Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 87 Allen and Zero go to another dimension to find Beria!

Chapter 87 Allen and Zero go to another dimension to find Beria!

Of course, they still have important things to do now!

Let Allen and the others come back this time, after all, they want to award Allen a medal.

Moreover, after Allen returned, he also saved the Kingdom of Light.

Through this time, the residents of the Kingdom of Light have a deeper understanding of Allen.

But it's a good opportunity to establish a new generation of leaders in Allen!
It must be a few more Ultra Medals.

Then the Ultra Father gathered all the Ultra warriors together.

I plan to let everyone get to know Allen!
"Today is a rather special day."

"Originally, the plan was to award medals to Ultra warriors who had outstanding achievements in the battle that rescued Beria."

"I didn't expect that someone would dare to invade the Kingdom of Light at this time!"

"However, our Ultra Warrior—Eren! He is also the Ultra Warrior who performed best in Beria's escape battle, and he defeated the enemy again!"

"For this reason, we will award Allen two more Ultra Medals on top of the original award."

"And we will use everyone's strength to send Allen and Zero to another universe to track down the culprit who invaded the Kingdom of Light this time!"

As Ultra's father finished speaking, everyone looked at Allen on the ceremony stage with admiration.

Especially the new generation!
Taiga, Fengma, and Titas’ eyes are filled with Allen’s figure!
The age gap between Allen and them is not that big.

But with such a strong strength, they really admire him!
At this time, Allen has become the goal that the three of them will pursue throughout their lives!

The father of Ultra looked at the reactions of everyone in the audience and nodded with a smile on his face.

This is what he wanted!

With someone who can take the lead, all the new generation of Ultra Warriors will target Eren!
This will greatly promote the progress of the new generation.

The flame-headed captain Zofi also smiled and put the Ultra Medal on Allen's chest.

This time, Allen also has four stars on his chest!
Arranged symmetrically around the timer.

At this moment, Severn also came to Sero and Allen.

"Alan, Cero, you two take this with you."

Seven took out two Ultra bracelets and handed them to Allen and Sero.

Allen is quite aware of the effect of this thing, for Allen, who has unlimited energy.

This thing is almost useless!
"No need, Instructor Seven! This thing is of no use to me at all!"

"You don't have to worry about Zero's energy running out."

"With me here, it's impossible for Zero to consume any energy!"

Allen smiled and waved his hand.

When Sero heard this, his eyes suddenly showed an embarrassed look...

Good guy!
Alan, I know you have more energy than me!
Stronger than me!
But can you not think of me as you?

The gap between you and me is like a chasm!
There is no comparison at all...


You usually don't consume energy, but I do!

Have you ever thought about what if I run out of energy? ? ? ?
Especially you guy...

You don’t care about my life or death at all during the battle!

Thinking of the scene on the asteroid Cheney, Allen had no intention of helping him resist the mechanical Ultra Brothers.

Zero felt that if he didn't have the life-saving props given by his father.

It is really possible to be played to death!
Especially since I had offended Allen...


You still have to get this thing!
If you don't want Allen, I can have two!
Two! ! ! !

Then I can also fight with two Ultra Bracelets!


Speaking of...

Allen seems to be saying that the purpose of this Ultra bracelet is to replenish energy?

That must be used!

In another world, there is no plasma spark tower to replenish energy!Thinking of this, Sero directly snatched the two bracelets from Severn's hands.

"Dad! Since Allen doesn't need it, I will reluctantly help Allen keep it!"

"That's right! Just keep it safe for him!"

"There is absolutely no intention to save one's life!"

Seeing his son's failure, Severn really wanted to slap him!
Look at what you look like!
Look at Allen again!
Why is there such a big gap between two Ultra warriors who are both over 5000 years old!


It's really outrageous!
Why was he born with such a thing in the first place?
In fact, Zero's strength is definitely top-notch among the new generation!

Where does Severn insist on using Cerro and Allenby?

After all, there is absolutely no comparison between the two~!

Thinking that Allen was a being who the King of Ultra had said could become a god, Seven felt a little calmer.

"This bracelet can restore your power. It contains a special plasma spark."

"But it can only be used three times!"

Seven looked at Sero unhappily and said, leave immediately!

Now Seven is really out of sight and out of mind when it comes to Sero!

Sero didn't care about Severn's attitude!


what? ? ?
Can a bracelet restore energy up to three times? ? ?
Doesn’t this mean, buddy, I have six lives? ? ?

It’s really a bit cool!

This way you don’t have to worry about Allen’s accidental injury!
Even if I try to resist a feat, what if my energy is exhausted?
Anyway, I have six lives!

This time I'm not afraid of you!
Sero glanced at Allen and suddenly felt confident again!
"By the way, this thing can also give you directions."

"Show me the way back."

Ace also came to Allen's side at this time.

The look in Allen's eyes was quite complicated...

I don’t know who is behind the scenes in the other world.

But I pray for you in advance!
Tell me about you...

Why do you have to provoke our Kingdom of Light?
Take a look!

Now they directly use the ultimate weapon Eren!
The people under Allen!

No one can be left intact!

I hope people in another world don’t die too miserably!

It’s also best not to mock Allen!
Otherwise you will really know what cruelty is!

Right now!

Ultra's father also planned to send Allen and the others out.

Then Allen and Zero flew into the sky!
All the Ultra warriors in the Kingdom of Light directed all their energy towards Allen and Zero.

A rather thick red ball of light formed around the two people.

The moment the ball of light was condensed, it shot out!

Suddenly disappeared from everyone's eyes.

Everyone’s eyes are full of expectations!

They believe it!

Allen will definitely bring them good news.

As for the mastermind behind the scenes...

To be honest, neither the Ultra brothers nor Ultra's father thought that the other party could survive...

After all, Allen's methods...

It’s really a bit scary!

(End of this chapter)

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