Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 80 Allen shocked the audience!Leo: Is there Severn?I'm coming!

Chapter 80 Allen shocked the audience!Leo: Is there Severn?Here I come~!

In the eyes of Captain Lei and Hinata at this time.

Allen is more like the demon who wants to invade other people's homes, while Mechagomora is like the righteous victim who protects his home from invasion...

You should be more polite when facing Ultraman Eren in the future!
Just when Captain Lei and Hinata were confused!
The jets under Mecha Gomora immediately started firing!
Flying directly to the Salome star base at a very fast speed...

Allen saw this and did not stop him.

He is still waiting for Dark Lopsiro to come out. How can he have so much time to chase Mecha Gomora.

Looking at it like this, there is no way that Mechagomora can bring him any skills!
I'm really sorry for being so powerful...

Now the garbage monsters have no way to explode their skills!

Why! ——

But Dark Lopsero should be out soon!

Don't let me down!

A smile appeared on Allen's lips.


"Damn it! I didn't expect Ultraman Eren to be able to defeat Mecha Gomora so easily!"

"Hurry up and repair Mecha Gomora, and then..."

"Let that guy who is still in the experimental stage come out and fight!"

Herodia, a Salome star, said something to the two subordinates behind her.

Allen's behavior has made Herodia completely lose her patience.

They have indeed prepared many mechanical Ultra Brothers.

But now that Allen has chopped it down, there isn’t much left!
This time, with the presence of Allen, the consumption speed of Herodia and their mechanical Ultra brothers has skyrocketed!

In such two weeks, almost all the mechanical Ultra Brothers in their inventory were consumed!


If this continues, their army won't last long!
"No! Dr. Herodia!"

"That guy is too dangerous!"

"Yeah yeah!"

"The power of that guy is still unknown. If something unexpected happens..."

The two assistants suddenly had frightened looks on their faces when they heard this.

It was like hearing something incredible.

I want Herodia to take back the order.

For those of them who personally participated in the production of that thing, they are quite aware of how terrifying this thing is!
A careless move could even endanger themselves!

But it's just...

Herodia is not going to listen to them!

Let a few people prepare to release that thing!
Then, the suppression armor directly wrapped Dark Lops - Allen!
Dark Lops Allen, who was completely black and wearing suppressive armor, rushed directly to the battlefield!


On the battlefield at this time...

A smile appeared on Allen's lips.

"Can't you finally bear it...?"

"It would be great to let it out as soon as possible!"

"I wasted so much time!"

Sensing the breath of Dark Lops Allen, Allen slightly raised his head and looked at the top of his head.

At this time, the dark Lops Allen was suspended above Allen's head.

Lei and Hinata were stunned when they saw this scene!
What is this?
It seems to be fundamentally different from the previous mechanical Ultra Brothers!
"So, don't stand on my head!"

"I'm disgusted that someone stands on my head!"

Allen raised his hand and directly grabbed Dark Lops Allen's feet. With his arms, he directly smashed Dark Lops Allen from the sky to the ground!
To be honest, Dark Lops Allen didn't expect Allen to be so fast!
Before he could even react, the opponent grabbed his feet and threw him to the ground!
"I let you pretend!"

Allen doesn't care what Dark Lops Allen is thinking.

Energy condensed on the soles of the feet, and dozens of small Ultra Guillotines slowly emerged around them!

Then he stepped heavily into the darkness of Lops Allen!

boom! ——

The terrifying power directly trampled the place where Dark Lops Allen was to create a large pit that was 50 meters deep!
The surrounding ground was also cracked by the terrifying force!
Boulders and dust were thrown into the sky.This is the little skill that Allen came up with through Leo's dismemberment kick!
It’s a reduced version of Leo’s flying kick!

But the power is still terrifying!

Dark Lops Allen was trampled on the ground and kept struggling.

"When Beria implanted the chip into you, didn't he tell you not to show off in front of me?"

Allen knows the origin of Dark Lops Allen too well.

The only thing that Allen didn't expect was that this time Beria actually used him as a prototype to make his subordinates.

But think about it!

In the previous battle with Beria, Zero was completely transparent!

I haven't taken any action at all!

Let alone Beria remember it.

Right now!

The power in Dark Lops Allen's body completely exploded, trying to lift Allen's feet.


The distance between Allen and its strength is like the gap between heaven and earth!

It's completely impossible to open Allen's feet!
A vertical guillotine with a length of a hundred meters appeared in Allen's hand.

"Helodia regards you as her last resort, so I'll show her how her last resort was chopped into steel and meat!"

As Allen's words fell, a hundred-meter-long vertical guillotine instantly slashed across Dark Lops Allen's shoulder!

Zizizi! ——

Dark Lops Allen's arm fell to the ground, and electric sparks flashed continuously from the wound.

Even the suppression armor was completely turned into scrap metal under Allen's attack!
Reveal your true form as Dark Lops Allen!

"Hey hey hey hey?"

"These guys also copied you, Allen?"

At this moment, Zero, who had been being hunted, flew back to Allen.

As for the Mechanical Ultra Brothers...

Of course there is no solution!

Still continuing to chase Zero!
"Sero, if you can't solve it, you can send instructor Leo a signature!"

Allen is still thinking of using some cruel means now, and he has no intention of helping Zero clean up his ass.

Let Zero go find Leo.

"Ah? Instructor Leo won't come!"

"After all, this time it's our two characters!"

Sailo is numb!


Alan, do you really want to see me die?
How could Leo come to help them!
"Just tell Leo that there are many mechanical Sevens here that can be beaten, and he will come over immediately!"

Allen waved his hand to ask Zero to leave him alone.

Summoning Leo is probably the easiest!

As long as Severn can fight, then things will be very simple!

Sero also looked confused.

Does this work?
Isn't Severn Leo's master?

You said there was a mechanical Savin here, and Leo might be even more reluctant to take action!
But Zero didn't dare to refute Allen's words at this time, and decisively started sending Ultra signatures to Leo.



Otto's signature came to Leo.

"What is this boy Zero doing?"

"Ask me to come over and help him? Isn't there Allen?"

"I won't go!"

Leo, who was about to reply to Cero, suddenly saw Cero saying that Severn could fight, and the expression on his face suddenly changed!
(End of this chapter)

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