I am the same author, starting from Douluo and plundering the heavens

Chapter 106: Qin Feng favors Wei Tuohua, and the mistress gets slapped again

Chapter 106: Qin Feng favors Wei Tuohua, and the mistress is scolded again
[Current plot point total: 4785]
After taking stock of all the gains, Qin Feng looked at the string of numbers at the end of the interface that shone to the extreme.
The expression on his face suddenly showed a burst of indescribable pride and excitement.

This is considered unprecedented in history. Not only is the height of a single harvest unprecedented, but the wallet drum is also unprecedented.

However, what stage should be determined at what stage?

Before the martial soul awakens, one hundred thousand plot points are important to him, but after the awakening is completed, the things needed instantly become one million starting points.

As for the things that follow, the creation of one's own god, the second time traveling, the evolution of the cave world, and the addition of new functions to the virtual screen, etc.,
Small goals will become truly "small" goals in front of them.

Even though the spring breeze brings joy to the horse's hoofs, I can see all the flowers in Chang'an in one day,

But the revolution has not yet succeeded, and comrades still have to work hard.

After being slightly excited for a moment, Qin Feng immediately spread his legs and rushed towards an elegant manor not far away, with rockery, flowing water, pavilions and pavilions, full of poetry and painting.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Zhou Yuan tending to a pot of unknown flowers, and immediately shouted excitedly:
"Honey, I'm coming."

As he shouted, the man stepped forward, and his hands suddenly hugged the perfect figure tightly into his arms.

As the cultivation level continues to grow, this little flower has now grown to an extremely attractive stage.

One word,


There are too many to describe, and it is impossible to perfectly describe the perfection.

Even as an author, there are times when you feel you are short of words.

"Brother Feng."

A trace of rosiness suddenly flashed across Zhou Yuan's face, and a bit of beauty was added to his already stunning face, making it even more delicious.

"Huh? What's your name?"


"mu~ah, be good!"


Here, Qin Feng himself was very unhappy.

But the entire continent was shaken violently because of the waves he caused. Many important figures were anxious and stayed up all night.

Regarding the news about the battle during the day,

No matter where it spreads, it will definitely arouse a large number of people who think they have been deceived and ridicule, and then question, doubt, and bewilderment.
Finally, when similar information came from all directions, it became an unparalleled shock and horror.

In the Tiandou Palace, Emperor Xueye dragged his old body and discussed nervously with Prince Xuexing, Prince Xue Qinghe, the Prime Minister and General and other important ministers for a whole night.

In the end, I came to a conclusion that was not nutritious and tried my best to make friends.

Xing Luo did make some arrangements.
On the one hand, they sent people to contact them to show goodwill, and on the other hand, they secretly mobilized some soul masters who did not have a deep relationship with the empire to join the Star Reaching Tower, and then spied on the trends, waiting for opportunities to sow relations with Wuhun Palace to seek profit, etc. .

Wuhun Palace held a meeting of elders for the first time in a long time. Qian Naoliu looked at the two documents in front of him. One was a report sent by someone below, and the other was a letter sent back by his granddaughter Qian Renxue.
After a long silence, he sighed: "Is this another era of two heroes fighting?"

Because Notting City was too remote, it was already three days later when Tang Hao and his son received the news.
In an ordinary blacksmith shop, the casting hammer in Tang San's hand fell to the ground with a clang.

His expression was extremely shocked at first, as if he had been frightened. It took him a long time to come back to his senses and angrily cursed the person who delivered the information for fabricating lies that were too outrageous and could lead to death.

When his dad learned about it through special channels and got exactly the same content, he was shocked for a moment, and then continued to curse:
"Impossible, this is simply impossible. I don't believe it. This must be fake news. It was fake news he deliberately made up to confuse me, right?
Qin Feng's innate soul power is only level two. The teacher said that a waste like him can only reach the soul sect at best. Thinking of becoming a soul sage is just a dream.
I am gifted with a lot of soul power and can at least become a titled Douluo. Why should he do something that even I can't do? "

Bingqing Yujie collapsed,
Before, even though he was beaten so badly, even if all his bones were broken, there was still a belief in his heart that he held on to.

He felt that he was born with full soul power, twin martial souls, Xuantian Baolu, and countless powerful hidden weapons.

There is also an awesome father and an awesome teacher who is known as the master of martial arts theory.

With such a powerful configuration, as long as you have enough time, wait until you start practicing the Clear Sky Hammer, wait until you make a powerful hidden weapon that ranks at the top of the hidden weapon rankings,

He will definitely be able to press Qin Feng to the ground and rub him.

Those in the past were just the storm before the rainbow, not worth mentioning at all.

However, when the information came this time, Tang San's dream was suddenly shattered.
That's level 89 Contra. It was at this level when Papa hammered the Pope.

Qin Feng can actually defeat a person of this level, how can he continue to fantasize?

Facing Bingqing Yujie who is starting to go crazy again, Tang’s father’s education methods are also very simple and crude, touching but not daring to move.
Tang Hao directly raised his 44-yard big foot, and a bang was stamped on the mistress's face.

Then, a pair of palms as big as cattail fans opened their arms crazily from left to right until the even more unsightly wrinkled face once again turned into a big fat purple-black pig head.


That night, Qin Feng's name was mentioned countless times in countless places and by countless people.

The next morning, Qin Feng saw Dugu Xin and his wife with panda eyes, the Soul Saint-level butler, and Poison Douluo Ge You lying on the sofa with the same tired look.
He asked with some surprise:
"You guys went out to fight souls at night? How could you be so exhausted?"

"Nonsense, do you know how many people came here this night? There is still a long queue outside the door.
Your kid doesn't care about killing or burying anything. After beating him, he ran away completely, which made him feel comfortable and free.

The four of us are very tired. The key is not that we are physically tired but that we are mentally tired. Do you understand that we are tired mentally?

Those old foxes are each smarter than the last. You will know how difficult it is when you deal with it yourself in the future. "

Qin Feng responded silently in his heart, I was actually quite tired last night, and the little goblin was a bit annoying.

But on the surface, he still obediently took a few documents from Dugu Xin's hand and looked at them.

Three piles in total,

It records the information of the more famous spiritual clans in the soul master world, the list of gifts sent by the major forces, as well as the powerful soul saints and above who have shown interest in the Star Reaching Tower and their information.

(End of this chapter)

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