Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 68 The body monster Beludora!Miellen shocked the audience!

Chapter 68: Beludora, the Hundred-Body Monster!Qianmi Allen shocked the audience!
"Damn! Damn, damn, damn!"

"Why is this happening!"

Bailey is exhausted!

There are Ultra Warriors everywhere now, and his hundred-headed monsters are just serving food!
Just looking at the number of Ultra Warriors, at least one monster has to fight against ten Ultra Warriors!
How to fight this?
This is completely unbeatable!
Not to mention the Ultra Brothers and Ultra Father!

"Belia surrender!"

"You have lost now!"

The father of Ultra decisively started popping champagne at halftime!

We have thousands of Ultra Warriors!
What did you use?

Hit me with your head!


He who does laundry is worthy of honor!

"You fart!"

Want him to surrender?
The father of Ultra alone can't do it!
So what if there are many of you?

You have no idea how terrifying my strength is as Leonix, who masters the most powerful Leonix artifact, the Ultimate Combat Instrument!
good good!
There are many of you, right?


Today I will let you people from the Kingdom of Light know my strength!
Now that this is the case, Beria decisively starts to overturn the table!

Raise high the ultimate fighting instrument in your hand!

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!--"

With Beria's roar, all the resurrected monsters returned to their original soul states again.

Keep rushing into Beria's body!
The terrifying energy oppression made many ordinary soldiers of the Kingdom of Light Space Guard completely unable to bear the power, and they fell to the ground one after another.

The father of Ultra felt the pressure of this energy, with a rather shocked expression in his eyes!

What's happening here?
Why is this happening?

What does Beria want to do?
Can his body resist swallowing so many monsters?
Won't he be crushed into a meat pie by the terrifying energy?

"Everyone step back!"

All the Father of Ultra can do now is to preserve the vitality of the Kingdom of Light!

As for Allen...

Now my eyes are all shining!

Allen is quite clear about what Beria wants to do!

Hey, Beludora, the hundred-body monster!
That's Beludora, the hundred-body monster!
Shouldn't this give it a good experience of the Light Saw Man? ? ?

Just when all the Ultra warriors were retreating under the leadership of the Ultra Father, Allen rushed forward instead.

The Ultra brothers and Ultra's father were stunned for a moment.

ah? ? ? ?

What is Allen doing?
Go up and challenge? ? ?

Don't go!
The father of Ultra rushed forward to stop him, but suddenly thought of it.

Allen is a person who the King of Ultra said himself can become a god!

Maybe there really is a way!

They are all in good condition now, and if anything happens, they will have time to take action!
Just when the father of Ultra was still thinking about stopping Allen, a shadow suddenly enveloped them.

Everyone felt a darkness above their heads and were stunned!
what's the situation?
Why is it so dark?
When they looked up, everyone was shocked!

What is this!
A monster with a height of one thousand meters appeared in front of everyone!
This monster has various eyes everywhere on its body, staring at everyone.

The whole body is made of monsters!
What is this special thing!

Is this a monster that can arise in the universe? ? ?

The father of Ultra was shocked and broke into a cold sweat!

This monster is so terrifying!

"You will never win against me!"

"Jie Jie Jie!"

Belia's maniacal laughter came from the mouths of all the monsters on the Baxter monster Beleudra!The different roars of hundreds of monsters, shouting words like this, made everyone's hearts tremble!
How to fight this kind of monster!

It’s totally impossible to fight!

How is Allen doing now?

At that time, Allen was the only one who rushed forward!

It's over! It's over!

Allen is going!
However, the next scene made everyone freeze in place!
As a milky white light shone, everyone couldn't open their eyes!
I couldn't see clearly what was happening in front of me!
As the light disappeared, they saw - an Allen who was a thousand meters huge!

Ah? ? ?

Everyone is stunned!
We are not dreaming!
Everything happening now is true!

The eyes of all the Ultra warriors were filled with horror!
Everything happening now has really impacted their outlook too much!
Ultra Warriors can indeed grow in size.

But there is a limit to getting bigger.

What kind of Ultra Warrior in Temeow can become as giant as a thousand meters!

The energy consumed is absolutely an astronomical figure!

Allen was standing in front of them now!

Ultra's father's eyes were full of horror.

So, is Allen awakening now?

Is this the person who is called by the King of Ultra and can become a god? ? ?
so horrible!

If the Hundred-Body Monster has impacted the worldview of Ultra's father.

Then Allen's actions at this time directly shattered the three views that Ultra's father had built over tens of thousands of years!
They are considered Ultra Warriors with a hammer!
Allen is the real Ultra Warrior, right?
Beria's crazy laughter suddenly stopped!
Gudong! ——

A loud swallowing sound echoed throughout the battlefield.

Bailey is gone!
Totally numb!

What is going on with this Ultra Warrior!

You are the one who can tell me!

Who will tell me!

What happened in the universe in these tens of thousands of years!
Why has it become completely incomprehensible to me?
First, the Kingdom of Light can return to its original appearance without plasma sparks.

Resurrect everyone.

What now?
He created a monster that was unique and even more terrifying than the original Ampera aliens.

As a result, an Ultra Warrior suddenly appeared and became as big as himself!

Are you playing me? ? ? ?

But it's okay!

After all, Belial was once an Ultra Warrior!
Naturally, he understands how much terrifying energy it takes to maintain such a terrifying figure!

In this case, Allen must not be able to hold on for long!
As long as Allen's energy is exhausted.

Then everyone in the Kingdom of Light will stay here!

"Hey! Beria, right? I'll give you three moves!"

"Now, let me sharpen the knife first!"

Allen pointed at Beria and shouted.

Then the energy in his hands condensed!

A vertical guillotine with a length of 2000 meters appeared in Allen's hand!

Such a terrifying length is just short of piercing the sky in the monster cemetery!

The extreme energy fluctuation makes no one doubt the sharpness of this Ultra Guillotine!
Then Allen actually sat directly on the ground and began to sharpen his knife on the ground of the monster cemetery.

? ? ? ? ?

Beria was dumbfounded!
The father of Ultra is confused!

The Ultra brothers are confused!
All the Ultra warriors were stunned! ! ! !

What the hell are you doing! ! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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