Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 74 I am the QQ life form!Absolut Tartarus!

Chapter 74 I am the QQ life form!Absolut Tartarus!

Unlike everyone else, Mebius's expression was quite calm, as if things were as they should be!

Ha ha!

Do you still need to doubt Allen's strength?

Beria is totally looking for death!
you talk about you!

Who should be offended but Allen?
Let you bully me then!
I'll just call someone over to help me get revenge!

It's so cool!

Seeing Beria's fate, Membius felt that he was more than just a cool guy!
Beria, why are you so crazy?

Check it out now!

Just let Allen die!

The main thing is to shake people with one hand!


At this time, Allen shrugged and came to the father of Ultra.

"Captain, the fight is over!"

“It’s just not enough!”

Allen looked at Ultra's father with burning eyes.

As the person who was able to defeat the Ampera people and drive Beria out of the Kingdom of Light.

If you fight him, you should be able to gain some good skills!

Even the current father of Ultra has irreparable injuries left by the Ampera aliens.

But if Beria hadn't specifically hit the father of Ultra on the waist, it seems that he might not have been able to defeat the father of Ultra!
In the original work, when helping Mebius on Earth.

Facing Gasullein is basically an instant kill!

It seems that I have found the next person who can pluck wool!
The father of Ultra was also stunned when he noticed the meaning in Allen's eyes!

Alan, what do you want to do?
You don’t want to fight me, do you?
This will not work!

I am the captain of the Space Guard of the Kingdom of Light!
If you take action against me, do you know that you are betraying the Kingdom of Light?

I advise you to think about it more!
Don't mess around!

Don't mess around!
"Captain, will my next training be with you?"

Allen didn't see the surprise on Ultra's father's face at all.

He looked at the father of Ultra with excitement, wanting to hear the answer he wanted!

If he could train with the father of Ultra, he would be able to come up with several mysterious Four Ultra-level skills!
"Ahem! Allen!"

"As the captain of the Space Guard of the Kingdom of Light, I have a lot to do in a day!"

"Well, you should continue training on King Star!"

"I believe Ace and Leo can train you well!"

"They know what abilities you need to train now!"

The father of Ultra coughed twice and put on a rather profound expression.

No idea!

He can't say that he may not be Allen's opponent!

He is the captain of the Space Guard of the Kingdom of Light!
If he admits that he cannot defeat an Ultra warrior who is less than [-] years old...

Where do you put your face?


Absolutely not!

For the sake of his dignity as captain, it would be better for Allen to stay away!
This is for his dignity and the safety of everyone!
Let Ace suffer all this!

Allen felt a little pity when he heard this...

I originally thought I could catch a pretty big piece of wool!

It turned out to be fine now...

The father of Ultra didn't teach him!

You can't say that you want to spar with the father of Ultra!

This is completely rubbing the face of the father of Ultra on the ground!

It seems like someone else can!
Right now!Allen turned to look at Tyro, Severn, Jack, the first generation and Zoffie on one side!
After noticing Allen's eyes, the expressions of several people changed!
They now know what Allen wants to say!


Absolutely not!

Can this kind of special training be given to Allen?
Haven't you seen Allen's strength?
They haven't lived enough yet!

Sneak first!

It's better to slip first!


Now that Beria has just been dealt with, they need to stabilize the monster graveyard!

Be sure to stabilize the monster graveyard!

Thinking of this, several people didn't even say anything to Allen, they just went yo-yo!
Allen was stunned for a moment...

This scene also made Allen know that it is unrealistic for him to get wool from these senior leaders of the Space Guard of the Kingdom of Light today...

Now I can only go back and continue to bully... No!Continue training with Leo Est!


at this time……

In the monster graveyard, everyone is stabilizing the monster graveyard and dealing with the following matters!
A golden portal appears in the universe above the monster graveyard.

"Why is the line of fate getting more and more confusing now?"


"I must find the factors that cause the chaos in the fate line!"

"As for now..."

"Beria is still somewhat useful and can hold off the Kingdom of Light for a while!"

"Victory belongs to our Absolute clan!"

The little golden man frowned. He had noticed before that the fate he saw was getting more and more confusing!
Now I can no longer see my destiny at all!
Everyone's fate seems to be shrouded in something, and they can't see the other side at all!
This makes the little golden man who has always been able to grasp the context of the matter very unhappy!
But for their future plans, the priority now is to resurrect Beria!
Let him do something to hold back the Kingdom of Light!

Then the little golden man condensed his energy, and the surrounding black energy began to gather in front of the little golden man.

Beria, who had been blown to pieces, appeared in front of the golden man again.

"who are you?"

"Why am I still alive?"

Beria saw a confused look on the little golden man in front of him.

Why do you appear here?
Hasn't he been killed by Allen?
Also, who is this golden guy in front of me?

"It was Ultraman Eren who killed you, and I am the one who resurrected you."

"I need you to go do something in another universe now."

"All you need to do is build up your strength in that universe."

"To attract the attention of the Kingdom of Light, it is best to destroy the Kingdom of Light!"

The little golden man directly asked Beria to work with an air of command.

Will Beria be happy?
No one in this world can order him!
Just when Beria was about to take action.

The little golden man noticed what Beria was thinking!

"Absolute Limit!"

The golden energy instantly imprisoned Beria.

Beria was immediately stunned!


Are there so many scary guys in the universe now? ? ?

Allen just showed up, leaving him with no power to fight back, and now there's an unknown guy who can tie him up? ? ? ? ?
Ah? ? ?
"Remember it! I am the QQ life form! A warrior of the Absolut clan! Absolut Tartarus!"

"From now on, you belong to the kingdom!"

"Go do your thing!"

The little golden man glanced at Beria, let him go, and then threw Beria into the portal.

As for whether Beria will be disobedient...

He is not worried at all!
Absolute strength can crush all Xiaoxiao!
(End of this chapter)

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