Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 84 Medal Ceremony!The Galactic Empire begins!

Chapter 84 Medal Ceremony!The Galactic Empire begins!

"Dad, please let me go!"

Sailo is numb!

Totally numb!

That's right!

Now Sero already knows about the relationship between Severn and himself.

When he found out that he was Seven's son, Sero was still very happy!

After all, he is no longer an orphan.

However, only now did Sero realize how naive he was.

Two months have passed since the asteroid Cheney incident.

In the past two months, Severn has been on the King Star, training Zero and... Leo!
Enhanced version of special jeep training!

Seven found a pretty huge asteroid and asked Allen to help make it look like a jeep.

And accelerated through ultra-psychic power!
I keep thinking about crashing into Zero and Leo!
The speed of that special cat is even one-tenth of the speed of light!
Whether it's Zero or Leo, as long as they are hit, it will [-]% result in a red light!

If this thing hits me a second time.

Then don't think about it!
Basically it can be dropped!

There is no second possibility!
Sailors are stupid!

He was wondering if he was Severn's son...

If he were Severn's son, how could the other party treat him like this? ? ?

Say it!
What father wants to kill his son in a jeep the size of an asteroid?
This is murder!

This is definitely murder!

Leo is even more unlucky...

After returning to the Kingdom of Light, Severn finished reporting what had happened and rushed out with three Ultra slaps!

Fortunately, Leo was not knocked unconscious.

The other Ultra brothers also silently moved away when they saw this scene.

Lest the flames of war burn you...

Leo, you are really miserable!

Who told you not to listen to what Ace has to say?

If you had answered Ace's question properly at that time, wouldn't everything else have been lost?

Then Severn told Zero's life experience and took Zero and Leo to the King's Star.

An enhanced version of the special Jeep training began.

Of course!
Leo and Zero are not the only ones who are unlucky...

Zeta's life was also in dire straits during this period!

Basically when Allen is bored, he will let Zeta fight with him.

Zeta is scared to death by Allen's various skills almost every day!

If you don’t want me to live, just say so, okay?

I just find a star and jump into it!
You don't have to threaten me with those terrifying skills!

I'm wrong!
I was really wrong!
Just tell me where I provoked you!

If I do it myself, I will never need you!


Ace is now in ruins.

He couldn't change Allen's character.

If you talk to Eren in the past, you might get caught in a fight by Eren.

I don’t want to be seriously injured like Leo!
Still free!
It would be quite nice to enjoy the retirement life of the Kingdom of Light Meat Factory on King Star!

As for Zeta, as long as he is not beaten to death by Allen, let Allen play as he pleases!
You have to go through this anyway!
Come on Zeta!

Just when everyone on King Star is enjoying their 'beautiful' life!
An Ultra signature suddenly disrupted everyone's beautiful life!But this Ultra Signature is a complete lifesaver for Zeta, Zero and Leo!

"Ultraman Zero, Ultraman Eren, please return to the Kingdom of Light to be awarded the honor!"

After seeing this content, Allen was stunned!
I never thought that I would be able to obtain the Ultra Medal!
Speaking of Ultra Medals.

The number of times this thing appears in the Kingdom of Light is quite a lot, but it’s really rare if you say less!
In fact, it’s the stars on the chests of Hikali and Zoffie!

Everyone knows that's the sign of Zoffi and Shikari.

But before Bai Bei explained what it was, few people really knew what it did.

As early as two months ago, when he returned to King's Planet, Ace told Allen that he was likely to receive the Ultra Medal!
As for Cerro, he may also receive other awards.

But Allen didn't expect that this day would come so soon!
Zuo Fei is tens of thousands of years old!

He was from the same era as Beria.

None of the Ultra brothers behind him have won many Ultra Medals.

It feels pretty good to be able to get this by yourself!

Then several people rushed decisively towards the Kingdom of Light.

As the instructors of Zero and Allen, Leo, Ace, and Seven also went to the Kingdom of Light.

Participate in the investiture ceremony.



Everyone returned to the Kingdom of Light.

But right now!
A red ball of light suddenly appeared in the sky!

Let everyone stunned!

"Dad, do you know what that thing is?"

"It looks like something's wrong!"

Around the Kingdom of Light, under normal circumstances, Ultra Warriors will show their appearance. A red ball of light like this that can prevent others from exploring is logically impossible to appear in the sky above the Kingdom of Light!

"I don't know, but I have a bad feeling!"

Seven shook his head. This time was a grander gathering in the Kingdom of Light.

In order to promote the influence of the new generation, Ultra's father asked everyone to watch this investiture ceremony!

In other words, almost everyone is out there!

If someone makes trouble now, it will indeed cause great damage to the Kingdom of Light!
Allen could tell what this thing was at a glance.

I didn’t expect Beria to be quite fast!

Can a super galactic empire be built in such a short period of time?
It seems that the flow of time is different.

Otherwise, even Beria would not be able to build a super galactic empire in just four or five months!

This first investiture ceremony is destined to be anything but simple!

Get ready to fight!
Then Allen stretched!
I am ready for the battle and wonder if there will be any good rewards this time...

Allen really wasn't looking forward to it.

A bunch of cannon fodder-level Dark Lops Allen can't get anything at all, right?

You see, in the original work, Zero can almost destroy a team by himself!
The prototype also became slightly more powerful because of Herodia's transformation!
"Ellen, what are you going to do?"

Sero was stunned for a moment when he saw Allen's actions.

After spending time with Allen, I still know a little about Allen Cerro!

Every time Allen gets ready for a fight, he relaxes his muscles!

But there is nothing to fight at this time!
It’s impossible for Allen to challenge the captain now?
Shouldn't be possible!
So the one in the sky?
Cero looked up at the red ball in the sky!

I saw the red ball falling to the Kingdom of Light at a terrifying speed!

Then a dozen Dark Lops Allens sprang out and began to wreak havoc on the surrounding buildings!

(End of this chapter)

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