Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 56: The cloaked Ampera star, beaten with a mace! ?

Chapter 56: The cloaked Ampera star, beaten with a mace! ?
After seeing Allen's operation, Ess became numb!

Totally numb!

Covering her face, she didn't want to see the scene in front of her...

Allen, what the hell!

Can you look like an Ultra Warrior?

As Ultra Warriors of the Kingdom of Light, we must fight with all our strength when facing the enemy!
As a result, what about you?

Let the opponent make three moves? ? ?
it is good!
This is the Ultra Warriors of the Kingdom of Light talking about martial ethics.

But the Ultra Warriors of the Kingdom of Light will not taunt their opponents, right?

Are you maxing out your taunting ability now?


You kid doesn't look like an Ultra Warrior at all!
Don’t say I know you when you go out in the future!
Not to mention that he is my Ace's disciple!

Unlike Ace, Mirai is now full of admiration!
What is a strong man!
This is the strong one!

Invincible strength!
Quite a pretentious way of speaking.

Even facing such a terrifying opponent, he can still give him three moves!
Who can do it?

Even Instructor Ace can’t do it!

From now on, Allen will be my lifelong idol.

Ace had no idea at this time that the future had been completely led astray.

The reputation of the Kingdom of Light is destined to never return to its former glory.


Everyone in the GUYS team also admires Allen!
too strong!
Faced with such a terrifying opponent, it just came from the sky.

It can destroy the entire city!

Let the sun disappear and the world turn into darkness!
But there was an opponent with such a terrifying sense of oppression in front of Allen.

The attack had no effect at all!

Fireballs that can turn the ground into magma, and light skills filled with terrifying energy fluctuations.

Not even a spark flew out when it hit Allen!
It's great to have Alan here!
If Mebius had gone up, he might have been knocked to the ground by now!

The people of Ampera are going to be so angry now!

When had he ever been so wronged? ? ? ?
When had his attacks been absorbed like this?


Allen must not be allowed to continue to be so crazy!
Otherwise, where would he be as the Great Emperor of the Dark Universe?
We can't continue to be embarrassed like this!
However, just when the Ampera people planned to continue to strengthen their attacks!
Allen's body suddenly burst out with terrifying energy!

Feel this wave of energy.

A look of horror suddenly appeared on the face of the Ampera star!

He had no idea that Allen could burst out with such terrifying energy!

Even the father of Ultra, who first awakened the true power, didn't have such terrifying energy!
Then the Ampera star's Rezolim light was converted into light energy, and rushed towards the Ampera star with even greater power!

You know, this time the Rezolim light is joined by Allen's power and the energy of the previous black flame fireball!

The power is quite terrifying!

Even if it didn't touch the ground, the overflowing energy alone would leave a rather deep ravine on the ground!
Take the cut dust and rush towards the Ampera planet!
The expression of Star Ampera changed!
He quickly put his cloak in front of himself!

Reflective cloak!

One of the equipment of Ampera Star!

Very strong resistance to light skills!
In the original work, it even blocked the combined attack of the two major skills, Dream Beam Ray and Knight Ray!

boom! ——

The fireball produced by the huge explosion instantly enveloped the Ampera planet!

The power of the Rezolim light reflected back by Allen is far more powerful than the fusion of the two light skills of Membim Ray and Knight Ray!

Even with a reflective cloak, it couldn't completely block the power of this light skill!However, it still greatly weakened the power of Rezolim's light!
In the smoke, a cloak passed by!
The strong wind brought by the cloak blew away the smoke, revealing the figure of the Ampera star to everyone again!

at the same time!

A huge black sword appeared in the hand of the Ampera star!

Ultimate Blade!

A weapon with the same name as the artifact from the Kingdom of Light!

The sword passed down from generation to generation in the Kingdom of Light!

One of the most powerful weapons in the universe!

Accompanying Ampera in the invincible universe for tens of thousands of years!
After Allen saw the Ampera aliens taking out the ultimate blade, he didn't waste any words!

Decisively condense the energy into an energy mace!

The spikes cover the entire body of the mace.

It looks so oppressive!

Mace? ? ?
Not Ultra Guillotine? ? ?

it is good!
Very good!
Ace is very touched now!
Allen finally listened to his words!
No more vertical guillotine or anything like that!
You are finally no longer obsessed with dismembering your body!

I will reward you well when you come back!

This time the reputation of the Kingdom of Light is finally preserved!

We won’t be called a meat factory by other cosmic beings!
He doesn't have to bear Ultra's slap anymore!
The look of admiration in Future's eyes is even greater!


This weapon looks more domineering!

Sure enough, only such weapons can be worthy of their status as Ultra Warriors!

Weapons like swords are still not domineering enough!


At this time, the Ampera people were stunned when they saw Allen taking out an energy mace!

Using energy to maintain a weapon consumes quite terrifying amounts of energy!

And it continues to be consumed!
But it doesn't matter!
His Ultimate Blade is one of the most powerful weapons in the universe!

Wouldn't a mere energy mace break into pieces at a touch?
What a complete waste of energy!

At the moment when the people of Ampera were stunned!

Allen's mace hit the Ampera star hard!

Ding! ——

The sound of gold and iron resounded throughout the city!
The eyes of the Ampera star were full of shock!
what's the situation? ? ? ?

The ultimate blade didn't chop the opponent's energy mace into pieces? ? ?
The Ampera star felt like he was hallucinating.

As one of the most powerful weapons in the universe, the Ultimate Blade didn't chop up an ordinary energy mace?
What a terrifying energy there is in this energy mace!
Only by compressing the extremely terrifying energy to the extreme can we use energy weapons to block the ultimate blade!
This has nothing to do with strength!

It’s exactly a numerical value!
Pure numerical values!
There is a kind of numerical beauty!

The people from Ampera, who had never experienced anything like this before, were immediately stunned!
There was no reaction for a moment!
Allen doesn't care about the Ampera people's confusion!
Taking advantage of this gap, he grabbed the Ampera star's cloak!

With a heavy lift, the Ampera star's cloak was placed over the opponent's head!

After seeing this scene, Ace was stunned.

? ? ? ?
Allen, what do you want to do?

Don't mess around!
But in Ace's shocked eyes!
Allen raised the mace in his hand high.

Then he hit it hard!
Bang bang bang! ——

The sound of flesh being beaten resounded throughout the neutral city!
Lao Tzu!

Allen, you are a loser!
this moment.

Ace's mentality completely exploded!
(End of this chapter)

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