Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 88 Multiverse!Xiao Zhi is in trouble!

Chapter 88 Multiverse!Xiao Zhi is in trouble!
The red ball keeps flying in the universe.

It didn't take long to break through countless galaxies and reach the edge of the universe!

A layer of what looked like transparent foam blocked the progress of the red ball.


This only blocks it for a moment.


The red ball broke through this layer of bubbles.

When the red ball comes outside the bubble!
The surrounding scene is quite gorgeous, with various lights flashing constantly, and countless bubbles stagnating in this space.

Every bubble is a universe.

There are countless creatures in it.

It's just that the size of these bubbles is not as big as the bubbles in the Kingdom of Light universe.

"Is this a scene outside the universe?"

Looking at the surrounding scenes, Zero's eyes were full of surprise!

He had never thought that the outside of the universe was like this. The universe they were in turned out to be just a bubble among countless universes!
Thinking of this, Zero was a little frustrated.

After all, the Zero at this time is not the Zero who has experienced many things in the original work.

The ideas are still relatively naive.

Suddenly discovering so many universes, it’s hard to avoid overthinking them.

There are so many people in the world who are stronger than me.

In Sero's view, with his talent, only Allen may be able to beat him in the future.

But seeing so many universes at this time, is there really only one Allen who is better than himself?

Snapped! ——

"What are you thinking!"

"Isn't it just a click on the universe? It's so fascinating to watch."

Just when Allen was about to go to the world where Beria was, he suddenly found Zero standing there blankly.

This makes Allen quite unhappy!

He slapped it directly.

Can you kid be more serious?
Now I have to go on a mission!
However, just such a slap woke up Zero!

There are so many universes, and I really can't be the strongest one.

After all, it is absolutely impossible to defeat Allen with him above him!

Then why do I think so much?
Wouldn't it be better to just hold Allen's thigh and walk?

It always feels more comfortable to lie flat than not to lie flat!
That's right!

That's it!

Thinking of this, Zero suddenly felt that he was no longer under so much pressure!

Looking at Allen in front of him, I feel that Allen has a pretty face!

Snapped! ——

"What do you want, boy?"

"I always feel like you're thinking about bad things!"

Looking at Sero's eyes, Allen always felt that this look was like looking at the person he likes!
You, Zero, don’t want to bring any black spots to my reputation!
Allen slapped him directly!

As we all know, Ultra Slap has the effect of modifying personality!

[-]% able to put Zero on the right path!
However, what Allen didn't expect was that Zero didn't have any unhappy expression on his face after being slapped by Ultra.Ridiculous!

Of course!
From Sero's point of view, Allen is completely telling himself not to care so much, and that he can handle anything in the future by himself!

Why! ——

I was still too stupid before!
How silly!

you see!
What a nice guy Alan is!
When he was confused, Allen was willing to use the forbidden personality correction technique - Ultra slap to wake himself up!

So it’s absolutely okay to hold Ellen’s thigh!

However, what Allen was thinking about at this time was...

Why don't you find a chance to revise Zero's idea?
Forget it!

Taking care of your tasks first is the most important thing!
Then the two of them followed the energy core in Dark Lops Allen's chest and rushed towards a universe...


Just when Allen and Zero burst into this universe!
Countless battleships, carrying the logo of the Belia Empire, arrived in the sky above a planet.

There is a nice thing in this universe called Emerald Ore!
It contains quite terrifying energy, and can even allow people to travel across the universe!
Emeralu Ore is ubiquitous in this universe.

The planet Emerald is the largest reserve of Emerald ore!
The planet Anu in front of the Belial Empire Army now also has a lot of Emerald ore.

For the Belial Empire Army, nothing else matters!
But as long as there is Emeralu ore on this planet, it is a place that must be occupied!

At this time, everyone on the planet Anu was constantly fleeing.

The strength of the Belial Empire Army is definitely at its peak in this universe!
There is almost no one who can rival the Belial Empire Army.

Facing such a terrifying army, they seemed to have the only option to run away.

But two people did not run away like the others.

Instead, he came out and glared at the Imperial Mech Reginald of the Belial Imperial Army.

"Anu Guards, prepare for action!"

The younger child among them said something to the man next to him.

The two men's arms collided, completely unafraid of the Imperial mechanized soldier Reginald who was dozens of times taller than him.

Then the two men drove a rather dilapidated-looking spaceship and began to attack the imperial machine soldier Reginald.


This spacecraft is equipped with the most primitive gunpowder weapons.

Such a weapon cannot cause any harm at all when faced with a mechanical monster like the imperial machine soldier Reginald!
Especially now there are countless Imperial mechs Reginald on the planet Anu!
They could only use the terrain on the planet to defeat the imperial machine soldier Reginald.

After attracting the attention of an imperial mechanized soldier, Reginald, the two men decisively drove the spacecraft and led it into a crater.

Directly let the imperial machine soldier Reginald fall into the magma.


Their spacecraft also lost power due to the explosion.

But enough!
Now they have destroyed a giant robot!
The two of them were quite happy!


As we all know, if you pop the champagne at halftime, you will lose!

Reginald, who fell into the lava, was not seriously injured.

How could a robot that could fly in the universe be afraid of magma with a temperature of less than a thousand degrees?
He rushed out from the ground and pushed the two of them away...

Their spaceship also fell into the magma and exploded completely...

Xiaozhi was lying on the edge of the cliff, with hot lava underneath...

(End of this chapter)

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