Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 86 Allen is so scary!Looking for another universe!

Chapter 86 Allen is so scary!Find another universe!
Gudong! ——

After seeing this scene, both Zero, who managed to restrain his body in the sky, and Severn, who came to support, all gulped and spat!
Good guy!
Alan, has your special strength become stronger again? ? ?

It’s only been two months!
Isn't it a little too outrageous!
The eyes of Sero and Seven were full of shock.

In fact, I don’t blame Zero and Seven for thinking this way.

At that time, the two of them had not seen Allen fight with Dark Lops Allen. They only knew about it after seeing the wreckage of Dark Lops Allen.

So I don’t know the strength of Dark Lops Allen.

Allen's answer at that time was also, how many more tricks can this guy have with him?
As a result, Allen now directly killed three Dark Lops Allen instantly!

No wonder Seven and Sero think so.

But it's just...

The Dark Lops Allen at that time was strengthened by Herodia.

In addition, Allen was mainly for rewards at that time, so he was fighting hard.

Use cruel means to solve it!
This will give them the illusion that Dark Lops Allen is strong!
But it's okay!

Now that the crisis in the Kingdom of Light has been resolved, it’s time to deal with the following matters!
Seven thought for a moment and felt that Allen might be able to get more Ultra Medals this time!

After all, this crisis was almost solved by Allen alone!
"Alan, let's go back to the Space Guard Headquarters now. Your contribution is even greater this time!"

Seven walked up to Allen, smiled and patted Allen on the shoulder, then turned his head and gave Sero a very unhappy look!
Look at people!
see you again!

Weakness is not your problem!
After all, Zero, you are only five thousand years old!
I don’t expect you to be as powerful as Allen.

But could you please stop pretending to be cool next time? ? ?
If you fail to show off, you will become a fool!
You are totally embarrassing your father by doing this!

It seems that the last Jeep training was not enough.

After this commendation ceremony is over, Zero must be given another special jeep training...

Sero was also very helpless at this time!

Of course he knew the meaning in Zero's eyes.


Allen is a guy who the King of Ultra said can become a god.

He is just an ordinary Ultra Warrior, and he certainly cannot compare with a genius like Allen...

what can he do...

He can only endure it...

After all, Allen is [-]% unbeatable.

Severn is his dad again.

There is no way he can fight against his father!
Then his end must be miserable.

"Thank you, instructor Seven, for the compliment. Let's go back first!"

Allen nodded.

Allen was still very clear about what happened next.

After that comes the plot of the Belial Galactic Empire.

This time I can meet Noah!

However, the Kingdom of Light does not yet have the ability to travel across the universe on a large scale.

It is estimated that only one person can travel across the universe this time...

As the best candidate, Allen is still very confident in himself!

Zero must get the Shield of Palagi!

Then several people quickly returned to the headquarters of the Space Guard of the Kingdom of Light...

At this time, all the Ultra brothers and Ultra's father and mother also came here.

Hikari had already removed the energy core from Dark Lops Allen's chest.

Last time they obtained an energy core from Dark Lops Allen.

At this time, Hikali had almost figured out the internal situation of this thing.

"This thing is a substance that does not exist in our Kingdom of Light universe."

"I felt more energy than I've ever felt before."

Zoffi looked at the core of Dark Lops Allen and looked at everyone with a solemn expression.Now suddenly something that does not exist in this universe appears.

It seems that this enemy is not simple!

Moreover, they must have considerable understanding of their Kingdom of Light.

Otherwise, Dark Lops Allen would not have been produced.

Allen is still a relatively secretive figure in the Kingdom of Light.

"Well! This device not only converts them into negative energy, but also continuously releases signals to a certain place."

Eddie is a half-scientific, half-combat Ultra warrior.

Plus Hikari’s reminder.

It also marked the destination of the signal in Dark Lops Allen.

Everyone looked in the direction of the signal.

"Other universes..."

"Who did this?"

"Why did you come to the Kingdom of Light?"

"Looks like we need to check it out!"

"If we want to go to other universes, even if we concentrate all the energy of the Kingdom of Light, I'm afraid we can only send two people there!"

Listening to the words of the people around him, Allen was also stunned.

two people?

So it’s him and Sero!
There is no other choice.

After all, everyone in the Kingdom of Light is well aware of his own strength.

In addition, Zero has been acting with him all the time, so it should be right!

"Let me go! I will definitely solve this mystery!"

Zero stood up directly and looked at Zhongao.

After all, he is quite confident in his own strength!

The Seven people are all stupid!

Who was it that was blasted into the universe just now?

So now you come up and say you want to go?

Do you want to see your own strength before you speak?
Please don't embarrass me!
Severn only has one idea now, and that is to take Cerro away as soon as possible, and then start the special jeep training.

You kid, if you don’t look for trouble day by day, you’ll feel uncomfortable, right?
"Siro, you..."

Before Severn could finish speaking, Ultra's father interrupted him.

"Then let Zero and Allen go there together!"

The father of Ultra naturally has his own ideas.

They are all old now, and it is inevitable that their combat effectiveness will decline!

Especially when he was fighting Beria.

He had to say that he really couldn't handle such a high-intensity battle.

It’s time to train the next generation of leaders of the Kingdom of Light!
Mebius is one.

But just one Ultra Warrior is not enough!

Although Zeta and Taiga are about the same age as Ellen Cero, they are about a thousand years younger.

But the two of them don't have such good talents, and it will take time to grow.

The gap in between still needs to be filled in!

Allen and Sero are the best choices.

Let these two become the new generation leaders of the Kingdom of Light!
Just like the relationship between myself and Zoffie!
One becomes the captain of the Space Guard, and the other is an auxiliary.

Just right!
The expression on Saiwen's face was a little embarrassed when he heard this...

As a father, he knew exactly what was going on with Zero!
In the past, it was completely holding Allen back!
However, since the father of Ultra has spoken, it is naturally impossible for him to refute the other party's order.

(End of this chapter)

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