Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 73 Allen is so terrifying!Destroy Beria directly!

Chapter 73 Allen is so terrifying!Destroy Beria directly!
hiss! ——

When everyone saw the scene inside the smoke, they were all stunned!

Isn’t this guy Allen so scary?

How could it cause so much damage!

I saw that with Beria as the center, the surrounding ground directly formed a deep pit with a diameter of one thousand meters and a depth of one hundred meters!
As for Beria!
Falling on the ground, it is obvious that there is more air in and less air out.

The timer on his chest kept flashing.

not moving at all.

As for the ultimate combat instrument...

Now it was directly blown into two halves by the tyrannical power!
The broken ones were randomly inserted on the ground.

You must know that the Ultimate Combat Instrument is the most powerful weapon made by the people from the Reblondo Planet!
It can even control hundreds of monsters!

Now it's like this, causing Allen's skills to be directly blasted in half!
Only the Ultra King's skills can achieve such terrifying effects!
How could their skills be able to break such a terrifying weapon in half?

It's completely impossible, okay?
Allen saw a hint of joy on his face when he saw the damage he had caused!
This time, it should be enough for the system to give itself a powerful enough skill!
Right now!

A familiar voice appeared in Allen's mind!

[Your fighting style is extremely ferocious, and you have received the critical blessing from the Mother of the Universe! 】

[You have understood the vacuum tactics of the universe! 】

? ? ? ? ?

After hearing the voice in his head, Allen was stunned for a moment!
The joy in my heart cannot be suppressed at all!
Cosmic Vacuum Warfare!
The top flying kick skills!
I don’t know how powerful Bileo’s flying kick is!
To know!
This skill is one of the four mysterious skills, Saka's skill!

At that time, we were even at a disadvantage from bottom to top!
Directly use this skill to defeat the legendary Sea Pajton!

Definitely the top flying kick fighting skill!
There is no such thing!

It's really cool!

After having this skill, if Leo still wants to play flying kicks with himself.

You will definitely suffer a big loss!

With a thud, Leo was kicked away!
Maybe you can get more skills through this skill!



Now there is someone in front of Allen who can be used as a punching bag for him!

Then use your last remaining energy!
Let me give my skills a try!
Think here!

Allen decisively flew towards Beria.

Soon he appeared in front of Beria.

After seeing Allen's figure, Beria's eyes were suddenly filled with fear!

When had he ever seen such a terrifying Ultra warrior!
What skill was that just now?
Why can it be so scary!

You actually gave him seconds? ? ? ? ?

Could it be that he came out this time just to be Allen's sparring partner? ? ? ?
Why is the world so unfair?

People from the Kingdom of Light have always been able to overwhelm him...


He doesn't agree!
He is really dissatisfied!

This damn fate!

I must break it!

Think here!

Beria felt a powerful force suddenly appear in his body!

It flipped directly from the ground!
Then the energy is gathered, boom! ——

Before Beria can use his skills...

Allen directly wrapped the power of the Flame Red Dragon Fist and Lightning White Tiger Fist around himself!

A Shoryuken punch knocked Beria into the air!
"Hey??? You still want to play explosive in front of our Ultra Warriors from the Kingdom of Light???"

"Do you know that explosive seeding is a skill exclusive to Ultra Warriors of the Kingdom of Light?" "What are you doing as a Dark Warrior!"

"Go aside!"

Looking at Beria flying rapidly into the universe, Allen's eyes were full of disdain!
Are you worthy of playing explosive sex?

You go and get the key!

The father of Ultra and others on the side heard this, and the expressions on their faces were quite complicated!
What is the ability to explode? It’s exclusive to them!
If it’s an exclusive skill, you’d better plant one!

Why do we now feel that Beria has a delicate appearance?

On the other hand, Allen looks like a villain!

It's really scary!
The father of Ultra has decided!
Wait until this incident is over, absolutely!
Absolutely, absolutely, absolutely cannot allow Allen to return to the Kingdom of Light!

Just let Allen stay on King Star!
At least there is an Ultra King on King Star!
With the King of Ultra, I can still watch Allen, if I get to the Kingdom of Light.

When did Allen start special training with others? This would not directly dismantle the Kingdom of Light!

Just do it!

Leave it to the Ultra King!
And that bad guy Ace!

When he comes back, I will definitely give him a dozen Ultra slaps!
Fix Ace’s personality!

Look at what you did when I asked you to teach Allen.

You wait for me!

At this time, Ace, who was far away on the King's Planet and was discussing with Leo how to solve this incident, shivered all over for some reason!
"Hiss! - Which bastard has been scolding me these past two days?"

"Keep me chilling!"

"Better not let me know!"

Ace cursed secretly and continued chatting with Leo without caring...


On the battlefield at this time...

Looking at Beria flying into the sky, Allen also flew directly into the sky!
Decisively strike a flying kick pose!

Everyone was stunned when they saw this scene!
What skills will Allen use again?

Could it be Leo's Leo Flying Kick?

But the damage from Leo's flying kick from the bottom up shouldn't be much!

However, what no one expected was!

The soles of Allen's feet began to gather quite terrifying energy!

This energy is a hundred times that of Leo's flying kick!
The moment Ellen and Beria came into contact!

The terrifying energy erupted instantly!

With a speed that was almost invisible to the naked eye, Allen kicked Beria hundreds of times in the abdomen!
Such a horrific outbreak is beyond the imagination of anyone!

Beria's body was also continuously kicked into the universe!
When reaching the highest point!
boom! ——

The violent explosion turned the sky above the entire monster cemetery into a sea of ​​flames!
As the energy exploded from Allen's feet, brilliant fireworks formed in the sky.

It's like celebrating Beria's death!

When the sea of ​​fire disappeared, only Allen's figure was left.

As for Bella...

Everyone knows what is going on in Beria at this time...

I have been completely impressed by Allen!
From now on, Beria will never be seen again in this universe!
Gudoo! ——

Countless swallowing sounds resounded throughout the monster cemetery...

Almost everyone's eyes were full of shock!

Especially Zero!
Shock and horror...


When Allen played against Leo, he just let the Pacific go!

The power of the dismemberment kick is much less than this flying kick!
(End of this chapter)

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