Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 72 Noah’s Hellfire is so terrifying!

Chapter 72 Noah’s Hellfire is so terrifying!
The father of Ultra looked at everything in front of him with dull eyes.

Why is this happening? ? ?

Who can tell him why this is happening?
Why does Allen wear dark armor? ? ?
This thing will affect the minds of Ultra Warriors and make them become Dark Ultra Warriors!

You know, Allen is the person who the King of Ultra said can become the God of Ultra!
The strength shown now has the qualifications to become a god!

If such an Ultra Warrior fell into darkness because of the dark armor.

He didn't dare think about how to deal with Allen later!

It is estimated that only the King of Ultra can solve this kind of thing!


Never let this happen!
But how to stop it now?

The father of Ultra had a headache thinking about this!

How did Ace, a bad guy, educate Allen?

Didn't he tell Allen what the dark armor was?

Do not!wrong!

Ace must have said that!
Otherwise, it would be impossible for Allen to defeat the Ampera Stars!

damn it!
No matter how many Ultra Warriors it takes today, they will pull Allen back from the darkness!
However, Membius was not worried when he saw this scene, but his face was full of excitement!

Eren puts on the dark armor again!
You know, when Allen puts on the dark armor, the energy fluctuation is enough to make everyone kneel on the ground!

When he first saw this scene, he almost recognized Allen as a god!
Only gods can ignore the terrifying dark power in the dark armor!
Poor Beria!

Who told you to dump me into the universe in the first place?
I deeply remember Allen’s words!

That means you can't beat them and give priority to them!

If you see that the situation is not right, give priority to swaying others!
It feels so good to shake people!

Belial, what does it matter if you have many monsters?
In the face of so many of us, your monster is just a food delivery!

Now it's even more difficult for Allen to hit him! ~
Little trash!
Zero is numb!

Totally numb!


If Allen's consciousness was invaded by dark forces, then he wouldn't be the first target!

Allen, who is conscious, might not be able to get rid of him!

But if he is eroded by the power of darkness, then he who has offended Allen must be the first target!
After all, if Allen falls into darkness, he will be the same as Beria!
It's impossible for the two of them to fight!
What should I do now?
Is it like what Allen said, giving priority to people?

Just looking at Allen's strength, it is estimated that only the King of Ultra can suppress Allen!
Sero regrets this!
It would have been better if I hadn't provoked Saiyan in the first place!
At least this way it won't be as embarrassing as it is now!

Beria is quite excited!

You people from the Kingdom of Light continue to be crazy!
Now your strongest warrior is directly wearing dark armor!
The mind is destined to be controlled by the power of darkness!
Wait for the two of us to join forces and beat you so many people in the Kingdom of Light as if it were just for fun!
The plasma spark is still in his hand now!
There are countless monsters in the monster graveyard!

I can summon a bunch of them for you at will!
Little party dish!
A bunch of little bastards!


However, something happened that Beria and the Ultra brothers, the father of Ultra, did not expect at all!

The moment the dark armor was put on Allen!

The dark power attached to it disappeared instantly.

All transformed into Allen's own power!
The extremely terrifying energy fluctuations made everyone look at Allen with horror in their eyes!

"It's cool! The Dark Armor is really good!" Allen shook his shoulders and slowly walked towards Beria! ~
"Beria, right? I haven't made a move for a long time!"

"I hope you're entertaining me!"

Just after Allen finished speaking, flames suddenly burned on his arms!
Noah Hellfire!
A crimson light rushed towards Beria instantly!

A temperature of one trillion degrees is far beyond what the magma in the Monster Cemetery can compare to!

Everything on the road was completely destroyed by the terrifying temperature and power!
A ravine with a length of 2000 meters and an unknown depth was left directly above the monster graveyard!

The magma underground keeps spewing out!

Dyeing everything around you into a sea of ​​magma!

"not good!"

Feel the energy fluctuations in the light.

Beria knew very well that he would never be able to block this attack!
We can only use plasma sparks and the ultimate combat device!
Then the ultimate battle instrument continued to rotate under the control of Beria!

The energy in the plasma sparks also continuously pours into the ultimate combat instrument!
boom! ——

Just after Beria made all preparations!
Noah's Hellfire finally hit the ultimate battle instrument!
The mushroom clouds soaring into the sky and the terrifying shock waves made the members of the Kingdom of Light Space Guard dare not approach at all!

Such terrifying temperatures can easily burn through their skin.

The shock wave blew away the monster souls in the surrounding sky.

It can be regarded as preventing the souls of these monsters from experiencing the terror of fire!
Otherwise, just this temperature of one trillion degrees can easily burn their souls into nothingness!

hiss! ——

The father of Ultra took a long breath of cold air!

Is this skill a bit too scary? ? ? ?
A trillion-degree flame!

Even a powerful monster like the space dinosaur Zeton.

It can only release a fireball with a temperature of one trillion degrees!
But fireballs and letting flames wrap around your body and release them through light are completely different concepts!

One trillion degrees of light!

Any Ultra Warrior who touches this skill will be seriously injured!

If it is hit directly, it will definitely fall!

This special meow is a forbidden technique!
The forbidden art of the Kingdom of Light - Ultra Guillotine, is nothing more than a toy in the face of a skill of this level!
Ultra's father is really lucky.

In other words, Allen can get rid of the control of the dark armor.

Otherwise, just such an attack could wipe out half of the Space Guard members in one go!

Sero's jaw almost dropped to the ground now!
Allen was just playing with him before!
Whenever Allen shows some real skills, he will be in the training process now! !
I’d better apologize to Allen later!
Otherwise, Zero always feels like he will be killed by one of Allen's skills at some point!

Right now!

A figure gradually emerged from the center of the explosion.

Allen's body was clean from top to bottom, not even a trace of dust!

It's as if the previous explosion didn't happen at all!
As for Beria...

Everyone could only focus their eyes on the place where Beria was before!

As the smoke slowly dissipated, they were finally able to see clearly the scene inside...

(End of this chapter)

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