Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 81 Rainbow 8-point light wheel!The beauties are stunned!

Chapter 81 Rainbow Eight Points of Light!The beauties are stunned!

What the hell? ? ? ?

What does Cerro's signature say? ? ? ?


Mechanical Seven!

Is there a mechanical Savin on the asteroid Cheney?

There are also a bunch of mechanical Saiwen? ? ?

So cool!

I'm going there now!
You must go there now!

The expression on Leo's face suddenly changed and became quite serious!

Ace on the side was stunned for a moment!


Leo, what happened? ? ?
Why did you suddenly become so serious?
Could it be that someone has bad thoughts about the Kingdom of Light?
"What's wrong with Leo?"

"With such a serious expression, could it be that someone is causing trouble in the Kingdom of Light again?"

Ace looked at Leo with some confusion.

"No! Brother Ace! Zero is in trouble!"

"As Zero's instructor, I want to go over and help him!"

Leo was so excited that he forgot that Allen was Ace's disciple!
Moreover, Allen and Ace went out together!

Now that Zero is in trouble, wouldn't Allen be in trouble too?
Ace's face suddenly changed!


If Zero is in trouble, doesn't that mean the two of them are in danger now?

Someone can actually threaten Allen?

not like this!

I'm going to take the Ultra brothers there!

We can't let anything happen to Allen!

Allen is someone who can become a god in the future!
"You go!"

"We must protect them both!"

"I'll come later!"

Ace quickly said to Leo, as for now, he plans to send autographs to the Ultra brothers, especially Seven!
After all, Zero is also his son!


Leo is now focused on being able to beat Severn.

He didn't pay any attention to what Ace said.

Now he just wanted to deal with Ace quickly.

Then get yourself over there quickly!
If you go late, who knows if there will be a mechanical celestial to hit you!
Seeing that Ace no longer stopped him, Leo flew directly into the depths of the universe!
After Ace finished handing out signatures, he also rushed towards the asteroid Cheney!

In the Kingdom of Light at this time...

Severn has just returned to the Kingdom of Light.

To be honest, he is now planning to get acquainted with Zero and his son!

But right now!
Ace's Ultra signature suddenly appeared in the sky!

After seeing Otto's signature, Seven's expression changed!
Is Zero in danger now?
Even Allen might not be able to beat the opponent? ? ?

After seeing the news, Seven was immediately stunned!
What kind of strength is Allen!
He is an Ultra Warrior who can pin Beria to the ground and hammer him!
As a result, the current opponent can even defeat Allen!

Even Allen is not his opponent's enemy. Isn't Zero a food delivery guy?

It's over now!
Seven was not the only one who saw Ace Ott's signature!There's also Taro, the original, Jack and Zoffie!

Several people also rushed towards the asteroid Cheney!
Both Zero and Allen are the future of the Kingdom of Light!
Nothing can happen to the two of them!


Herodia is also numb now!
Totally numb!


Why is this so!
To know!
Dark Lops Allen is a bottomless thing created by them and intended to rule the universe!
Alan actually stepped under his feet after just one meeting?
how can that be!

Allen's strength can't be so terrifying!
Absolutely impossible!
As long as Allen has such terrifying strength, he can rush to their base early!

There is no need to play with a bunch of mechanical Ultra brothers like now!

Could it be that……

Allen already knew that they still had something at the bottom of the box? ? ?

Totally impossible!
They are building a base here in a place where time and space are distorted. It is basically impossible to spread the situation here!
So there's no way anyone knows what they're doing!
It’s even more impossible to be a spy!
So why is this happening?
What's going on with Allen?
You are pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger!


What to do now!

We can only hope that Dark Lops Allen can defeat Allen with the final means they installed!
Otherwise, they will really have to confess here!

At this time, Dark Lops Allen also used his full strength to push Allen's feet away.

A hint of surprise appeared on Allen's face!
Good guy!
Will the mechanical Ultra Warrior also explode?

He stepped on the opponent, but the opponent was able to push his feet away!

It's really interesting!
Explosive seed!Love it, love it!

Allen said it was great!
As expected of Dark Lops Allen who used him as a prototype!
As a robot, everyone knows how to use explosive seeds!

After Dark Lops Allen stood up, he rushed towards Allen again!

The remaining hand condensed energy and directly condensed an Ultra Guillotine!

"Huh? That's interesting!"

"I didn't expect you to be able to do this!"

"Then let me show you my newly developed skills!"

Allen was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that his signature skill, holding the Ultra Guillotine, would actually be learned by someone!


As a Light Sawer, Allen doesn't worry about his methods being copied by others!
I still have other means!

I saw colorful energy beginning to condense on Allen's hands!

The colorful energy directly forms two constantly rotating, brilliant eight-point rainbow light wheels!
The dazzling seven-colored light stunned Captain Lei and Hinata on the side!
Such light illuminates the surrounding dilapidated environment, like a god descending from the sky!
Allen's two rainbow eight-point light wheels are not particularly huge!

But the power is more terrifying than a 200-meter-diameter eight-point light wheel!
The colorful energy was formed by Allen using his ability to control light skills and control of energy to compress it to the limit!

Each color has a different energy intensity!
Coupled with the constant rotation, it can cause different depths and different types of damage to the opponent!

This power is incomparable even to Ultra Guillotine!

Then Allen held two rainbow eight-point light wheels and rushed straight towards Dark Lops Allen!
Dark Lops Allen's black vertical guillotine and Allen's rainbow eight-point light wheel collided immediately!

boom! ——

A huge explosion formed a huge mushroom cloud in the center of the fight between the two!
The terrifying energy caused the surrounding ground to shatter!
In the most central location, the ground turned into magma!

Continuously flowing around.

Captain Lei and Hinata fell down early!
Otherwise, such power would be enough to blow the two of them directly into the sky!
But such power still frightened the two of them!

What a terrifying force to be able to cause so much damage with close combat!
They never thought that close combat could make such a big noise!
Herodia was also stupid!
How I hope that this time it will be Dark Lops Allen who comes out of the explosion...

(End of this chapter)

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