Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 64: Enlightenment of Saka Storm!Beria has escaped from prison! ?

Chapter 64: Enlightenment of Saka Storm!Beria has escaped from prison! ?

"How... how is it possible!"

"Why is this happening!"


Seeing the Kingdom of Light that had become a hell of ice, Mebius's eyes were filled with despair.

He didn't understand why he could be so weak...

If I could be stronger, I wouldn't be like this!
He was not able to save the earth with his own hands at that time, and now he cannot even protect the Kingdom of Light...

What qualifications does he have to become a member of the Space Guard of the Kingdom of Light?

Damn Beria!

you wait for me!

But what can I do now?
Mebius wants revenge and wants to take back the plasma spark.

However, I have no power at all now!
Facing Beria, he had always risked his own death!
Is there really no way to sanction Beria?
Membius slapped himself hard.

How can one despair as an Ultra Warrior!


Absolutely not!

He believes there must be another way!

Right now!

Mebius's eyes flashed!
He thought of someone!

Isn't Allen on the King Star now?

Moreover, Leo, Astra and Ace are all on King Star!
You can definitely ask them for help!
Especially Allen!
Eren is the most powerful Ultra warrior that Mebius has ever seen!
Even Ace, Taro and the other Ultra brothers don't have such terrifying strength!

As long as Allen takes action, he will definitely be able to deal with Beria!
That's right!

Thinking of this, Mebius hurriedly rushed towards the King Star.


At this time, on the King's Planet, Leo was lying on the ground covered in scars, with a look of despair on his face...

His reputation!
His prestige!
his face!


It’s all gone!

At that time, Allen's guillotine hedgehog and Leo's flying kick collided!
The earth-shattering explosion produced a huge mushroom cloud directly on King Planet!

The shock wave even directly flew Zeta and Zero away!
He fell heavily two kilometers away!

After seeing Allen's skills, Ace slipped away a considerable distance, so he was not harmed by the shock wave!

Looking at the mushroom cloud rising into the sky, the Ace people were dumbfounded!

Isn’t this skill of yours a bit too scary!

Ace is really lucky now!

Fortunately, I passed the blame directly to Leo at that time!

Unexpectedly, this boy Leo would accept it, and this was the result of the battle between Ace and Allen!
As for Leo...

He fell heavily in front of Ace, with wounds all over his body cut by Allen's Ultra Guillotine.

It won't get better in a few days!
More importantly, Leo's leg was also broken...

That's such a miserable look!
Allen slowly walked out of the center of the explosion intact.

Right now!

He heard the familiar mechanical sound again.

【Ding!Your fighting style is extremely ferocious, and you are blessed with a critical strike from the Mother Universe! 】

[You have an epiphany about Saga Storm! 】

Saga Storm? ? ?

Another mysterious four-level skill!
It’s the same skill that directly knocks Hyperjetton out of the sky!
It's so cool!

Knew it!
You still have to fight with people like Leo and others who are somewhat famous in the universe to get good rewards!

You see, Zero is not famous at all now, and there is no way to activate rewards against Zero! ,

It didn't take long for Allen to be happy.

Mebius came to the King's Star.The timer on his chest kept flashing a red light.

Ace looked confused when he saw Membius's appearance.

Leo's face was full of despair!

People from the Kingdom of Light usually don’t come to King’s Planet, so why the hell did they come here today!
The way he made a fool of himself was clearly seen!
"Membius, if you don't stay in the Kingdom of Light, what are you doing here?"

"And did you encounter a fight?"

Ace looked at Mebius with a confused expression, somewhat confused as to why he looked so embarrassed.

"Brother Ace! The Kingdom of Light...the Kingdom of Light is frozen! Beria has escaped from the cosmic prison!"

After Membius saw Ace, he couldn't hold back the grievance in his heart.

Kneeling in front of Ace, his eyes were filled with despair.

If only he could have half of Allen's strength at that time, or he could be slightly able to fight with Ace.

This will not be the result.

He was directly sent into the universe by Belia!

In the end, it was only because of this stick that I survived until now.

How could Mebius accept it even though he was still alive as a gift from his opponent?

Ace is confused!

Totally confused!

Beria is out of trouble? ? ?

Is the Kingdom of Light frozen?
Did he hallucinate because he didn't wake up?
It must be fake!
How is this possible!

How could this guy Beria escape from the cosmic prison of King Ultra!
"Can you two stop talking!"

"Membius my hand!"

Leo only has two words of despair now!
Good guy!
Forget that the Kingdom of Light is frozen, can you please stop stepping on my hand?
When Membius heard this, he jumped away quickly and then noticed that he didn't see Leo at all when he came over.

He stepped directly on Leo's hand.

"Brother Leo, what are you..."

"Hit by Allen?"

Mebius looked at Leo. The only one on King Star who could hurt Leo like this was Allen!
The expression on Leo's face became even more desperate when he heard this, and he didn't want to say a word!

"I can't control that much anymore! Brother Ace, where is Allen?"

"Now only Allen and you can save the Kingdom of Light!"

Seeing the despair on Leo's face, Membius chose to turn a blind eye and began to ask about Allen's location.

"Mebius? Is there anything you can do for me?"

At this moment, Allen and Cero came behind Mebius.

As for Zeta…

I was directly stunned by Allen's dismemberment kick...

Who knows where it was blown to.

Then Mebius also told Allen about the Kingdom of Light.

Hearing this, Allen was also a little surprised on his face.

Good guy!
Is the plot of Super Galaxy Legend advanced?
But it's okay!
Facing him now, Beria is nothing more than a toy!

Moreover, Beria's reputation and strength may allow Allen to acquire even more terrifying skills!

"Okay! Leave it to me!"

Allen patted his chest, this is a reward!
Sero on the side was full of dissatisfaction when he heard this!

"Instructor Leo, I want to go too!"

Zero looked at Leo quite seriously.

I don’t mind at all that Leo is dying now!

Leo's mentality exploded!
What the hell is my disciple!
Your instructor is dying!
So you actually wanted to go out? ? ?
Then get out of here!

Sero's face was full of excitement when he heard this.

(End of this chapter)

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