Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 71 Beria collapsed!Just wear the dark armor! ?

Chapter 71 Beria collapsed!Just wear the dark armor! ?


Allen doesn't care about the reaction of Ultra's father and others!
He is really happy now!
When can fighting be so exciting?

Good guy!
When the previous monsters saw such a long Ultra Guillotine, they all looked like they had seen a ghost!
Especially the Yabo people, who knelt down directly to Allen!
Now finally there is a tough guy willing to resist his attack.

So cool!
This will definitely trigger the system's critical hit reward!

But it's just...

Allen was happy, but Beria on the other side was miserable!

He was completely numb now.

He could only watch as Beleudra's body tissues were cut off with one knife.

Beleudra is really big.

It’s a lot of energy, but it still has its drawbacks.

That is, Beleudra's speed is quite slow!
After all, it is a monster created by merging monsters.

Hundreds of monsters have their own independent thinking. If they want to make actions, the nerve propagation speed is quite slow!

There was no way to avoid Allen's attack.

In the end, only the upper body of Beleudra was left.

As for Beria, he looked around blankly, unable to tell whether it was an illusion or reality.

The result is here!

Beludora's body also completely collapsed!
Beria is like a rat in a toilet bowl.

It was rotated and directly expelled from Beludora's body, and fell in front of Allen.

Seeing this scene, Zero's eyes were full of fear!

Allen is so scary!
Now, Zero is very happy, glad that he didn't make Allen angry at that time!

This guy's fighting process is a torture for his opponent!
Even if you ask Zero to fight Allen now, he won't fight!

If this was cut down by the Ultra Guillotine that was a thousand meters high...

It immediately broke in half!
He is still young and doesn’t want to die!

He even said that Zero was still confused about whether he should go over and apologize to Allen!
From what Ace said, Allen is a very vindictive person!
What if Allen remembered all the words he had used to provoke him.

Whenever Allen feels unhappy, he looks for a fight with himself.

Then he will definitely lose it!

Surely it will!

When Membius saw this scene, he said that he was very used to it!

Allen hasn't even used all his strength yet!
Think about the powerful skills Allen used when fighting.

It is estimated that Beria will be completely dissipated in this universe in a short time.

As expected of Allen, he is so handsome!

It was the right thing for me to let Allen teach at that time!
This is the way Ultra Warriors should fight!
The previous fighting style was still too gentle!
Say it!
Your Ultra Warrior fighting style is so gentle, how can you deter those aliens and monsters with malicious intentions in the universe!
Now look at Allen's battle. If you don't obey, I will cut you into pieces!

After the body was dismembered, it was sent to Ace's Kingdom of Light Meat Factory, cut into minced meat, and fed to other monsters!
Who can bear such a way of death!
For all people in the universe, this is definitely the top deterrent!

At this time, Allen saw that Beria had been flushed down the toilet.

He also returned to his original size and stood in front of Beria.

"That's it?"

"You were so crazy before, I thought you had some strength!"

"The result is still so weak!"

"I really don't know why the captain values ​​you so much!"

Allen shook his head mockingly.Seeing this scene, Beria was filled with anger, but he didn't dare to vent at all!

This guy's strength is really beyond Beria's expectations!

Now he must be no match for Allen!

If you want to defeat Allen, you still need to consume a lot of energy from the opponent before you can defeat 1
In addition, the monsters in the monster graveyard he resurrected this time are actually relatively rubbish among the same type of monsters!

They have just been resurrected, and there is not much energy in their bodies!
But once it is able to accumulate hundreds of monsters with the same strength as the Ultra Brothers.

Defeating Allen is easy!

So the priority now is to save your own life!
You like to ridicule, right?
Go ahead and ridicule!
30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi. Don’t bully Beria into being poor!
Wait for me!

But what Beria didn't know was...

Allen is not going to let Beria go!
After finally having such an opportunity to completely defeat Beria, of course Allen will not let it go!

Then Allen directly summoned the Dark Armor!

After seeing the dark armor, Ultra's father was stunned!
Totally confused!

As the person who defeated the Ampera planet in the first place, Ultra's father knew the power of this armor very well!

If the Ampera star had put on this armor at that time, he would have been unable to fight against the opponent no matter what!
Therefore, they have been using continuous attacks to give the Ampera aliens no chance to summon the armor!

But why is the Dark Armor in Allen's hands now? ? ? ?

Allen indeed defeated the Amperra!

But according to common sense, after getting the Dark Armor, shouldn't Allen take this thing and seal it in the Kingdom of Light?
After all, the dark energy of this thing is quite terrifying!

Whenever an Ultra Warrior puts it on, it will definitely affect the Ultra Warrior's mind and turn him into a Dark Ultra Warrior!

What does Allen want to do now by summoning this thing?
Don't you want to put it on? ? ? ?
No no no no! !
No one is so stupid that they don’t even know this!

probably not!

After all, Allen has been under Ace's tutelage, so he must know the consequences of wearing the dark armor!

What did Allen summon this thing to do? ? ?
The father of Ultra said that he can no longer understand Allen at all!

Beria was also stunned!
Dark armor?

The dark armor of the Ampera alien?

Why is this thing in the hands of the Kingdom of Light!
Could it be that the Ampera people were killed?

This trash!

It can actually make people fall!

However, what does the Ultra Warrior in front of me want to do after summoning the Dark Armor?

Could it be that you have to wear it yourself?

Then he will become a Dark Ultra Warrior!

Or is this person originally yearning for darkness?

Is it just going along with the flow now? ? ? ?
It is possible!

A powerful Ultra Warrior finally appeared in your Kingdom of Light, but now it is possible that he will become a Dark Ultra Warrior!
Live it!

come on!

Put it on quickly!
In this way, the two of us are on the same side!

hurry up!
In everyone's shocked eyes!
The dark armor floated to Allen's head, and then suddenly rushed to Allen's body!

Seeing this scene, everyone was numb!
Totally numb!


The strongest warrior has also fallen! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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