Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 85 Beria’s army invades!If only Alan were my son

Chapter 85 Beria’s army invades!If only Alan were my son

Just when the Kingdom of Light was invaded, on the planet Emerald in another universe...

Countless warships in the sky were constantly bombarding a city that looked quite sci-fi.

Scarlet lasers bombard the city, causing violent explosions in an instant!

Flames filled this sci-fi city...

A girl ran out of the city far away.

He fell on the grass and looked at the city being continuously destroyed, his eyes full of sadness.

This is the city where she grew up and grew up. It was originally so beautiful and gorgeous.

But now it has been affected by the flames of war and turned into a sea of ​​​​fire!
The day before, she was able to play happily in front of her parents and sister.

However, in just one day, all of this was gone forever!
But right now!
A giant mechanical monster stalks the girl.

The sharp, drill-like hand began to rotate.

Zizizizizizizizizi! ——

The harsh sound of mechanical rotation filled this woman's eyes with fear!

what! ——

Accompanied by a piercing and piercing scream!

The crown on the woman's head suddenly shone with dazzling light!

A giant with a silver body and a huge golden crystal covering his head rushed out of the mirror!

One kick directly knocked the imperial machine soldier Reginald to the ground.

Then the two huge humanoid objects decisively began to fight!
Of course!
As a miscellaneous soldier, Reginald is naturally no match for the Mirror Knight!
Reginald was quickly defeated.

After the Mirror Knight defeated Reginald, he didn't dare to stop at all!

You know, on this planet, Reginald is counted in thousands at this time!
Decisively receive Princess Emerana into her own mirror space.

"Your Highness, please take care!"

After praying for Emerana, the Mirror Knight decisively looked back!

A pair of Dark Lops Allen followed a burly Ultra Warrior wearing a cape.

The scarlet eyes and the pink timer look extremely terrifying and oppressive!
At the same time, outside the planet Emerald, there was an extremely huge one, which was as big as the planet Emerald.

A huge warship like a claw stretched out countless chains and landed on the planet Emerald.

The sharp claws are also deeply inserted into the surface of the planet Emerald.

The huge gravitational force caused countless natural disasters on the planet Emerald...

Many Emeralu people died due to natural disasters...

In order to protect most of the immortals, the Mirror Knight could only put up a huge protective shield. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Caesar Belia inserted his claw directly into the Mirror Knight's neck.

Dark power is constantly infused into the Mirror Knight's body.

"Be my servant!"


As Beria laughed wildly, a rather obvious wound on his head shone with a coquettish red light...


In the Kingdom of Light at this time...

Zero decisively stood in front of the huge transport ship, helping the remaining Ultra Warriors mitigate the transport ship's terrifying attack.

The black and red light ball hit Zero.

Facing the incoming attack, Zero didn't panic at all!
He stretched out a hand directly, intending to block the opponent's attack with one hand.


Because of Allen's arrival, Beria appeared too early!
At this time, Zero has not reached the strength in the original work at all!
boom! ——

The huge explosion directly blew Zero into the universe!
? ? ? ?
Silo flying in the air is crazy!
Totally numb!


Why is this happening? ? ? ?The script shouldn't be written like this!

Logically speaking, shouldn't I just block the opponent's attack and then easily break the transport ship into pieces? ? ? ?

Why am I being blown away right now?

Who changed the script for me? ? ? ?
Seeing this scene, Seven helplessly covered his eyes...

Is this thing really his son? ? ? ?

When did he like to show off so much? ? ?

When facing juniors, he always gives up his C position to them!

As a result, you, Zero, are doing this to me now? ? ?
I should have wasted my light particles right then!
I really shouldn’t have let you be born!

Better than Allen!
How wonderful it would be if my son were Allen!
Strong and talented!
More importantly, he is a good person!

Look at Leo and Ace!
Both of them had positive comments about Allen!

Right now!

An Ultra Guillotine, which was fully 500 meters high, instantly cut across the hull of the dark Lops Allen transport ship!

One blow directly cut the transport ship in half.

Seeing this scene in the sky, Zero's eyes were full of envy!


Allen's strength is awesome!

Instant kill with one hit!

When can I be like Allen...

Look at yourself now...

He was instantly killed by a transport ship!


boom! ——

The transport ship that was cut in half exploded.

Countless parts fell from the sky.

Several Ultra warriors were accidentally injured.

But no one was angry, and everyone looked at the figure in the distance with admiration in their eyes.

An Ultra warrior with a red and silver body and several tattoos stood silently among a pile of steel ruins!
After seeing this figure, all the Ultra warriors were very excited!
As long as Saiyan is here, they don't have to worry about anything happening to the Kingdom of Light!
You know, Allen was able to directly kill the thousand-meter-tall hundred-body monster Beliudora in an instant.

Isn't it the same as playing with a transport ship like this now?
However, what no one expected was that the huge transport ship was destroyed.

In the sea of ​​fire, three Ultra warriors with scarlet one-eyed figures suddenly stood up.

Everyone looks [-]% similar to Allen!
"Dark Lops Allen????"

Seven was stunned when he saw this scene!

He didn't expect it to be this guy at all!
You know, Herodia is still in prison in the Kingdom of Light.

According to Herodia's words, Dark Lops Allen was picked up by her.

That is to say...

Is the mastermind finally coming out?
They have been looking for this guy for quite a long time!

But these guys are still very powerful...

It looks like there's something evil behind it...

Haven't waited for Savin to react!
Fire Red Dragon Fist!
Lightning White Tiger Fist!
The fire dragon emblem and white tiger emblem on Allen's left and right arms suddenly lit up!

A huge fire dragon covered with flames and a white tiger phantom with lightning all over its body and huge wings on its back rushed directly towards Dark Lops Allen!
boom! ——

With the sound of explosion...

Dark Lops Allen was instantly killed!

(End of this chapter)

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