Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 77: Zero was dumbfounded!Alan, where are you cutting the dumpling fillings? !

Chapter 77: Zero was dumbfounded!Alan, where are you cutting the dumpling fillings? !
Above the asteroid Cheney at this time.

The surrounding space is cracked!
Dozens of space-time portals surround the asteroid Cheney.

"what's going on???"

Sero was stunned!
I never expected that the area around asteroid Cheney would look like this!
The energy contained around these time and space portals frightened even Zero!
How did such a terrifying scene come about?

There should be no one with such strength in the universe of the Kingdom of Light!

There are not many things in this world that can cut the entire universe apart!

Allen didn't feel anything strange.

At this time, Beria has already begun to build his own super-galactic empire in another universe!
It’s even said that it has already been established!

Dark Lopus Cerro has been produced.

The invasion of the Kingdom of Light will soon begin.

"Ellen... that... the current situation seems to be beyond the ability of the two of us to handle!"

Looking at the surrounding environment, Sero turned to look at Allen.

Allen's strength far exceeds him!

The backbone this time is also Allen, and you can only follow Allen's orders in how to deal with it.

"Why can't it be handled?"

"Isn't it just a space-time tunnel?"

"It can still be handled!"

"Besides, these time and space tunnels are not what the old man asked us to deal with!"

Allen smiled. The time and space tunnel was all stabilized because of the things in the Salome star base.

As long as the Salome people are eliminated, everything will be solved!

Thinking of this, Allen took Cero directly to the front of the Salome base on the asteroid Cheni!

"This base..."

Seeing the Salome star's base, Cero also knew how to deal with it!
It can only be said that being around Allen made Zero's IQ plummet!

no way!

At this time, Zero dared not refute anything Allen said!
Just follow orders!

As long as he behaves well, Allen will definitely not bully him!
Certainly not!

"Sero, come on!"

Allen pointed at the Salome star in front of him and turned to look at Zero.

It’s not that I won’t tell you what’s in it, but I mainly want you to go over and see if the plot has changed!

After all, in the original work, the timeline is much later!


Zero nodded. It was just a cosmic base, so there was no problem if he went over to settle it!

But right now!
A head dart hit Sero hard.

Directly smash Zero away!
"what's the situation????"

Sailo is numb!


This cosmic being doesn’t care about martial ethics!

He actually attacked me, a little kid who is only [-] years old!
Very meow!
If I don’t raise the base for you today, I won’t be called Zero!

However, the next second, Zero was stunned!
Only five figures were seen, with their backs to the Salome star base, slowly walking towards Zero and Allen...

Especially when Zero saw these five figures clearly, he became even more confused!

Ace!Severn!Sophie!First Generation!Jack!

Five Ultra brothers appeared in front of Zero.

"Hey??? Why is Instructor Ace here?"

"Are there any other Ultra brothers?"

After seeing this, Sero was ready to go up and say hello.

Just when Zero was about to go over, Allen stopped him.

"Look carefully for yourself!"

"Did you get hit on the head when you were attacked just now?" Allen patted Sero's head helplessly.

After Allen finished speaking, Zero finally noticed clearly.

These Ultra brothers are a little different from the original Ultra brothers!

There are steel rivets in many places!
But normal Ultra brothers wouldn't have these things!
"what's going on?"

Sailo is numb!

Totally numb!

Could it be that someone directly produced Ultra Brothers?

Isn't that a little too much!

How dare you make Ultra Brothers!
This is completely disrespectful of their Kingdom of Light!
"What's going on? Then go to the base and ask!"

Allen shook his shoulders and circled his neck.

I rushed up decisively!

Although these guys don't have the original fighting power of the Ultra Brothers, they still have two-thirds of them!
If you can defeat these guys with the most cruel means, there will be no problem in getting a skill!

Thinking of this, Allen became even more excited!

Seeing this, Zero also planned to go, but unexpectedly, Allen stopped him!

In order to gain skills, Allen can let Cero take action?

Forget it!

Delay him to get a high difficulty rating!
Sero is also happy and leisurely.

Then just watch the battle from the side!

When Allen rushed over, he jumped directly into the sky!

Leo's dismemberment kick!
Dozens of guillotines appeared at Allen's feet.

Under the brilliant light, there is a sharp aura.

Anyone who is kicked by this skill will [-]% be dismembered!
The Mechanical Ultra Brothers quickly evaded.

But how could Allen's attack be so easy to dodge!
Allen fell from the sky and kicked the mechanical Seven hard in the chest!
The explosive power instantly blasted a big hole in Mechanical Seven's chest!
Dozens of Ultra Guillotine rounds followed, directly cutting the mechanical Seven's limbs into pieces!

boom! ——

The violent explosion caused the entire battlefield to tremble!
hiss! ——

Seeing this scene, Sai Luo was stunned!

Good guy!
This power...

How did Leo resist this flying kick in the first place?

At that time, he didn’t ask Allen to dismember the body directly!
It seems that I still underestimated Leo a little before!

But Allen's goal this time is himself...

He [-]% wants it!
Allen was quite satisfied when he saw the effect of his attack!

not bad!
I used your improved version of Leo Flying Kick to kick Severn to death, which can be regarded as revenge for you!
Just think of it as compensation for me almost kicking you to death!

Then Allen directly took out two vertical guillotines and held them in his hands.

Rush towards the other four mechanical Ultra Brothers!

How strong is the cutting ability of Ultra Guillotine?

Even if they make the mechanical Ultra Brothers, they can block the steel from Zero's head dart.

In front of Allen's vertical guillotine, it looked like it was made of paper!
Easily looked into pieces by Allen!
Mechanical Ultra Brothers dumpling stuffing is now on sale!

Does anyone want to buy it?

Zero is already stupid!

Alan, can you give the Ultra brothers some respect?
After all, they are also clones of the Ultra Brothers, but you just killed him? ? ? ?

And they were all chopped into stuffing? ? ? ?

hiss! ——

You should act cowardly in front of Allen from now on!

Allen is so scary!

Just when Zero thought things ended simply like that.

From the Salome base, five identical mechanical Ultra brothers sprang out again!
(End of this chapter)

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