Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 83 Leo: Stop messing with me, please Alan!

Chapter 83 Leo: Stop messing with me, please Alan!

Herodia was completely panicked at this time!
I have absolutely no idea what to do!
After all, Allen's strength has far exceeded her imagination!
In her opinion, Allen's strength is indeed quite good.

But that's just to the extent that it can be stronger than the Mechanical Ultra Brothers!
It is completely impossible to be the opponent of Dark Lops Allen!

You know, all mechanical monsters have no pain or fear at all.

It has a natural advantage when facing physical creatures!
In addition, she directly added a time and space distortion device to Dark Lops Allen's chest!
The power of this device is almost unlimited!
But the energy of you Ultra Warriors is not unlimited!

You've all been playing Mechanical Ultra Brothers for two weeks now.

Do you still have the energy to fight Dark Lops Allen?

However, what Herodia doesn't know is that in terms of energy alone, Allen has no opponent at all in the universe!
Even the mysterious four are not as terrifying as Allen's energy reserve!
After all, Allen has unlimited energy!
But what about the mysterious four?
Although the energy reserve is said to be unfathomable, there is still a limit to some extent!

However, Eren has absolutely no limits!

"Dr. Herodia, what should we do now?"

Herodia's two men were completely panicked!

What to do now!

All their methods have been used!
Even the mechanical Ultra brothers at the bottom of the box were sent out to hunt down Zero!
There is nothing in the base that can protect them at this time!

"Yes! Dr. Herodia! We have nothing that can harm that Ultra Warrior now, and..."

"And we don't even have the most basic base defense!"

When Herodia's men told the news.

Lei on one side suddenly showed an excited look on his face!

Did you tell me earlier?

If you had told me, I would have taken action!
Why did it take so long?
Although he doesn't have a combat device now, he has no way to summon Gomora to fight.

But as Leonix, his own fighting ability is quite good!
He can still easily suppress opponents of the same size!

Thinking of this, Lei rushed out and was knocked to the ground by Herodia's men in two blows.

As for Herodia...

At this time, Lei was also allowed to be captured directly!

There is absolutely no power to fight back!
As a scientific researcher, it is normal to not have melee capabilities!

You are right!Hikari!

Right now!

Allen also destroyed Herodia's base with one punch and rushed in directly.

As a result, they saw an empty base and Herodia who had been captured.

As for Lei in another world...

It was also because Allen destroyed the base and there was no Dark Lops device on Allen's chest to maintain the distortion of time and space, so he turned into golden light and returned to his own world...

The same goes for the other captains Lei and Hinata!
To them, the world moves like a dream!
Herodia was completely panicked!

If she was captured by Lei, there was a possibility that she would still be alive.

Now that it falls into Allen's hands, there is no way to survive!

"Yo! You are the mastermind behind this!"

Allen pretended to be surprised and squatted down to look at Herodia, who was tied up by Lei in a very erotic way.

By the way, he poked it with his hand.

"just kill me!"

Herodia already wanted to die...

Although the Ultra Warriors of the Kingdom of Light are famous in the universe for their extremely high moral standards.

But this is not necessarily the case for the Ultra Warrior in front of me!

In two weeks of fighting, not one of the mechanical Ultra brothers in Allen's hands was killed by light skills!

All of them were cut into eight pieces!

Thinking of the way those Ultra warriors died, Herodia felt unfazed.Allen looked at Herodia with interest.

Say it!
He is obviously the mastermind behind everything, why can he be so weak?

Such a guy must not be able to acquire any skills!

It would be better to leave it to the people from the Kingdom of Light.

Save yourself some trouble.

Just when Allen was thinking about how to deal with Herodia, Herodia's base was smashed to pieces by several Ultra warriors again!

Severn, Zero and others came to Herodia's base.

"Alan! Is this person the mastermind behind everything?"

Severn stepped forward and looked at Herodia with confusion on his face.

Good guy!
Nowadays, the technology of cosmonauts is still good!
You can actually make a mechanical Ultra Warrior!


"Hey? Instructor Ace? Why did you come here?"

Allen was confused. This paragraph was not in the original work!

Just a Leo came to take revenge on the mechanical Saiwen.

The others don’t know what they are doing!
As a result, everyone is gathered together now?
Ace said nothing, silently looking at Leo behind him, his face full of sympathy!

Tell me why you bother?
Who told you not to listen to what I said in the first place?
If you have to deal with me there, it’s fine now!
Go back and wait for Brother Seven's Ultra slap!
"Alan, you did a great job!"

Severn came over and patted Allen on the shoulder.

When they came over, they had already seen dozens of time and space distortions in the sky beginning to recover.

This means that this incident is completely over!
More importantly, it also allowed him to catch Leo!

How dare you kid take revenge in private!

very good!

Today I will let you know how terrifying the advanced version of Jeep special training is!
Leo also learned from Cero at this time that the idea of ​​giving him Ultra's autograph was told by Allen to Cero!

He looked at Allen with a melancholy expression.

What kind of hatred do the two of us have?

Why are you doing this to me?

He seriously injured me on King's Planet, and now he backstabbed me directly in front of Severn!

Allen also noticed Leo's expression.

Instantly understand!

Good guy!
It turns out that Leo didn't feel comfortable fighting before, so now he wants to fight me!

no problem!
Instructor Leo, I will definitely fight with you!
"Instructor Leo, do you think of me this way because you didn't enjoy the previous battle on King's Planet?"

"It's okay! I can continue with you now!"

Allen's words made Leo directly break through the defense!

I'll give your uncle a hammer!

what are you saying?
Is it a human being that you are particularly interested in?

Only the people on King Star know about his loss.

Do you want to embarrass me in front of everyone now?
Totally impossible!
Leo ran away without saying a word!

I really don’t want to be in the same place as Allen!
Severn thought Leo was about to run away and chased after him.

The remaining people shook their heads helplessly and rushed towards the Kingdom of Light with Herodia...

Allen was stunned for a moment...

(End of this chapter)

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