Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 93 The princess is shocked!Allen is so strong, he would have killed Beria long ago! ?

Chapter 93 The princess is shocked!Allen is so strong, he would have killed Beria long ago! ?
Emerana took a few steps back in fear and accidentally tripped over the steps.

Somewhat at a loss.

These people in front of her are definitely not something she can deal with...

Especially this handsome guy.

The feeling of oppression is even stronger!


I don't know why, but Amy Lana always feels like she can't hide anything from the other party.

"Why should I show it to you!"

"The person in front of you is the princess of the planet Esmeralda, and you are still so rude when you see Her Royal Highness!"

"As for you, it's enough if we don't erase your memories and throw them to other planets!"

James couldn't bear it anymore.

Allen's tone made him not care about Allen's strength at all.

These guys are definitely not fuel efficient!
It is very likely that it will pose a threat to Amy Lana.

"If you talk again, I will really tear you apart."

Allen glanced at James.

"I have no ill intentions towards you."

"Don't you think you've discovered that the Beria Empire fleet currently surrounding Planet Anu has been destroyed?"

"Still barking here."

Aimee Lana and James Robert were both stunned when they heard this!
Then he quickly looked at the radar.


At this time, all the fleets of the Belial Empire Army disappeared.

"how is this possible!"

After seeing this scene, James was dumbfounded!
You know, Beria's army is absolutely invincible in this universe!

Even the fleets of Mirror Star and Esmeralda cannot gain any benefit when facing the fleet of the Belial Empire Army!

Not to mention, Planet Anu!

Planet Anu’s fleet is [-]% unstoppable!
Not to mention destroying the fleet of the Belial Empire Army.

So there is only one possibility, and that is that it was really Allen who wiped out the entire fleet of the Belial Empire Army by himself!

How can this be?

Is there really such a strong person in the universe?

Whether it's the Mirror Knight on the Mirror Star, or the Red Lotus Flame.

It is impossible for them to have such power!

So, how terrifying is this guy’s strength!

If such a strong person helps, can Planet Esmeralda be saved?

Not only James, but also Amy Lana stood up in a daze at this time.

He looked at Allen with a look of disbelief on his face.

In her opinion, Mirror Knight is already the strongest warrior in the universe!

Only Beria can crush the Mirror Knight.

But even the Mirror Knight can't possibly destroy a fleet!

Therefore, it seems that I can only trust Allen now!
After all, if the fleet of the planet Anu is invaded, Allen will really be destroyed.

It seems they can't run away either...

Thinking of this, Amy Lana suppressed the fear in her heart and decided to ask Allen for help!

"I understand."

"I believe in your strength!"

Emerana nodded heavily and decided to tell her life experience.

"My name is Emerana Lulute Esmeralda, and I am the little princess of the Esmeralda Kingdom."

"My planet was also attacked by Caesar Belial. I was the only one who was transported to this royal space ship."

"I've always been hiding..."

"My father, my mother, my sister, and my subjects were all killed by the Beria Empire..."

"They are all gone..."

When Sero heard Emerana's words, a solemn look appeared on his face.


Beria in this world actually has such strength...

Even stronger than Belial in their world!

But it’s okay!
Anyway, there is Allen this time!
So what if Beria has a fleet?

Can the fleet match the strength of Beleudra?
It’s totally incomparable! "It's fine!"

"Alan killed Belial in our world before!"

"He even killed Beleudra, which was made up of hundreds of monsters!"

"You don't have to worry at all!"

Snapped! ——

Before Zero could finish speaking.

Allen slapped Sero on the head.

"What's wrong with me Alan?"

Sailo is numb!

What have you done? Why do you want to whip me?
I haven't done anything!

"You kid, do you still think that Caesar Belial is just a creature in this universe?"

"That guy is Beria who escaped from our universe!"

Allen sighed helplessly.

If it were a creature in this universe, how could it possibly know what it looked like?

Zero is not strong enough now and has a bruise on his head!


Sero was completely confused!

Is it from my own universe...

After being slapped by Ultra, Zero suddenly reacted.

But everyone in this universe...

It seems really impossible to know what Eren looks like!

"No! Didn't Beria ask you to be blown to ashes?"

"Can it be resurrected?"

Zero's outlook on life was completely overturned.

I have no idea how Beria was resurrected...

What's so special is that he doesn't have the technology of the Kingdom of Light, let alone the same level as the King of Ultra.

So there is absolutely no possibility of resurrection!
Allen smiled, Beria was resurrected only by the Little Golden Man.

But it doesn't matter!
Anyway, it’s an instant kill with one move!

Aimee Lana and James Robert were also stunned after hearing what Allen and Sero said!

Beria was originally the defeated general of the man in front of him?
From this perspective, the chances of winning are even greater!
"You...can you help me take back the planet Esmeralda!"

"I want to rebuild my planet!"

Aimee Lana's face was full of begging.

Only Allen can help her now.

In order to save her, the Mirror Knight was infused with the soul of the Rebrando star by Belia.

At this time, we can only be trapped on the Mirror Star.


"Besides, you don't need to rebuild the planet Esmeralda."

"None of your family is dead."

"Belia's goal is the Emerald Ore."

"For people like you who don't have much strength, that guy doesn't even bother to go on a killing spree."

"Your subjects have probably all been photographed and mined."

Allen nodded, and then told Emeralda about the planet Esmeralda.

It's no secret anyway.

Besides, if you want to activate the Shield of Palagi, you still need the help of Emerana.


After hearing this, Aimee Lana shed two lines of clear tears from the corners of her eyes.

Knowing that her family is okay is the best gift for her!

In this way, she will no longer live alone!
I am even more grateful to Ellen!

James is also grateful to Allen. After all, as a robot that protects the royal family, he always hopes that the royal family will prosper.

"So where are we going now."

Zero was a little curious. Could it be that he was going to kill Beria's hometown directly?

This is in line with Allen’s character!
(End of this chapter)

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