Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 63 Leo: Flying kick to the hedgehog!Ellen I hate you!

Chapter 63 Leo: Flying kick to the hedgehog!Ellen I hate you!

Alan, don’t fucking look at us two!
The two of us will never fight you!

Not even killed!
Is your boy something that ordinary people can handle?

Absolutely not!

No matter what you say today, I won’t fight you!
I'm dying!
What is the face?
Totally unimportant!
Ace and Leo trembled when they noticed Allen's eyes!
Leo really doesn't know Allen's current strength.

But it's awesome!
There's no way he can kill the Ambelans instantly!
The Ultra Warrior who can kill this guy instantly, how the hell can he be an ordinary person?


On Earth at that time, Allen was so damn close to being killed by him!
He has strictly forbidden Mebius to tell anything about what happened on Earth.

It’s impossible to be embarrassed here now!

If he was seriously injured by Allen's Leo Dismemberment kick here.

He really has no face to return to the Kingdom of Light!

Impossible okay!

Totally impossible!

So, when Allen looked at him, Leo's face was full of rejection!
I don’t want to fight Allen even to the death!

Think about it, as a senior of the Kingdom of Light, he was instantly killed by his junior with one move!

Then where the hell does he put his face as the fighting master of the Kingdom of Light?


Absolutely not.

He can't be embarrassed here.

Just follow Ace and reject Eren.

After all, Ace is also Eren's master.

It's impossible for Allen not to respect his teachers.

That's right!

So does Ace.

He would never forget, before taking Eren to Earth.

Eren and his battle...

What the hell is a battle? ? ? ?

Good guy!
At that time, Ace felt that he could see his own breasts!
It is completely impossible for him to fight Allen now!

Absolutely not!

Not only is it embarrassing, but it’s so easy to lose one’s life!

Looking at Ace and Leo, Allen didn't give up the idea of ​​fighting them.

"Instructor Ace, Instructor Leo, let's try fighting!"

"I want to see how far my current strength is from yours!"

Allen's words almost made Ace curse!
How big is the difference?
How far is the gap between you and us? ? ? ?
What's special about you is that you don't have a clear understanding of your own strength!
It’s the big gap between us and you!


I absolutely can't do it!

If I get in, I guess the position of King of the Kingdom of Light and the position of Director of the Meat Factory of the Kingdom of Light can be handed over to Allen!

Isn’t there a perfect candidate here to dump the blame?

"I won't fight you Allen. After all, I am your instructor. Fighting with you is unjustifiable."

"But you can come with Leo!"

"He can hone your fighting skills to a great extent!"

Old God Ace quietly passed the pot to Leo.

Leo was also stunned when he heard this!
What the hell? ? ? ? ?
Ace, do you know what you are talking about?
You are such a special brat!

If you can't fight it yourself, just dump the problem on me? ? ? ?
So what if it's my brother?

Do you really think I dare not take action against you?


I really dare not!
woo woo woo woo!

Who can come and save me!
Fighting with Allen can range from serious injuries to serious injuries, and can be straightforward!

Zero doesn't know what Leo is thinking now!
Zero is quite confident about his master's fighting ability!
"Hmph! Fight with my master?"

"You don't even look at your own strength!" "My master is the fighting master of the Kingdom of Light!"

"The top Ultra Warrior, you, an Ultra Warrior who has not yet grown up, will definitely not be Master Leo's opponent!"

Zero looked quite unconvinced on the side.

Leo is the strongest Ultra warrior in his heart besides the King of Ultra and the Father of Ultra!

Isn't it easy to deal with an Allen? ?
When Leo heard this, he felt a surge of momentum in his heart!

He is the fighting master of the Kingdom of Light!
Isn’t it easy to deal with Allen?
When fighting Allen on Earth, he didn't use all his abilities!
I was also worried that I would hurt Allen at that time.

Unexpectedly, Allen caught himself off guard at that time!
This time, as long as he uses all his strength, he will be able to completely defeat Allen!

"That's right! I just didn't want to bully Allen before."

"Since Allen has brought it up now, let me have a sparring session with Allen!"

Leo smiled, full of confidence!

Ace looked on blankly.

Good guy!
Leo, you kid is crazy!
Do you know what you are talking about?
If you are killed by Allen right away this time, I won't take action!


"Great! Instructor Leo, I'm on board!"

When Allen heard this, his eyes were full of surprise.

I didn’t expect Leo to be such a good person!

Then he'll get on it!

Condensate the power of the Flame Red Dragon Fist and Lightning White Tiger Fist directly in your hands!
A sprint!
When he came to Leo, who was still confused and unresponsive, he hit Leo twice in the face!

Of course you have to use fighting skills when facing a fighting master!
I saw fire starting to burn on Leo's head, and his body was covered in lightning!

Zoffie would be very happy to see this scene!

You are really good!
You actually worship me like this!
I’m starting to get excited about COS!
At this time, Leo finally reacted!

Are you so cute that you still play sneak attacks?

it is good!
very good!

You made me uncomfortable last time with your Leo Flying Kick!
Now I'm still playing sneak attack!

Then I will let you know the full power of Leo's flying kick!
Let you know, we are called Ultra Brothers, and the meaning is not that simple!

Then Leo took off!
Leap directly to a thousand meters in the air!
Energy condensed in the soles of Leo's feet.

I saw Leo being wrapped in flames and falling from the sky with terrifying power!

Allen is no less impressive!

Use Leo Flying Kick from the bottom up!

snort!You kid still wants to use Leo Flying Kick?

Leo sneered when he saw this scene.

Can a flying kick from below hurt him?



Ace, Zero, Leo and Zeta, who had just woken up, had shock in their eyes!

Allen was surrounded by dozens of small vertical guillotines!

Just wrap it up for Ellen!
Just like a hedgehog!

Allen, you bad boy!

If I fight with you in the future, I will be raised by you!

Leo let out a heart-wrenching cry!

The Kingdom of Light at this time...

Belial also met Ultra's father and Ultra's mother.

Facing Beria, who was well aware of his weaknesses, the father of Ultra was quickly knocked to the ground.

The Mother of Ultra is even less likely to be Beria's opponent.

The plasma spark was also taken away by Beria, and the Kingdom of Light fell into a complete freeze!

Become a hell of ice...

(End of this chapter)

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