Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 78 Distress signal!Everyone meets Ellen!

Chapter 78 Distress signal!Everyone meets Ellen!
At this time, on the Pankong in another universe...

ZAP's space base received a weak distress signal.

So we were performing an emergency mission to transport medical supplies.

The delivery task was handed over to the Haste.

Lei and I rushed to the scene on the Panlong.

This time, the distress signal was detected near the universe where space and time were distorted.


After hearing this from Captain Hinata, Lei was a little confused.

I don’t know what this so-called space-time distortion is.

"Distortion, unlike wormholes, is still a mysterious field so far."

Lei was stunned when he heard this.

As long as things involve mysterious directions, few are good!
After this time, nothing will happen again!


The Panlong arrived at the location where the distress signal was sent.

But there weren't any spaceships around.

However, just when Lei planned to expand the search scope.

Captain Hinata asked Ray to look in one direction.

That is the place where time and space are distorted!

The scarlet energy is constantly spinning and looks quite weird!
In addition, there is a dark hole in the center of the distortion of time and space.

It's like a black hole, as if it wants to suck all Lei's eyes in!
Seeing the distortion of time and space, a guess emerged in Lei's mind.

Couldn't the distress signal be sent from a node where time and space are distorted?
Lei decisively wanted to rush in and take a look!

Captain Hinata quickly stopped Ray.

Time and space distortion is a mysterious thing. No one knows what is in it.

If you rush in now, you don’t know what will happen!
But it's just...

Sometimes the more you don't want to touch something, the more it will happen!
This is the famous Murphy's Law!

The Panlong was directly attracted by the distorted node of time and space.

Keep rushing towards the dark hole in the middle...

With the Panlong's engine alone, there is no way to get out of this!


Rai and Captain Hinata woke up.

The surrounding environment has undergone earth-shaking changes!
There are dozens of space-time distortion nodes surrounding an asteroid!

Seeing so many time and space distortion nodes, they were both stunned!

What the hell is this place?
There can be so many distortions of time and space!

more importantly!
There are actually asteroids that can withstand the pull of so many time and space nodes!

Right now!

Panlong also collected the location of the spacecraft that sent the distress signal before!

It's on the asteroid!

After Captain Hinata tested the signal source, the content displayed made the two of them even more confused!

What the hell!


It was the Panlong that sent the signal? ? ? ? ,

They didn't send a distress signal!

Even if they send out a distress signal, it is impossible for them to receive the signal themselves!
What is the situation!

"Wait! Let me confirm the location of the signal again!"

Captain Hinata, who was in disbelief, confirmed the position again.

It is indeed coming from the asteroid Cheney.

Want to find out what's going on.

We still have to go to the asteroid to find out!

Panlong then decisively headed to the surface of the asteroid!
But right now!
Zero flew directly around the Panlong!

Then came several mechanical Ultra brothers!
This sudden situation stunned both Lei and Captain Hinata!
Ah? ? ?
what's going on? ? ?
What swooped past? ? ? ?

Is he an Ultra Warrior?

He was right!

It turns out that Ray was not wrong!only……

Why do Ultra Warriors appear on this planet?

Right now!

Panlong's radar showed that two more UFOs were rushing towards them!

Two claw-like things hit the Panlong directly!

The poor Panlong had no choice but to make an emergency landing...

After landing, the Panlong also began to search for the source of the distress signal.

As a result, we saw a severely damaged Panlong.

Lei and Hinata were stunned!

Why is the Panlong still in this world?

what is happening?
at the same time!

Another person fell next to the badly damaged Panlong.

Lei and Hinata rushed over.

As a result, I saw my companion Kumano...

Just when Kumano wanted to say something!
His whole body suddenly glowed with golden light, and then he fell to the ground in pain...

Hinata and Lei were just about to say something when a voice came.

"It seems you have received my distress signal."

Another Hyuga captain appears!
"It's been two weeks since we crash-landed on this planet!"

"During this period, we have been fighting side by side with Ultraman Eren and Ultraman Zero!"

"I can't hold it anymore now!"


When Allen and Cero came to this planet.

Allen was quite happy at first!

With so many mechanical Ultra brothers, they should be able to give themselves some skills!

Facts have proved that the strength of these Ultra brothers is still too poor!
Or maybe because it was mass production, Allen was not given any skills at all!

This makes Allen quite unhappy!

Directly hand over the Ultra brothers to Zero to deal with...

Fortunately, Zero was not exhausted to death!
Allen himself is also unparalleled, constantly destroying various Ultra Brothers.

Among them, the Panlong arrived.

Help them fight together!
That is the other Captain Hinata in front of Ray and Hinata!
Right now!

Xiongye couldn't hold on anymore and disappeared in front of everyone.

"Captain Hinata, please tell me, what exactly is the multidimensional universe?"

Captain Hinata, who has just arrived, urgently needs to figure this out!

"What happened to this planet again?"

Captain Hinata then pointed to the open space in front of him...

Lei finally noticed the situation here!

I saw the remains of countless mechanical Ultra Brothers lying all over the sky.

His body was covered with marks of being cut by sharp weapons.

Some were even cut into many pieces!

Then Captain Hinata explained the situation to the two at the beginning.

All of this was caused by the Salome star base!

Only by destroying the Salome base can they return to their own world.

"An experiment conducted at that base created a hole in the universe."

"There is not just one universe! There are many!"

"The same Earth and the same people exist in these universes."

"That's why we meet here!"

Just when a few people were chatting!
boom! ——

A huge first-generation body was thrown directly in front of everyone.

On this first generation, all kinds of circuits are exposed.

The scars on the body are extremely smooth!
An Ultra warrior covered in red and silver, with tattoos on his hands and legs, appeared in front of them...

(End of this chapter)

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