I am the same author, starting from Douluo and plundering the heavens

Chapter 105: Crazy Harvest, new entry, Ren Xue’s strategy

Chapter 105 Crazy Harvest, new entry, Qian Renxue’s strategy
With Salas officially admitting defeat,

Not only Dugu Bo, "Xue Qinghe", Ning Fengzhi and other big figures,

Almost everyone present showed an extremely incomprehensible expression on their faces.

I can't tell whether it was shock, surprise, shock, disbelief, etc., but it was far more intense than all these emotions and was indescribable.

It was... a huge shock that completely broke the cognitive level and thinking inertia accumulated in the past decades, as if suddenly seeing a whole new world.

It seems that something different is emanating from the deepest part of the heart, the deepest part of the soul.

Some people's expressions became extremely exaggerated,
The body trembles, the hands are at a loss, the mouth opens wide, the pupils shrink, and the eyeballs stare like bells...

As for other people, their brains seemed to have lost the ability to direct their actions at this moment.

With blank eyes, he stood there motionless like a tree.

For a ten-year-old child, most people are not even old enough to graduate from the junior martial arts academy. To be able to break through to level [-] and obtain the title of great soul master is already considered the age of the top genius.
He actually defeated more than [-]% of the soul masters, a soul Douluo that he could not even reach in his lifetime.

Moreover, his opponent is Salas, one of the four platinum bishops of Wuhun Palace, who is famous at this level.

This is no longer a miracle, it is simply a miracle, a supreme miracle.

In addition to this extreme shock, what followed was an equally extreme emotion and excitement.

There is no doubt that such an exaggerated sentence,

On this day, the name Qin Feng and this battle will be remembered in history, becoming an indelible page in the history of soul masters and becoming a benchmark for truly great geniuses.

What is even more unquestionable is that a peerless monster who achieved such an achievement at the age of ten,

When he is 11, 12, 20, or 30 years old, how far will he grow?And what kind of exaggerated achievements have been achieved?
Titled Douluo?

Super Douluo?

Peerless Douluo?

Still...that unspeakable level.

And he actually witnessed such a historic event, witnessed the beginning of the rise of a future king or an unspeakable figure.

How can this not make people feel emotional?How can it not be exciting?
Many people burst into tears. For some reason, tears welled up in their eyes and they couldn't control it.

They seemed to feel that they were standing at a fork in history, and future historians would divide the history of soul masters into two sections because of this day.

They seem to feel that one day in the future, their children and grandchildren will read and understand the great events in history.

He would suddenly jump up and shout in surprise, "My xx was right next to me at that time."

This is not an exaggeration,

After accepting the fact that Qin Feng could defeat a Contra-level powerhouse at the age of ten, everyone firmly believed in their hearts that
His future must be beyond his imagination, beyond everyone's imagination, unprecedented and unbelievable.

Countless thoughts are surging in everyone's mind,

It wasn't until a long time later that the first person roared, the first person called out that name,

All the emotions completely exploded at this moment, and turned into cheers that could break through gold and stone.

"Qin Feng!"


"Qin Feng!"



Not only were the crazy shouts rising in waves, but the relevant news was also centered on this hotel and quickly spread in all directions.

Standing on top of the giant Buddha, Qin Feng could clearly see a famous flying soul master rising into the sky.

They will bring this incredible achievement that shocked the world,
Go to the Spirit Hall, the two empires, the seven sects, many high-level spirit academies, the most prosperous clans with Contras, and even some organizations that have been hidden from the world, etc.

Announce the birth of a new star in the future and spread the reputation of the future king.

Not long after, the cheers subsided and the group returned to the restaurant.
Although the food on the table was shaken and completely messy due to the battle just now, many dishes and soups were spilled, and it looked extremely messy.

But a few people didn't care at all.

Soon we were all sitting together, chatting and laughing again.

Moreover, the smile and enthusiasm on his face are obviously much more sincere.

Including Salas, the previous arrogance and rudeness completely disappeared, replaced by a mouthful of friends, which made Qin Feng himself feel a little embarrassed.

After chatting for a while, Ning Fengzhi asked with a smile on his face:

"My dear nephew, to what extent is your current cultivation level?"

As soon as he said these words, the eyes of the other people were focused and their ears quietly perked up.
Especially Salas, his face suddenly became solemn, and his eyes looked straight.

Normally, for a ten-year-old child, no matter how talented he is, he is only in his twenties, so there is no need to ask such questions.

But is Qin Feng normal?
The abnormality can be the martial soul, soul skills, physical fitness, mental strength, etc., and of course it can also be the level.

Qin Feng smiled lightly when he heard this.
"Level 33."

