Kingdom of Light: Learn from Ace, the Saw Man of Light

Chapter 94 The Shield of Palagi!Meet the Red Lotus Flame!

Chapter 94 The Shield of Palagi!Meet the Red Lotus Flame!

Just after Zero said this.

The shield of Palagi on Xiaozhi's chest lit up again.

It will attract everyone's attention.

Looking at the fragments on Xiao Zhi's chest, Aimee Lana showed a trace of doubt.

She felt that this thing looked familiar, but she didn't know where she had seen it before.

As for Allen...

I kept complaining about Noah in my heart...

Noah, this guy, was really worried that I would just go over and mess with Beria!
You tell me about you.

If you want to give me the Shield of Palagi, just show up and throw it at me.

I have to act as a magic stick and guide my direction here.

What will happen if I don't listen to you?
Looking at the fragment of Palagi's Shield on Xiao Zhi's chest, a smile appeared on Allen's lips.

Noah seemed to know what Allen was thinking.

The brightness of the fragmented light on Xiaozhi's chest suddenly increased.

As if telling Allen not to mess around.

Allen shrugged at this.

You are the current God of Ultra, and I listen to you.

After all, the Shield of Palagi is still very delicious!
For the sake of you being a tool delivering props, he should just follow the plot honestly!
"Should we go find the Shield of Palagi first?"

Xiaozhi looked at his chest and said to the people around him.

After all, the Shield of Palagi is said to be something that can save the universe!

"I feel like I don't need this thing. Allen can give Caesar Beria seconds..."

In fact, Zero didn't really want to waste time, delaying his lying down like this!

"The Shield of Palagi?"

Aimee Lana was stunned for a moment, and now she finally remembered this thing!
"Is it the legend you mentioned before?"

This legend is spread in this universe as the princess of the planet Esmeralda.

Of course she knows.

"Can that kind of illusory legend really save the universe?"

"Can Beria really be defeated?"

As a robot, James is an absolutely rational being.

I am skeptical about such a legendary thing.

He still believes that Allen can defeat Beria alone.

This is more realistic.

After all, Beria had never defeated Allen before, although he didn't know the specific battle process.

But judging from Zero's reaction, it should be relatively simple.

It even left a considerable impression on Beria's heart.

Otherwise, Belial would not have made the image of Dark Lops based on Allen.

This is most likely due to fear of Allen.

I want a robot in the image of Allen to protect me.

"Yes! It must be possible!"

"Because that's what my dad said!"

Xiaozhi quickly retorted.

In his opinion, what his brother and father said must be right!

"But there is no proof."

As an absolutely rational being, he talks about evidence.

Without evidence, everything may be fake.

Sero quickly went up to ask Xiaozhi to calm down.

The Kingdom of Light is an idealistic society, so it is relatively accepting of these things.

Robots are materialistic, and it is normal not to believe in such nihilistic things.

"I'll go with you!"

Emerana thought for a moment, came to Allen, and nodded heavily.

Express his willingness to go.

James is stupid!
My own princess also followed suit... She wanted to refute, but looking at Allen, she finally decided to go ahead.

After all, Allen, the strongest person here, didn't say anything.

Now that Allen has said it, Beria has no idea of ​​taking action against the Esmeralda royal family.

It really doesn't delay things.


Where can I go to get relevant news?
"Go find the Pirate of Fire."

Just when a few people didn't know where to go, Allen said something to everyone.

Anyway, even if he doesn't say it, Xiaozhi will say it later.

Not really a spoiler.


As for the Pirates of Fire...

The Fire Pirates are lawless people who love freedom and roam freely in the infinite universe.

They resisted the Belial Empire and fought for the Emerald Ore.

They are the three elusive pirate brothers.

James called out the information about the Pirates of Fire, which made Zero's blood boil!
People who freely roam the universe feel very free.

However, Zero could not accept the lawlessness.

The warriors of the Kingdom of Light are all responsible for maintaining the peace of the universe.

Lawlessness is impossible!
Then James led a few people to a brilliant blue-purple nebula.

A flame in the distance is constantly moving around the surrounding blue-purple nebula.

"By the way, the Pirates of Fire also have a guard, the Red Lotus Flame."

After Xiao Zhi saw the huge humanoid creature sitting on the Pioneer of the Pirates of Fire, he revealed its identity.

Allen naturally knows the character of Red Lotus Flame.

He had no time to waste. Besides, the strength of the Red Lotus Flame would definitely not bring him any skills.

If you want to upgrade your skills, you are likely to offend the Pirates of Fire.

Although he doesn't care much about these guys, he can still help hold back some battleships later!

So let’s leave the fight to Zero!
"Sero, wait a minute before you go out and play with this guy."

"If we lose, I will ask instructor Seven to increase the amount of training."

"Straight out of the way is a stellar Jeep."

Allen's words made Zero tremble all over!

do not be like this!
If you are so cute, you will definitely be miserable!
Wait and you must not lose!

If you lose, it's over!
The Fire Pirates at this time...

"A strange guy appeared in our territorial waters."

"It doesn't look like it's the Belial Empire Army."

"How dare you just barge in without even saying hello."

The three leaders of the Flame Pirates looked at James, completely unaware of Allen's identity.

"Where are you guys from?"

"Be careful I burn you into a kebab!"

"If you don't want to, just leave as soon as possible!"

Red Lotus Flame's words were quite rude.

He also rubbed his head, which directly caused flaming dandruff!

Seeing that Zero was quite unhappy.

Good guy!
Now someone actually dares to show off in front of me...

Except for Allen, no one can pretend to be in front of him!
To say that it was because of Allen before, Zero didn't want to lose to the Red Lotus Flame.

Now Zero is doing it for himself!

Damn it, he must beat this guy to pieces!
Otherwise, it will be difficult to let go of your feelings.

Of course, the main thing he hasn't forgotten yet is to get the news about Palagi's Shield.

But looking at the other party's appearance, a fight is inevitable until the news is obtained.

It's exactly what he wants!

Then Zero transformed into the form of an Ultra Warrior and flew out of James Bert...

(End of this chapter)

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