Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 66 Are there so many plasma sparks underground in the Kingdom of Light?Resurrection directly

Chapter 66 Are there so many plasma sparks underground in the Kingdom of Light?Resurrection directly!

"Hiss! - Zundu is fake????"

At this moment.

Underground of the Plasma Spark Tower.

Seeing the plasma sparks all over the ground in front of them, the Menbius were dumbfounded!

There are still so many plasma sparks in the Kingdom of Light? ? ? ? ?

fake!Must be fake!

He is just hallucinating now!

It must be so!

There is only one plasma spark in the Kingdom of Light!

There can't be so many!
I'm hallucinating, I must be hallucinating!
Mebius rubbed his eyes in disbelief and looked forward.

All the plasma sparks in front of me are there!
Didn't go away!
it is true……

Dreams are numb!

Totally numb!

He never thought that the Kingdom of Light could create so many plasma sparks...

No wonder plasma sparks have been able to illuminate the Kingdom of Light for so many thousands of years.

It turns out there is still stock...

Got it. Got it.

So I just don’t know...

no more love...

As for Shiro...

The mentality is even more explosive!
Why did he put on the training armor and go to King Star in the first place?
Isn't it because you want to touch the plasma spark?

Then he was caught by Severn?

The results of it……

The results of it!
The result is amazing, there are so many plasma sparks in the Kingdom of Light, why on earth is he...

If I had known there were so many plasma sparks, I would have just dug directly under the plasma spark tower...

Why do you have to risk your life by running in front of the most conspicuous plasma spark and touch it...

Knew it!
People will not die if they don't die!

Allen didn't care about the two people's confusion. He rushed over and picked up a plasma spark, and flew to the high place where the plasma spark was stored.

Put the plasma spark in his hand into it.

The dazzling light once again illuminated the Kingdom of Light, restoring its original emerald green color.

Taro, Ultra's father, Ultra's mother, Zoffie...

Many Ultra warriors woke up from the ice and looked around with confused expressions.

Weren't they defeated by Beria?

Now awake again...


Beria was defeated?
The plasma spark was taken back?
Who took it back?
It's still Ace and Leo.

Or is the King of Ultra taking action?

The father of Ultra saw Allen, Zero and Membius in front of him at a glance.

"So you defeated Beria?"

"Took the plasma spark back?"

He quickly asked several people.

"No, Allen knows where the spare plasma sparks are stored. We took them out and put them here..."

Mebius said with a look of despair.

After all, I am like an outsider...

Obviously his time and status in the Kingdom of Light Space Guard are longer than Allen's.

In the end, Allen knew what he didn't know, and he was very unhappy!

"Backup plasma spark storage site?"

The father of Ultra is also numb!
Only he and other senior leaders of the Kingdom of Light knew about this. Even the Ultra Brothers didn't know about this place.

How did Allen learn about it?


The father of Ultra thought that Allen was on King Planet!
The King of Ultra is aware of this matter, so it is probably the King of Ultra who told Allen.

This should be……

Such a little thing actually bothers the King of Ultra.

I am really incompetent as the captain of the Space Guard!
"Alan, when you go back, help me thank the King of Ultra."

The father of Ultra patted Allen on the shoulder, making Allen look confused!
ah? ? ? ?

What? ? ?
Thanks to King Ultra?

Why should we thank the King of Ultra?

what has he done?
Could it be that there are things in the Super Galaxy Legend that I don't know about?
Knew it……

The people in the Kingdom of Light still hide many things from everyone!

Just like before the theatrical version of Geed was released, who would have thought that the Kingdom of Light would already have information about Gilbalis.


Of course, the two people's brainstorming drama didn't last long.

Now there are more important things.

Membius told everyone about Beria's whereabouts.

Let the father of Ultra and the Ultra brothers be eager to try it!

Blanch! ~
Beria, your sudden sneak attack has embarrassed our Kingdom of Light!
Now it's time to get back on your feet!

Just wait for us!
"Just go and rest first, and leave the rest to us!"

The father of Ultra looked at Allen and the three of them, not intending to let them get involved. After all, Beria was also a difficult person to deal with.

Mebius and the others haven't grown up yet!

However, what Ultra's father didn't expect was that Allen shook his head and said: "Captain, let me take action this time!"

Hearing this, the father of Ultra was stunned for a moment, thought for a while and nodded.

Allen is the person the King of Ultra said can become a god!

Later, he defeated the Ampera star in seconds, and he was definitely stronger than the Ultra brothers!
Can indeed become a key member against Beria.

And of course Allen will not allow anyone to steal his head!

He is just letting everyone see his methods!
Now Allen seems to have figured out how to get good rewards.

An opponent is strong and famous.

The other one is the people watching around!
Now that there are so many Ultra Warriors watching the battle, the rewards they get must be pretty good!

After hearing this, Sero also clamored to go.

It gave Ultra's father a little headache.

He doesn't know how Sero's training is now.

Turning his head slightly to look at Severn, he saw Severn nodded.

Seeing this, Ultra's father agreed to Zero's request to go.

Then the huge team from the Kingdom of Light rushed towards the monster cemetery...


In the monster graveyard at this time, Beria also wants to continue to resurrect the monsters in the monster graveyard.

As a result, I suddenly felt the power of plasma sparks.

Beria was immediately confused!
Plasma spark? ? ?
Isn’t this thing here?

Beria turned around and took a look. The plasma spark was still intact on the ground.

It didn't look like it was taken away at all.

So why is this!
Why are there two plasma spark powers? ? ? ? ?
Are there still plasma sparks in the universe?
There must be none!

As a former senior executive of the Kingdom of Light.

Beria also knows about things on other planets.

No race can develop such a thing as plasma spark...

Could it be that I feel wrong?

It seems that the seal I have held for tens of thousands of years has made my senses dull!
It's a bit outrageous that you can still feel the power of two plasma sparks!
However, just when Beria turned around and planned to pick up the plasma spark!
A metal beam hit Beria directly in front of him!

Beria immediately turned around and looked at the sky, and a red figure appeared in front of Beria!

(End of this chapter)

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