Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 76 Zeta was chased and chopped, and Allen went to Cheney to investigate!

Chapter 76 Zeta was chased and chopped, and Allen went to Cheney to investigate!

"I'm sorry! Brother Ace, I was wrong! Please don't do this!"

Zeta is numb!

Totally numb!

Dozens of Ultra Guillotines were chasing him behind him.

If you run slower, you will be cut into pieces!
"Zeta, don't run away! Let me love you and love you!"

Ace is feeling very unhappy now!
Not long after Allen came back, Zoffi came over and called him to the Kingdom of Light.

Good guy!
When he went back, he realized that he was still too naive!

Things in the Monster Cemetery are not at all what you imagined!
Allen has yours!

Transform into a thousand-meter-tall giant and then sharpen the knife in front of Beria? ? ?

More importantly, all Beria's attacks have no effect on you at all!

Good guy!
How come I didn't know you were so scary before? ? ?

Um? ? ? ?

Later, I even want to fight with the father of Ultra and the Ultra brothers!
There is yours!

You are really rubbing the face of the Kingdom of Light on the ground!

The point is not the face of the Kingdom of Light!
What's special about you is that you directly press my face to the ground and rub it!
Do you know that after Zoffe called me back, I was slapped by Ultra more than a dozen times by the father of Ultra!
More than a dozen!

Do you really know how much harm that means?

Later, I was pulled by Severn and the others and had a special jeep training for more than a month!
you are fine!
You are so kind!

But it's just...

Ace knew very well that he couldn't beat Allen!
If you want to vent your anger on Allen, your end may be even worse!

Then we can only pick the soft persimmon!

As Leo's disciple and Severn's son, Zero could not move.

Then the target can only be placed on Zeta!

This is why Zeta is now being chased by dozens of Ultra Guillotines!

Zeta said that he was also innocent!
He doesn't want that either!
He didn't do anything!
After Ace came back, he started to make trouble for himself...

Nothing can be done!

Who can come and save him!
Of course!
Zeta is not the only one who is unlucky, Zero is even more unlucky!

This month has been a hellish experience for Sero!
Leo is indeed on King Planet!

But the problem is...

He directly used the reason that he was injured by Allen to find a place to rest.

Throw Cero directly to Allen for training.

He would never say that he ran away because Ace was away and he was worried that Allen would take action against him!
After knowing the news, Cero suddenly felt that his life was dark.

He won't die!
Probably not!
Allen wouldn't take action against him here!

Whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! ——

Instructor Leo, do you no longer want your dear disciple?
Why abandon me at this time!

Please come back soon!

Sero feels like he is on the edge of life and death every day...

Allen is also very unhappy now.

Damn it, Zero, you can’t do it!

you talk about you!

I've been bullying you like this, but you didn't even give me a single skill!

Aren't you Tsuburaya's biological son? ? ? ? ?

Why is it so weak!
If Zero knew what Allen was thinking now, he would probably be furious to death.

It’s my fault that I’m so weak, right?
Why don't you say your talent is terrifying? ? ?

However, just when everyone is enjoying a 'happy' life!
The Ultra King suddenly appeared on the training ground!

Let everyone stunned!

Even on King Star, the King of Ultra does not appear often!

Is there anything going on today?

Why was the Ultra King suddenly attracted to him?Then everyone stopped what they were doing and came to the front of the Ultra King.

"Is there something wrong, old man?"

Allen looked confused. He planned to be a little more ruthless today to see if he could get some skills out of Zero's body!

As a result, we saw the King of Ultra.

As a qualified Ultra Warrior, Allen would not make any moves unbecoming of an Ultra Warrior in front of the King of Ultra!
Both Zero and Zeta breathed a long sigh of relief!

The Ultra King is their savior!

Without the Ultra King, they would most likely be missing arms and legs today...

It's even possible to lose it!

"Alan, Sero, there is something you need to do!"

The King of Ultra looked at the people in front of him, his tone was quite calm.

Allen and Zero were both stunned when they heard this.

The mission directly stated by the King of Ultra seems pretty good!
"What's your mission, old man?"

Alan is quite looking forward to this task!
If there is a good opponent inside!

You might even be able to acquire pretty good skills!

However, this is not the case with Zero.

Very meow.

Why me!

King of Ultra!
Just let Allen go alone!

If I go there, I'm worried that I will be accidentally injured by Allen!


What I said is true!

There is a high chance that I will be accidentally injured!
But the King of Ultra will naturally not pay attention to Zero's thoughts!
In his opinion, this mission is the most suitable for Allen and Zero to go over!

These two little guys are definitely the strongest among the new generation!

They really need to go over and get some exercise!
"You two go to the asteroid Cheney and investigate what's going on there!"

Allen was stunned when he heard this!
Asteroid Cheney? ? ? ?

Isn't this a place that appears in the plot of Super Galaxy Legend Gaiden: Ultraman Zero vs. Dark Cyclops Zero?
So this guy Beria is still alive!

He is worthy of being the number one Gou King in the Ultra Universe!

Totally can't die!
Even if he is killed by Jie Dexia later, he can still use Bai Bei's form to help the little golden man work!
It’s really a bit outrageous!


It’s also quite nice to go here!

There are many mechanical Ultra Brothers on the asteroid Cheney!
Although the individual strength is indeed not strong, it can't stand up to many!
There is also a Dark Lopus Cero.

This guy has been strengthened by the Salome people!
His strength is comparable to that of Zero in the original work!
You should be able to give yourself some surprises!

That's right!

That's all!

Must go!

"Ok, no problem!"

"Old man, I will definitely help you solve this matter!"

"Sero, let's go!"

Allen completely ignored the reluctant Zero, picked up Zero and flew into the sky!

Seeing Allen leaving, Ace also breathed a long sigh of relief...

It’s good that the Kingdom of Light didn’t send anyone there this time!

Finally, I don’t have to be slapped by Ultra!
But the pain from before still hasn’t been vented enough!

"Come on! Zeta! Let's continue!"

"This matter has nothing to do with you!"

In Zeta's desperate eyes, Ace slowly walked over like a demon...

(End of this chapter)

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