Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 82 Damn it!Leo, if you want to fight Severn, do it directly! ?

Chapter 82 Damn it!Leo, if you want to fight Severn, do it directly! ?

As for Zero...

Now he's still being chased around by various mechanical Ultra Brothers!

"Ellen, you lied to me!"

"What do you mean, if I give Instructor Leo an Ultra signature, he will come to save me!"

"How is it possible!"

"Instructor Leo can't possibly save me!"

Sailors are stupid!

He found that he was indeed a little naive!
You really just believe whatever Allen says!
How could Leo come to save himself?

Totally impossible!

How to fight the dozen mechanical Ultra Brothers behind me?
Tell me how to fight?
It’s been two weeks now!
Why are there so many mechanical Ultra Brothers?

How many mechanical Ultra Brothers have these aliens created?

They must have killed no less than two hundred mechanical Ultra brothers in the past two weeks!

He alone has almost two hundred!
There must be thousands at Allen’s place!
The result is amazing!
But right now!
"Don't panic, disciple, my master is here!"

A voice like the sound of nature sounded in Sero's ears!

With a silver cloak, a red body, and a Leo mark, Leo just stood in front of Zero!
"Master Leo!"

Sero almost cried!
Good guy!
Unexpectedly, his master actually came to save him!


Master, I will never look down on you again!

You are the most handsome in my eyes!

From now on, I will fight anyone who says you are ugly or ugly!
Except for Allen!

"Disciple, give me all the mechanical weapons!"

"Just consider the rest as exercise for you!"

Leo put his cloak into the ring on his arm and rushed directly into the faces of the two mechanical Sevens.

Kicked the two of them down.

Leave a message to Zero, if he wants to fight the mechanical Seven, he will run away!
For so many mechanical Ultra Brothers behind Zero, he simply chose to ignore them!
As for the other mechanical Ultra brothers!

They are just AI-controlled robots!

Of course he won't stop Leo!

In their opinion, two mechanical Saiwens are enough to beat Leo [-]-[-]!

Zero was numb when he heard this!

Totally numb!


You came here from the King's Planet, but you stopped two mechanical Savins for me?

Can't you see how many Mechanical Ultra Brothers are behind me? ? ? ?


Zero was completely stupid!

What he said before was still too early!
From now on, he will be Leo’s biggest fan!

If anyone says that Leo is strong and handsome in front of him, he will fight to the death with anyone!
Now Zero can only escape all the way!
But right now!
All the Ultra Brothers suddenly appeared above Zero's head!

Everyone’s eyes were full of confusion and gloating!

Only Severn's eyes were full of anger!

Leo, you kid can do it!

Are you specifically picking out the mechanical Seven to start with?

You kid is not happy with me!
You want to get revenge for the original jeep training, right?
it is good!
you are fine!
I still looked down on you a little before!
I didn’t expect your boy to be so vengeful!
You wait for me!
I'm going to let you know today what cruelty is!
Of course!
After taking care of these mechanical Ultra brothers!Ace is going to die laughing now!
It was so!
Looking at Leo's expression at that time, he really thought that Zero and Allen had encountered some enemy they couldn't fight against!
It turns out it’s Leo, you want to come over and take revenge on the mechanical Seven!
So this is ah!

No wonder he was absent-minded!

Look at it now!
I'll call you all in person directly!
You can completely vent your anger in front of me!

However, at this time, Leo had not noticed that the other Ultra brothers were also coming in the sky!
He is now completely immersed in the fun of the violent mechanical Seven!
Every attack was made without hesitation!
He even kicked Mechanical Seven between the legs!

The main thing is a dirty trick!

Severn's face turned darker and darker!
But now is not the time to look for trouble!

It's important to help Zero get out of trouble first.

After all, Zero is his son.

If your son doesn't feel pain himself, who will?

So he decisively helped Zero block half of the mechanical Ultra Brothers.

Sero was very grateful when he saw this scene!
It’s better to be Senior Seven!
Do you think what Leo does is human affairs?

Senior Seven immediately blocked half of it.

Tyro and the others also shook their heads helplessly and helped Zero block several mechanical Ultra brothers.

Now it’s better to solve the things here quickly and go find Allen!

Allen here at this time...

The mushroom cloud soaring into the sky slowly dispersed.

Finally, the internal scene is revealed.

Dark Lops Allen's head fell to the ground, and wounds of various sizes were cut out on his body by the different cutting abilities of the rainbow eight-point light wheel.

Herodie is so pissed off!

Totally numb!

What should I do now?
She has no way to stop Allen now!
It's over!

Just raise the white flag and surrender!

As for Alan...

There has been no action, because now Allen has let the rewards go to his head!

【Ding!Your fighting style is extremely ferocious, and you are blessed with a critical strike from the Mother Universe! 】

【You have an epiphany about the Spark Legend! 】

After seeing this reward, Allen was completely numb!
I didn’t expect that I would get this skill this time!
What is the Spark Legend, Regedo’s ultimate skill!
Together with the power of Aurora, it is known as Regedo’s strongest spear and shield!
Moreover, it is the most powerful ultimate skill in the official setting!
There is no such thing!
Among the four mysterious arcana, it is also the skill with the most terrifying attack power!
Even Noah's ultimate skill is not as scary as Regedo!
Now I can actually get this skill.

If you follow the plot, the next step is the plot of Caesar Belial.

At that time, Beria can have a taste of what is the most powerful ultimate skill in the universe!
[-]% able to give Beria a complete thumbs up!

Even if he meets the self-introducing star later, Allen is sure that the golden person he will hit with this skill will never dare to appear in front of him!
It's so cool!
As for now...

Go ahead and raise Herodia!

you boy!
It is obvious that Dark Lops Allen can be released early.

As a result, a bunch of cannon fodder had to be used to delay the process for two weeks.

I must teach you a lesson!
Although Herodia has no strength, if she is killed by cruel means.

Maybe you can still gain skills!

After all, Herodia is the mastermind behind everything!

That's right!

Just do it!

Thinking of this, Allen rushed decisively towards Herodia's base...

(End of this chapter)

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