Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 67 Beria was shocked!The Kingdom of All Light is coming? !

Chapter 67 Beria was shocked!The Kingdom of All Light is coming? !

Seeing the figure in the sky, Beria frowned and rushed forward.

The ultimate combat device in his hand is swung with huge power, trying to knock the opponent away!

But what Beria didn't expect was!
This Red Clan Ultra Warrior actually kicked him from the sky to the ground!

The huge impact splashed up a lot of dust.

Beria's figure was immediately buried!
Some teasing voices came from the sky,

"That's it???"

Beria was so angry after hearing this!

When did a mere Ultra Warrior from the Kingdom of Light dare to mock himself like this!

It seems that his absence for tens of thousands of years has made the Ultra Warriors of the Kingdom of Light completely forget about their own terror!

"who are you?"

Beria pulled himself out of the soil and looked up at Allen, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

As the only ordinary Ultra warrior who knocked himself back a few steps.

He felt that the other party was still qualified to state his name in front of him!

"I am your father."

Allen glanced at Beria, and directly condensed an eight-point light wheel with a diameter of 50 meters in his hand!

He threw it towards Beria.

? ? ? ?

Is your kid still here? ? ?
Is it a bit too much?

How many times?
Beria has never seen such a ungrateful guy!
You know, the Ultra warriors of the Kingdom of Light still have martial ethics when fighting.

Except when protecting human beings, when they might be dealing with monsters, the rest of the time they were fighting head-on.

What about this Ultra Warrior?
He directly said "I am the young father", followed by an eight-point light wheel!
Let’s not talk about sneak attacks, why the hell is there such an eight-point nimbus!
Bailey is gone!
Is the Kingdom of Light so strong now?
Can it condense a 50-meter eight-point light wheel? ? ?


No absolutely nothing!

Otherwise, it would not have been so easy for him to defeat the Kingdom of Light before, so is this Ultra Warrior the strongest warrior in the Kingdom of Light in tens of thousands of years?
I didn’t expect that I hadn’t met this guy before!
But it's okay!

If you dare to go to the monster graveyard, you will definitely die!

The ultimate battle instrument in Beria's hand flashed red, and a monster stood directly in front of Beria, blocking Allen's eight-point light wheel.

But it's just...

This monster was also cut in half by Allen's eight-point light wheel!
"Is this Beria? I'm laughing so hard! He actually uses monsters to block his skills!"

"So it turns out that the dark warrior who was sealed in the legend is not that strong!"

Allen laughed in the sky.

Beria didn't take it to heart at all.

This made Beria even more angry!


This guy actually dared to mock him!
it is good!
Then let you see the power of the ultimate combat device!

For Beria, there is no such thing as martial virtue. Of course, he must use the simplest means to deal with the enemy.

Why take action yourself when you can use monsters to deal with it?
Wouldn't it be nice for him to kill Allen with a sneak attack?

Then, a series of red rays of light continued to spit out from the ultimate battle instrument.

Allen turned into monsters one after another, and kept roaring at the sky with his teeth and claws.

"Boy, I gave you the opportunity to tell your name before, but you didn't cherish it. Now it's too late!"

In Beria's opinion, except for the King of Ultra, it is impossible for any Ultra warrior to face so many monsters at the same time!

Even if these monsters stand there and let the opponent destroy them, they can completely consume the opponent's energy.

What's more, these monsters are not targets that will just stand there and be beaten!
They are guys with strong attack methods!

You, an Ultra Warrior, can only survive the attacks of hundreds of monsters!
And it can’t reveal any flaws!
Otherwise, Beria will kill Allen in an instant!

"The villain really only has three axes!"

"Shao Ren was taunted and eliminated!" "It's just... Regarding Yao Ren, our Kingdom of Light is not afraid of you!"

"The Kingdom of Light is the originator of shaking people!"

Allen smiled and looked at Beria below, raising his hands above his head.

When Beria saw this, the disdain in his eyes became even greater!
Ha ha!

Facing so many monsters, you must be scared to death!

As a result, he is still here pretending to be a fool!

He wants to see how many monsters you, an Ultra Warrior, can produce.

The plasma spark is here, and the ultimate combat device is here.

Fighting, Beria thinks he is the best!
Don't worry at all okay!
However, the next scene immediately stunned Beria!

As Allen waved his hand heavily!
In the sky, the figures of Ultra warriors appeared in front of Beria!

The all-special cats all over the sky are Ultra Warriors!

Seeing this made Beria's heart tremble!


what is this!

What the hell is this weird thing!
Why is this!

Who the hell can come over and explain it to me!
Bailey is gone!
Totally numb!

When did there still be so many people left in the Kingdom of Light? ? ? ?
Shouldn't they all be on the Kingdom of Light, with the Kingdom of Light being completely frozen?

However, when Ultra's father, mother and brothers appeared.

Beria was even more confused!


What is the situation!

Why is this happening?

Isn't the plasma spark here with me?

There is no problem with the energy inside, it is definitely a plasma spark!
It can't be a fake!

Beria's mentality completely exploded!


What has the Kingdom of Light done in these tens of thousands of years?
Can you be resurrected without plasma sparks?
"Haha! When it comes to shaking people, you are just a younger brother!"

Allen looked at Beria condescendingly, his words full of ridicule.

Don't you like sieges?

Now you give me a try at siege!
But when the other Ultra warriors heard Allen's words, they unconsciously covered their eyes...

This is so naughty...

They really don’t want to admit that Allen is from the Kingdom of Light!

Tell me, what will happen to the reputation of the Kingdom of Light after today?
Tell me what to do? ? ?
From now on, when people from space come out, everyone will say that our Ultra Warriors from the Kingdom of Light know how to play siege!
The father of Ultra is so angry now!

Ace, what on earth did you, you loser, teach Allen?
Look what Allen has become now!

You actually say that our Kingdom of Light has never lost to anyone?

Although this is true, can this be said?
Can this be said?

Ace, wait for me!

When you come back, I will definitely let you know what Ultra Forbidden Technique is - Ultra Slap!

Ace, who was far away on King Planet, sneezed unconsciously.

"Who the hell is scolding me?"

"It must be that bad guy Allen!"

Ace rubbed his nose, feeling a little unhappy.

I have no idea what I will experience next...

(End of this chapter)

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