Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 57 Dark Armor, bring it to you!Allen is so angry at Ampera!

Chapter 57 Dark Armor, bring it to you!Allen is so angry at Ampera!

What a bad boy you are! ! ! !

Do you know what you are doing? ? ?
Um? ? ? ?

I thought wrong before!

Totally wrong! ! !
Ace has always believed that without Ultra Guillotine, this guy Allen would never do anything shocking!
As a result, the current facts prove that Ace still underestimates Allen too much!

Too small!

Do you want to see what Alan is doing now?
He actually...

He actually condensed the mace, covered the head of the Ampera star and started beating him to death!

Really beating him to death!
you see!
That hammer, such a long thorn!

If it hits the head of the Ampera star, even the Ampera star can't bear it!

It's terrifying!
What else can harm the reputation of the Kingdom of Light...

This shit has already rubbed the reputation of the Kingdom of Light to the ground!
What else is there to say about martial ethics...

Good guy!
Is this how you talk about martial ethics?

Just like Heisehui!
What the hell was he covering his head and beating him?

Do you really think that if you cover your head, the Ampera people won't know who hit you? ? ?

Ok? ? ?
Of course!
Ace was not the only one who was dumbfounded at this time.

Even Mebius was stupid!


very handsome!
This fighting style is so cool!

Mebius is so angry now!
Why haven’t I met Allen before?
Can you tell me what his previous fighting methods were?

Not great at all!
It doesn’t look good at all!

Look at Allen's fighting style now!

Quite perfect!
Top-notch violent aesthetics!

Learned learned!

I must get a mace weapon if I get a chance in the future!

This weapon is much better than a lightsaber, isn’t it?

At this time, the members of the GUYS team were quite emotional when they saw this scene!

The earth is really safe now!

no way!
The sense of security that Allen gave them was so great!
Say it!
Even enemies like the Amperas, who span the universe, come to Earth and have no temper at all when facing Allen!
Make Allen rule obedient!

Not to mention the monsters native to the earth!
What kind of space monster in the universe?

Or maybe it's a monster that has bad thoughts towards humans. In front of Allen, it's just a toy!

After coming to Earth, there is only one way!

Then let Allen find a new way to fight!

Then it was chopped into meat sauce.

Look, what happened to the previous monsters.

Death directly is the best outcome.

What Grozam, what Yabo people, what King Gasureine Jambo...

The way each of them died was so miserable!

All of them were asked to be dismantled directly by Allen using the most violent means!
Really scary!

Right now!

The mentality of the people of Ampera completely exploded!
Who is he?

He is the Great Emperor of the Dark Universe!

The Kingdom of Light and the people of the universe all have the only way to go by surrendering at his feet!
The result now?
Good guy!
He was actually being held down on his head and covered with his own cloak.

Hit the head repeatedly with the mace!
Is this what people are angry about? ? ?Is it because people are angry? ? ?
What's more, he is the Emperor of the Dark Universe!
Damn it, the current Ultra Warriors in the Kingdom of Light are more outrageous than the last!
It seems that his reputation has been forgotten by everyone in these tens of thousands of years!

This is more than he can endure!

You must let your reputation resound throughout the universe again!
Let’s start with this Ultra Warrior today!

"Get out of here!"

The Ambella star roared!
Black and red flames emanate from the whole body!
When Allen saw this scene, a smile appeared on his lips.

He wanted to see what other methods the Ampera people could use!
Then he jumped to the side, folded his hands on his chest, and looked at the Ampera star with a playful look!
Seeing this, the Ampera people became even more angry!
"Dark Armor!"

With the sound falling!
A dark armor suddenly appeared in the sky.

This is one of the greatest means of the Ampera Stars!

Dark Armor!

The mysterious armor with evil energy made by the great emperor of the dark universe, Ampera, will give the wearer incredible power.

He originally planned to use it as his final trump card to invade the Kingdom of Light.

I didn't expect that I would be forced to wear this by an Ultra Warrior!

Let’s start with Allen today and let the Kingdom of Light experience his terror again!
see this scene.

Ace was shocked!
You must know that this is the armor that can amplify the Dark Emperor!
At that time, the Kingdom of Light could only use continuous attacks, giving the Ampera people no chance to wear this armor!
As a result, Allen actually gave the Ampera star the opportunity to wear this!

This kid Allen is going to die!
Thinking of this, Ace was filled with worry!
What should we do now?
If he hadn't taken action, Allen would probably have confessed here!
Ace gritted his teeth!

He has decided!

If Allen really can't defeat the Ampera people, he will take action!
Help Allen block the Amperra planet!

Let Allen go back and shake people.

As the King of Ultra said himself, a being who can become a god, nothing can happen to Allen!
Not only him.

The Ampera star also snorted coldly!

you are done!
As long as the Dark Armor merges with me, it won't be a big deal even if you, the Kingdom of Light, come together!
I will kill you today!
But just when everyone thought that a crisis was coming.

Allen took off directly and snatched the Dark Armor!

Bring it to you!

Ampera star:? ? ? ? ? ? ?

What the hell? ? ?
Aren't you guys talking about martial ethics?

As a result, look at your current actions. Are they a sign of martial ethics?
Don’t you know that you can’t use your hands when transforming? ? ? ?
Damn it, I didn’t even do anything when you Ultra Warriors transformed or used their skills!


When it comes to martial ethics, I just laugh!

Is the Kingdom of Light like this now?

How despicable!

Your Kingdom of Light claims to be righteous, but is it justice to take other people’s things?
This is not justice, okay?
Ultraman Ken!

Is this the Kingdom of Light after you win over me?

I haha ​​your face!
When Allen landed, the Ampera star and Allen looked at each other.

Allen could clearly see the anger in the eyes of the Ampera star!

"Give me back the dark armor!"

"Is this the martial ethics of the Kingdom of Light???"

Hearing the angry roar of the Ampera people, Allen shrugged and said to him: "Give it back to you?? Instructor Ace said that as long as it is something that others don't want, I will take it and it will be mine!"

"So if I give my things to the enemy, isn't that slandering the enemy???"

? ? ? ? ?

Ampera/Ace: You fart! ! ! ! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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