Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 65 Beria resurrects the monster!Allen: Shake people?We are the originators!

Chapter 65 Beria resurrects the monster!Allen: Shake people?We are the originators!
At this time, Beria had arrived in front of a Klein bottle-shaped building that looked like it was made of obsidian.

This is one of the forbidden areas in the Kingdom of Light!

Monster Graveyard!

In fact, from the outside, this place doesn't look like a cemetery at all.

However, there is something quite mysterious about it.

The Monster Cemetery is divided into two spaces, one is the ordinary space, and the other is the place entered through the center of the building.

This is where the monster graveyard really is.

It's filled with lava and monster souls floating in the air.

As for why this happens, it also has something to do with the way the monster cemetery is constructed.

In the field of mathematics, a Klein bottle refers to a non-directional plane with no distinction between "inside" and "outside".

The structure of a Klein bottle can be expressed as: a bottle has a hole at the bottom, and now the neck of the bottle is extended and twisted into the inside of the bottle, and then connected to the hole at the bottom.

Unlike the cups we usually use to drink water, this object has no "edges" and its surface does not end.

It is different from a sphere. A fly can fly directly from the inside of the bottle to the outside without passing through the surface, that is, it has no distinction between inside and outside.

This is why the Monster Graveyard is divided into two worlds.

Of course!
There are no powerful monsters among the monsters in the monster graveyard!

Basically, they are ordinary monsters that were dragged here after being defeated by Ultra Warriors.

Powerful enemies will generally avoid sending their souls to the monster graveyard.

There really is no way to get ahead here!
But for Beria, this is his perfect arsenal!
He is the man with the ultimate fighting instrument!
Can summon and control monsters and aliens.

Now that Beria has taken away the plasma spark, it is not difficult to resurrect the monsters in the monster graveyard!
Beria, who came to the monster cemetery, looked at the monster souls in the sky with a hint of excitement in his eyes.

"I'll let you make another scene!"

Belial then smashed the plasma spark onto the ground.

The huge energy that can allow the humans of the Kingdom of Light to evolve into Ultra Warriors is immediately released.

The dazzling blue light illuminated the monster cemetery, which was originally dark with only the weak light of the magma!

After putting down the plasma sparks, Beria raised the ultimate battle instrument in his hand. The souls of monsters and spacemen floating in the sky seemed to be pulled.

They all hit the ground!

"Resurrection! Monsters!"

The blue-green souls in the sky continued to rush into the ground, as Beria released the power of the ultimate combat instrument.

The ground of the monster cemetery suddenly flashed with scarlet light, and countless magma spewed out.

Monsters and cosmic beings are reborn from the magma!
Then all these monsters turned into red light and rushed into the ultimate combat instrument in Beria's hands.

"This is the time when my giant monster army will be resurrected!"

Looking at the monster army in his hand, Beria's eyes flashed with cruel light!
From today on, this universe is in his possession!

At this time, Allen, Zero and Mebius also came to the frozen Kingdom of Light.

"The Kingdom of Light has turned into this!"

Looking at the Kingdom of Light in front of him, Zero's eyes were full of horror!

The Kingdom of Light was originally a world full of life, but now, wherever there is life, it is completely a land of death!
"Because Belial took away the plasma spark!"

"What we have to do now is to take back the plasma spark!"

Mebius's eyes were full of hatred!

There is really no way for him to save the Kingdom of Light from the brink of destruction, but Allen can!
With Allen's strength, he will definitely win easily against Beria!
After all, Allen was the one who directly killed the people of Planet Ampera!
Even Belial was just a defeated enemy of the Ampera planet at first!
If it weren't for the father of Ultra who awakened his power and defeated the Ampera aliens.

There is no chance for Beria to turn black!

"Who is this guy?"

"Well! It doesn't matter! As long as I take action, a mere Beria can be easily captured???" Cero shrugged, and it was completely true. It can only be said that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers.

Seeing the quite confident Beria, Mebius was also a little helpless.

Good guy!
This Ultra Warrior is a bit reckless!

He also said that a mere Beria could easily capture him.

Catch a ghost at your fingertips!

The other party has to capture you!

Allen said nothing, which made Membius a little confused.

Under normal circumstances, wouldn't Allen stabilize his mentality at this time?

Could it be said that even Allen is not Beria's opponent?


But right now!
Membius suddenly noticed the smile on Allen's lips.

Suddenly my whole body trembled!
This smile is so familiar to Möbius!
Allen's signature friendly smile!
Every time Allen shows this expression, it means that a monster will die in the most cruel way!
hiss! ——


A moment of silence for you in advance!

Who made you be targeted by Allen?


It's a bit miserable!


It’s great to have Allen here!
It makes people feel at ease!

"Alan, what are we going to do next? Go to the Monster Cemetery and destroy Belial?"

Membius asked with a smile, but...

This makes Zero on the other side very unhappy!
"Hey, hey, hey! I'm still here! No need for Allen!"

Zero wants to prove now that he is also very strong!
He is indeed convinced of Allen's strength, but it is also true that he is unhappy with Allen!
"Ah, okay, okay! You are here! I saw it!"

Mebius waved his hand casually to show that he heard it.


Zero is so angry!

Good guy!
After all, I am also Leo’s disciple!
As for being ignored like this?

When the time comes, I will definitely prove to everyone that I am strong too!

It’s just a matter of time before we catch up with Allen!
"Belia goes to the monster graveyard just to resurrect monsters and want to play gang fights."

"But... when it comes to shaking people, we Ultra Warriors are the originators!"

Allen turned to look at Mebius with a serious expression.

Membius and Zero were stunned.

Good guy!
Now that the Kingdom of Light has been wiped out by the group, where can we go to scare people?

Can I win someone now? ? ? ?

Could it be that we go back to King Star and shake it over to Ace and Leo?
Or should we let the King of Ultra take action?

It doesn’t seem realistic!
Ace and Leo obviously want to train them!
He probably won’t take action!
However, what the two of them didn't expect was that Allen raised a smile on his lips and said something that shocked them both!

"The Kingdom of Light has more than one plasma spark!"

(End of this chapter)

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