As he spoke, a crystal ball appeared in his hand. The brightness of the light shining on it proved that what he said was true and he was not lying.

"Then why didn't I see you using soul skills in the battle just now?"

Qin Feng did not answer this question directly, but said meaningfully:

"First of all, my martial soul is not the giant Buddha. It was created by me using my martial soul ability. You can understand it as some kind of self-created soul skill.

Secondly, the effects of soul skills are also divided into many categories.
For example, Sir Salas' eighth soul skill can be divided into two parts. One is to use soul power to create a special stone with extraordinary hardness and density.

The second is to launch it into a flying stone attack.

If you are good at developing martial arts, you will find that the function of the former is actually far greater than that of the latter.

In fact, many elemental martial spirits may produce similar skills as long as they are paired with appropriate spirit rings.
Hotter flames, cooler ice, faster wind, and even many special abilities, etc.

This self-created soul skill of mine uses at least four kinds of special wood.
The innermost layer of bones is called diamond wood. It has very strong strength and stability, that is, it is resistant to deformation and is difficult to be destroyed.

The muscles and tendons in the middle layer are made of two different kinds of ivy wood, which have extremely strong toughness and stretchability.

The outer skin of platinum wood has both good defense and flexibility.
Of course, the purpose of flexibility is not only to facilitate movement, but also to relieve force and slow down impact. It is also to enhance defense.

The last one is the filling between the three. It wraps the bones and muscles and supports the skin. Its main function is to absorb, conduct and reduce shock. "

As he spoke, the expressions of several people on the field were constantly changing, and the eyes in their pupils were flashing abnormally.

The giant itself is amazing enough.
But what shocked them even more was that it was not a martial spirit, let alone a soul skill, but a self-created move that was combined with the martial spirit's ability.

What level of genius is this?
Simply incredible.

If Qin Feng continues to develop Wuhun according to this idea, wouldn't he be able to create various other giant objects in the future?Huge divine elephants, huge war tigers, even sacred dragons, sacred phoenixes, etc.

For different environments, sky, earth, ocean...

Different goals and different combat methods, soul beasts, soul masters, single combat, group fights...

Wait, there are corresponding moves to choose from.

This is simply invincible.

Salas smiled bitterly, and suddenly felt relieved, knowing that he was not unjustly defeated.

Not only that the strongest blow he tried with all his strength was blocked by his opponent, but he still didn't use his full strength.

Is there any need to be jealous of a person of this level?

After all, people can only be jealous of others, and no one would have enough time to be jealous of a god. That is something only a fool would do.

Yuluo Mian thought of a person, a terrifying existence that was so powerful in the world that no one could compete with him in his era.
Tang Chen, who founded the Haotian Sect, the first of the three sects, is also famous for developing his own soul skills.

Regardless of the Ring Exploding Secret Technique, Haotian Jiu Jue, or the Chaos Cloak Hammer Technique, each one is amazing and shocking to everyone.
It was him who made the Clear Sky Hammer the undisputed number one martial spirit in the world.

And Qin Feng is even better. Sanhuan has such terrifying self-created moves.

If this continues, and the fourth and fifth soul rings also obtain wood with some special attributes or special abilities, then what level will his martial soul development reach?
What kind of terrifying combat power will such a character possess after he attains a title?

I’m afraid no one can know or imagine it.

When several other people were praising Qin Feng desperately,
As the questioner, Ning Fengzhi frowned slightly.

Because he knew that Qin Feng had twin martial souls, a five-meter-tall golden giant and a terrifying giant dragon that was more than sixty meters long.

The first spirit ring is already the thundering Hell Vine with a lifespan of 9000 years, and the subsequent ones can only be stronger.

5 years, 8 years, or even the legendary 10 years are not impossible.

This kind of martial spirit, coupled with such a high-quality spirit ring of such a high age, there is no reason why the skills are weak, at least it is not just as simple as making special wood.

What's more, he had personally seen Qin Feng perform his first skill, and the scene of destruction was almost the same as when the Thunder Hell Vine was alive.

After struggling for a moment, Ning Fengzhi silently comforted himself and said:
It may be that one of the two martial souls has a main attribute of wood. After all, no matter how strong the thunder attribute of the Thunder Hell Vine is, it can't change its nature as a vine, right?

The group chatted for more than half an hour.
On the occasion of parting, "Xue Qinghe" seemed to ask unintentionally:

"By the way, are you still recruiting people for your Star-Zhaing Tower?"

Qin Feng suddenly laughed,
"Of course we will, there will be a notice after the Star Reaching Building is completed.

The requirements are also very simple. First, a spiritual soul master, as long as the innate soul power is above level three, and the soul ring has not been randomly attached.

