Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 79 Lei and others were shocked!You call Cruel Allen an Ultra Warrior! ?

Chapter 79 Lei and others were shocked!You call Cruel Allen an Ultra Warrior! ?

? ? ? ?
Lei and Captain Hinata behind him were both stunned!
His body unconsciously took a few steps back and assumed a fighting posture.

The last time Beria came out and snatched the plasma spark away.

Because of Allen's great power.

There was absolutely no chance for Lei to appear!
The first thought in Membius's mind was to go to King's Planet and let Allen take action.

I didn’t meet anyone on the Panlong at all.

So now Ray and Hinata don't know Eren at all.

"He is Ultraman Eren!"

Captain Hinata, who had traveled through time before, said to the two of them.

If it hadn't been for Allen's help during this period, they might have died long ago!
Allen's combat power is quite terrifying!

Almost none of these mechanical Ultra Warriors can withstand a single move from Allen!
Even though it has been two weeks, Allen's energy has not diminished.

As for Zero...

Allen has been asked to replenish his energy many times.

As a result, he is still being chased everywhere, which makes the former Captain Hinata feel a little helpless!


Allen also said hello after seeing Ray and Captain Hinata.

Then continue to fly into the sky and start fighting with a new round of mechanical Ultra Warriors!

"Is there thunder in your dimension?"

Later Captain Hinata suddenly realized something.

Since there is myself in another world and Kumano in another world.

So is there a similar thunder?

They don't have the Panlong now, so they basically have no combat capability, and there is no need to go to the battlefield to cause chaos for Allen and Cero.

Might as well figure it all out here!
"of course!"

"But Lei's battle instrument was snatched away by aliens."

After the former Captain Hinata finished speaking, he suddenly covered his chest. The severe pain made the captain who had experienced countless battles quite painful.

"He said he wanted to break into the base alone..."

Right now!

Captain Hinata from before, the severe pain in his chest seemed to be getting more intense!

The whole body is exuding golden light.

"You two must have seen it too."

"Those Ultra Brothers are killing machines made by aliens, and their power is quite amazing."

"Coupled with the huge number, even Ultraman Eren and Ultraman Zero would have a hard time coping."

"Captain, please help them stop alien experiments!"

After saying these words, the former Captain Hinata completely turned into light particles and disappeared.

Captain Lei and Hinata were stunned!

Wasn't everything fine before?

Why did Captain Hinata suddenly turn into light particles and disappear?
What the hell is going on here!

Before the two of them figured out what was going on.

Dozens of missiles rushed towards the two of them!

boom! ——

Violent explosions continued to occur around the two people.

The two of them must stay here completely!

In this critical moment!

Lei was just about to summon Gomora, but he didn't expect Allen to appear here.

Directly blocking all the missiles in the next wave.

at this time!
Lei also finally saw clearly who was attacking them!

Mechagomora appears!
"Finally something fun!"

Seeing this scene, Allen's face showed a look of excitement!

He waited for two weeks, and finally the robot Mora came out!

If there is anything in this world that can allow him to acquire skills.One is the Mecha Gomora in front of me, and the other is Dark Lopus Sero!

At this time, Dark Lopus Cerro should not have been debugged yet.

So as long as the most cruel method is used to defeat Mecha Gomora.

You must be able to acquire skills!

After all, Mechagomora is also an elite monster.

They are not the previous Ultra brothers, they are completely mass-produced water monsters!
"Lei, you don't have to do anything!"

"let me!"

In order to prevent Lei from summoning Gomora and getting in the way, Allen also gave some instructions!
Mechagomora's own strength is just that!

If there is a Gomora to help, the possibility of obtaining skills will be very low!


Lei said he understood, and naturally he would not interfere in the battle of other Ultra Warriors!
Especially since the other party also said that he should not take action for the time being.

It's just that in Lei's opinion, Allen didn't let him take action because he was worried that his combat instrument would be taken away.

No other meaning.

Seeing that Lei was so obedient and sensible, Allen nodded with satisfaction.

Condensing energy in his hand, he directly condensed a mace, put it on his shoulder and rushed over!

A wake-up call!
He hit Mecha Gomora hard on the head with the mace in his hand!

Boom! ——

The sound of metal and iron resounded across the battlefield.

Even Lei and Hinata couldn't help but cover their ears.

Good guy!
How terrifying is the power of this stick!

To be able to make such a terrifying sound!

It’s really extraordinary!

Mecha Gomora was also stunned!


Is this Ultra Warrior poisonous?
A stick hit me directly on the head...

If it hadn't been Mecha Gomora, it would have been able to send him away with just such a stick!


We can't let this Ultra Warrior continue to be arrogant!

Just when Mecha Gomora aimed its missile arm at Allen!
Boom! ——

The mace came down again!
I'm glad Mecha Gomora didn't break his arm!
Gudoo! ——

It's crazy!
Totally numb!


This Ultra Warrior is a bit scary!

When everyone sees a weapon like a mace, their first reaction is that they must not be hit with such a stick!

Otherwise, there will definitely be several bloody holes in the body!
Fortunately, Allen is his companion!

If the enemy summons his own Gomora, Gomora may bleed to death after a fight!
Boom boom boom! ——

The sound of the mace hitting Mecha Gomora resounded throughout the battlefield.

The expressions on both Lei and Hinata's faces became numb...

They remember that the Ultra Warriors of the Kingdom of Light are not all the pinnacle of morality?

Even in battle, he is quite martial!
But why doesn’t this Ultra Warrior look like that?
Which normal Ultra Warrior would bully Mecha Gomora with a mace?

Look what Mecha Mora has become now!

It's almost like being smashed into a mechanical Gomora pie!
So the mechanical Ultra Warriors they saw before were clearly dismembered.

Is it also the work of this Ultra Warrior?

Isn’t this Ultraman Eren a little too scary?
How on earth did these aliens persist for so long under such terrifying warriors?

Lei and Hinata suddenly felt...

Things seem to be different from what Captain Hinata said before!

(End of this chapter)

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