Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 92 Meeting the princess!Allen's strength!I'll dismantle it directly for you!

Chapter 92 Meeting the princess!Allen's strength!I'll dismantle it directly for you!
"So, what exactly is the Shield of Ellen Parage?"

Zero looked at Allen, hoping to learn about the Shield of Palagi from Allen.

This thing sounds like a piece of equipment.

I don't know what effect it has.

"My brother and I were going to go look for this thing."

"The Shield of Palagi protects the entire universe. This is the legend of our planet."

"So as long as we find it, it can protect us."

"Get rid of that terrifying demon..."

Although Xiao Zhi knew that the crisis on his planet had been temporarily solved by Allen.

But the problem is that the most terrifying thing in this universe is not this fleet!
But the terrifying demon king who controls the universe!
As long as this devil doesn't die.

Their planet will still be in danger.

The Shield of Palagi still needs to be found.

Allen smiled. Noah, the old bastard, really knew he was here!

In the original work, Noah actually chose Zero here.

Let Zero inherit the Shield of Palagi, but this time Noah chose himself.

Just when the Palagi Shield on Xiao Zhi's chest lit up, Allen felt an energy rush into his body.

This energy doesn't have much energy, and it doesn't have any ill intentions towards myself.

It should be the energy necessary to activate Palagi's Shield.

This energy also made Allen more certain that he still had to follow the plot.

Noah would never give him the Shield of Palagi, an artifact that can travel through various universes, before he tests him!
So now it’s better to accept the test honestly.

"The Terror Lord?"

Zero was stunned for a moment. He felt that the mastermind behind this mission must have exposed himself.

Being able to control such a huge mechanical army, there is also the existence of Dark Lops Allen inside.

He is [-]% the mastermind behind the invasion of the Kingdom of Light!
"Who is this terrifying demon king?"

Thinking of this, Zero asked quickly.

He has now chosen to lie down and just ask the mastermind behind it and let Allen solve it!
Just lie down and win!

"Caesar Bellia!"

Xiao Zhi's words stunned Sero.

Beria? ? ?
Is this the Beria he was thinking of?

Could it be that they have the same name?

Didn't Beria ask Allen to give it directly to Yang?

Thinking of Allen's attack, Zero felt that it was impossible for any creature to survive such a horrific attack.

So they are people with the same name?

That's fine!

He really didn't believe that Beria could survive Allen's attack.

Right now!

The few surviving Reginalds on the planet Anu are still faithfully performing their missions.

It penetrated directly through the ground and found traces of Allen and others.

Allen glanced at these Reginalds without making too many moves.

Next it's time for Aimee Lana to appear.

There is no need to do it yourself, and there is no benefit anyway.

The rest of these guys will be wiped out by Planet Anu's army.

Zero just wanted Allen to help. After all, he was now in a state of no energy.

As a result, before the words were spoken, a circular formation with red light suddenly appeared under their feet.

"What is this stuff?"

Zero was just about to ask Xiao Zhi what this was, but as a result, the ground was under the influence of this red formation.

It became a dark void.

The three of them were sucked directly into the ground!
The ground around them began to shake.

Like something is about to burst out of the ground.

All Reginald on the ground could not stand still.

One by one they fell to the ground.

A spaceship nearly 50 meters long broke out of the ground.

Fly into the universe instantly.Looking at the surrounding environment, Zero was stunned.


what's the situation?
So this is also something on the planet Anu?

Take them directly to the universe!

"Xiao Zhi, is this your spaceship?"

Sero is numb!
Your technology tree is really a bit outrageous.

The clothes he wore were so leaky.

As a result, there is actually such a spaceship?
"Not our spaceship!"

"I don't know what it is either."

Xiaozhi was also stunned.

Their planet's spaceships mainly focus on the feeling of wilderness.

Basically, they are mainly earthy yellow.

There is no such red and white spaceship at all.

"So someone came to help you?"

Zero could only think of this possibility.

Now let's go visit the savior who saved them.

Then he walked towards the cab.

Allen slowly followed the two of them.

Emerana is a good princess, at least better than Queen Amaterasu in The Original Origin!
It’s quite nice to work with people like this.

As long as Emerana is the same as Queen Amaterasu, Allen will promote this spaceship now!
After several people walked to the cab, they saw a woman wearing a white dress with her back to them.

"Did you save us?"

Zero didn't know why the other party didn't look back at them, so he asked with some doubts.

As for Alan...

Silently walked to the side and activated his aurora power in the human body state.

Only when he hits others, no one has the chance to hit him!
He didn't want to take James's attack.

"My name is Xiaozhi, he is my brother Sero, and the other one is my other brother Allen."

"Thank you!"

When Zero and Xiao Zhi were talking, they had no idea at all.

At this time, Amy Lana was panicking to death...

She herself didn't understand why these three people were teleported to James Bert.

If these people were bad people, she would be doomed!

Her identity is very complicated, if Caesar Belia knows her identity.

Then all the efforts of the Mirror Knight and his parents and sisters would be in vain.

"Okay, we are not bad people, Princess Emerana."

"And James, I advise you not to take action against us."

"Otherwise I will tear you apart directly!"

Right now!

Allen suddenly spoke, attracting everyone's attention.


James Robert just wanted to protect Amy Lana, but he saw Allen releasing his energy.

Such terrifying energy prevented James from moving at all.

An opponent with this level of energy...

It can indeed dismantle him!
Aimee Lana also turned to look at Allen with a look of disbelief.

I have no idea why the other party knew his identity.

She probably didn't bring out anything that could express her identity!
Sero was also stunned.

This universe is a strange universe. Why does Allen know people from this universe?
As expected of Allen!
Sure enough, the feeling of holding my thigh is the best!

One hundred percent no problem!
"It's better to let us know our future opponents now."

Allen naturally knew who was responsible for the timing this time.

But let’s let Zero take a look!

(End of this chapter)

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