Second, young geniuses, preferably under 20 years old,
Those with high innate soul power, those with special or powerful martial souls, and those with other extra talents are acceptable.

In addition, if there are soul masters with Soul Saint cultivation level or above who want to join, we also welcome them. "

"Xue Qinghe" nodded slightly,
Under the warm expression, no one knew what she was thinking, but there was a hint of hidden joy in her eyebrows.

After seeing off these big shots, ordinary guests Qin Feng also went down to have a chat for a while.
After the greeting and sending off, the sky was completely dark.

When the last guest left, he couldn't wait to get into the cave world and opened the virtual screen with lightning speed to steal the jingle bells.

Even with today's exaggerated performance, if you think on your heels, you all know that the gains will be huge.

And as soon as I opened it, I saw the subtitles on the interface, as if there was a tsunami, and it spread like crazy.

Just these densely packed words made Qin Feng feel a burst of ecstasy in his heart.

After seeing the content above clearly, he couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, it's great, awesome, invincible,"

The first is [Appearance of the Holy Spirit before People], a total of 140 five,
A total of 450 million plot points, which is several times more than all previous achievements combined.

Salas, who contributed the most, came six times alone, and other plot characters also came three or four times.

Immediately afterwards, there was an achievement that was even higher than the manifestation of the saint in front of others, [Shocking the whole audience]

Appearing in front of others only needs to be in front of an important plot character, or a character whose strength and identity are relatively untroubled.

This can be achieved by doing something that is beyond their previous knowledge and generating a shocking emotion.

And to shock the whole audience, you need to complete some unbelievable feats like today, under the spotlight of everyone.

And it can only be achieved by shocking and shocking everyone in the audience. The difficulty is completely different.

Of course, the reward for this achievement is also very impressive, reaching 500 million points once achieved.

In addition, since Dugu Bo joined the Star-Zhaing Tower, Qin Feng's reputation has skyrocketed at an extremely exaggerated speed.

A series of staged achievements have also been produced in this regard:
From [first hearing his name] to [little fame], to [rising fame], it probably won’t take long to become [famous throughout the world].

[First hearing its name] 20, [little fame] 100 million, [big reputation] 500 million.

In addition to these "ordinary" achievements and "ordinary" rewards at plot points, there are of course some extraordinary rewards.

[At the age of ten, you successfully defeated Salas, a renowned veteran powerhouse, shocking the audience and attracting everyone's attention.

You did not use the soul ring soul bone skills, but relied only on self-developed moves and martial soul special abilities to defeat the powerful soul Douluo.

Demonstrated outstanding fighting ability far beyond his age and cultivation level]
[Add unnamed entry]
Current LV1 (0/1000)

The ability of insight and emergency response during combat, the ability to control and manipulate the battle situation, and the ability to comprehend and understand during review are increased by 50%.

Following these things, there were two special achievements that made Qin Feng's heart suddenly itchy.
The strategy of two original characters, and one of them is Qian Renxue.

As one of Douluo's most outstanding and famous beauties, he is of course very greedy for Miss Angel, the kind who is bound to get her.

[With your Soul Master cultivation, you defeated Saras, a senior Soul Douluo, and completely tore apart the pride in Qian Renxue’s heart.
Let her know that there are people outside the world, and that she is not the best genius in the world. She is actually nothing compared to a real evildoer]
[Qian Renxue’s strategy level +30% and obtained plot points 60]
[Current Qian Renxue’s accumulated strategy level: 30%]
In addition to Qian Renxue, Qin Feng also saw another somewhat unexpected character,

It was Huo Wu, the vice-captain of the Blazing Academy team during the Soul Master Competition in the original book, and the daughter of the dean of Blazing Academy.

Proud by nature, aggressive and domineering, and extremely competitive.

But he looks really good,
Qin Feng remembered that she had big dark red waves that hung down to her waist. She had fair skin, delicate facial features, was tall, and her figure was as convex as it should be.
Especially those big eyes that shine with a faint silver light, which are as eye-catching as a burning flame.

However, Huo Wu is most famous for having a super licking dog, Feng Xiaotian. In order to prevent the goddess from feeling too much pressure, she even wastes her precious talent of innate soul power.

It directly licked out a new level and a new realm, which can be said to be the most amazing thing in the world.

I don’t know to what extent I was stimulated.

Fire Dance not only generated strategy points, but also soared to 50% as soon as it appeared.

Although the difficulty of different stages of strategy cannot be compared, the early stage is relatively much easier.

But from the beginning to the middle of the fight, this is still unprecedented. Compared with when I saved Duguxin and his wife, their daughter Duguyan grew crazier.

(End of this chapter)

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