even more!

In the dull and horrified eyes of Disrem and others.

Allen directly grabbed Gachurein and raped King Bo!

Then he laid the guy flat, directly pointed the tip of the thousand-meter-long vertical guillotine, and started rubbing it on the face of King Gasureine!

Isn’t your boy’s face very tough?

Isn't it impossible to chop it?

it is good!very good!

This is a perfect whetstone!

Feel the sensation coming from your face.

The king of Jia Xielein was so numb!
Totally numb!

Are you an Ultra Warrior? ? ?

woo woo woo woo! ——

You sharpened your knife in front of me before!

Now you really think of me as a pencil sharpener, don’t you? ! !

On Nima outrageous! ! !
Let me go please!Please woo woo woo! ! !
Allen, who had been sharpening the knife for a long time, picked up the vertical guillotine and looked at the tip carefully.

It’s like watching your own knife sharpening skills!
Then he nodded with satisfaction, as if he was very satisfied with the sharpness of the vertical guillotine!
Then before King Gasureine Qianbo could react.

Allen directly arrested King Gachullein!

In front of Allen, who is 500 meters tall, King Gachulein is as big as a mouse!
Pooh! ——

Such a huge monster was actually crushed to pieces by Allen!

Countless organs, flesh and blood, and stone fragments fell from the sky, falling heavily at Allen's feet...


see this scene.

Desrem and Mephilas were panicked!
Totally panicked!

Good guy!
Don't talk about dealing with Allen now!
It takes a lot of effort to deal with him! !

run! ! !
run! ! !
Don’t run now…

What are you waiting for! ! !

Waiting to die? ? ? ?

Disrem and the two were about to turn around and run away.


How could Allen let the two of them off so easily!

The majestic energy condensed on the arm.

Then Allen's entire left arm was wrapped in blazing red energy!
Along with Allen's left arm swinging out!
The flaming punch with a temperature of one trillion degrees rushed into the sky at a speed that surprised everyone!
boom! ——

The earth-shattering explosion dyed the entire sky orange-red!
All the water vapor in the clouds was evaporated by the power of Noah Hellfire!

Leave the blue sky behind.

Everything before seemed to completely disappear.

Gudong! ——

Ace swallowed, his mentality completely shattered!
Who the hell is the villain?

(End of this chapter)

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