Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 62 Beria breaks through the seal!Challenge the Kingdom of Light!

Chapter 62 Beria breaks through the seal!Challenge the Kingdom of Light!
Space Prison.

After the two Ultra Warriors saw each other, they thought they were the first generation.

He quickly saluted!

But when the Ultra Warrior looked up, the two of them realized something was wrong!
The eyes with this color definitely cannot be from the first generation!

"Don't move!"

He rushed forward decisively to stop this guy.

But it's just...

Facing the Zarrab people with the ultimate combat device, the two of them were no match at all, and easily killed them instantly!

Then the Zarrab people walked into the cosmic prison.

I saw a dark Ultra Warrior fixed by countless stones similar to obsidian.

"A dark Ultra warrior who has been sealed away for tens of thousands of years!"

"Now, come to life in my hands!"

After the Zarrab star came in, he returned to his original appearance and looked at Beria very excited.

A ray of light was released directly from the ultimate battle instrument of the Zarrab people!

Bombarded the stone pillars around Beria.

Beria thus breaks through the seal of the cosmic prison!

"Beria! Beria! The most powerful and evil Ultra warrior born in the Kingdom of Light!"

"Dominate the universe with me!"

The Zarrab people were very excited after seeing Beria breaking the seal!
It’s as if he already rules the universe!
"This is the ultimate battle instrument for you to throw into the Valley of Fire when you are thrown into prison!"

"take it!"

The Zarrab people handed over the ultimate combat instrument to Beria, without any defense at all!

Just after Beria got the ultimate combat instrument, he directly killed the Zarrab people with a stick!

Beria will not tolerate anyone standing on his head!

What's more, the other party is just a Zarrab star!

However, it didn't take long for Beria to be happy!
Taro led a team of Ultra Warriors to the cosmic prison!

The security capabilities of the Kingdom of Light are so impeccable that not even a fly can fly in!
So Tyro got the news that the cosmic prison had been invaded as soon as possible.

It's so late!

Then Tyro and the members of the Kingdom of Light Space Guard decisively began to fight Beria!
As Beria, who possesses the ultimate combat instrument, his strength is definitely not comparable to that of Taro and the others!
Taro was soon beaten until he was left alone, and was then pushed into the Kingdom of Light!


"Bleach!! Can you beat it gently!!!"

At this time, on the King's Planet, Zero was beaten to the asteroid again by Allen.

Since the last time Zero and Allen fought, Zero has been unhappy in a thousand ways!

I just want to find my own place!

He really didn't believe that he couldn't beat Allen!

They are both about the same age.

His talent is not bad, how could he not catch up with Allen.

Just fight a few more times.

However, Zero was still convinced of Allen's strength at this time.

This strength makes Zero feel that he is stronger than Leo!
As for Leo now...

That's really as uncomfortable as eating shit!
What the hell, why are my disciples being beaten up by Allen every day?
Is the gap between geniuses so big? ? ?

"Hey! Allen makes me don't know what to teach now!"

"Good talent means good!"

"You don't need to worry about your instructor at all."

"I also want to do something!"

Ace crossed his arms and said he was a little bored.

But anyone can see the proud smile on his face!

I’m glad Leo wasn’t mad to death!
Ace, what the hell!

Why are you pretending to have a disciple who can become a god?
If you have the ability, continue to train Zero!
If you can make Zero become like this in a short period of time.

Then I will obey you!

But why don’t you use Allen’s ability to show off here?

It's just that...his disciple is not as good as Allen, Leo can't say a word!


As for Allen...

Seeing Zero lying on the ground, Allen was also quite unhappy!
Sero, how talented are you now?

you see!
I've beaten you so hard for so many days!
As a result, your kid didn’t reveal a single skill to me!
Say it!
Are you still Tsuburaya's biological grandson?

It must be fake!
Could it be that Beria also had the same dish, so that’s why you defeated him?


Now Allen really wants a powerful opponent!

There's no point in beating a Zero!


and many more!

It seems that there is still a strong opponent!
Allen's eyes lit up!
Suddenly something occurred to him, and his eyes unconsciously glanced at Ace and Leo aside.

At the same time, Ace also noticed Allen's eyes!

Realizing the fighting intent in Allen's eyes, Ace trembled all over!

Allen, what do you want to do? ? ? ?

What does that look of yours mean? ? ?
Could it be that you want to spar with me? ? ?


Allen, this bad boy, really wants me and Leo to go together!
I'm warning you Allen, you can't be like this as a disciple!
This is a crime, this is betrayal of the master! ! !
Just stay there!

The Kingdom of Light at this time.

Countless Ultra warriors have been knocked to the ground.

The fastest and strongest Max is on board!

Oh no!

Max took a shot from the Ultimate Fighter!

no no no!wrong!

Max is at it again!He stood up!

oh!not good!

Max is down again!

This time he couldn't stand up!

Max is down!

Our savior is here!
Superman Aguang, come on Membius!
Oh no!

Hikari is knocked down!

Mebius was bound and thrown into the universe!

These two people were defeated without even a chance to change their forms!

Is it true that no one can stop Beria?
No more!
The first generation, Zoffie, Severn, and Ultra brothers are here!

The strength of the Ultra brothers is still very good.

The three of them could still fight Beria for several rounds.


As the top combat force of the Kingdom of Light who fought with the Father of Ultra tens of thousands of years ago.

Beria's strength is not something they can match!
What's more, at this time, Beria also possessed an artifact like the Ultimate Combat Instrument.

The first generation and Severn were quickly defeated.

When Zuo Fei saw this scene, he quickly stood in front of the two of them.

Just in case Belial takes a last hit!


Even the previous three people fighting together were unable to defeat Beria, let alone Zoffi alone?
Beria was kicked directly from the plasma spark tower!
Step hard on the ground!
After taking care of the three Ultra Warriors on the periphery, Beria also walked towards the Plasma Spark Tower.

Met Jack and Eddie!

These two men were no match for Beria and were quickly knocked to the ground.

There is no way to stop Beria!
at last!

Beria once again came to the place where he once fell into despair!

The plasma spark is here!
(End of this chapter)

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