I am the same author, starting from Douluo and plundering the heavens

Chapter 107: The rare spiritual system, the cultivating madman who has opened up again

Chapter 107 The rare spiritual system, the cultivating madman once again opened up
Qin Feng flipped through the gift list for a while, got a rough understanding of it, and then skipped it.

Some common things, no matter how precious they are, he doesn't care much about.

For soul masters, only those things that are useful for cultivation and strengthening strength are truly worth paying attention to.

But things like soul bones are simply not possible in such ceremonial gifts.

What Qin Feng focused on was the information about spiritual martial spirits.

Although the name of the organization was finally decided as Star Reaching Tower, the responsibilities and goals similar to those of Spirit Transferring Tower were not abandoned.

Not to mention anything else, even for the sake of plot points and Gu Yuena's strategy, it must be implemented and completed seriously.

The construction of a soul contract requires a powerful enough spiritual soul master as a medium to guide its completion.

As soon as he opened the first page of the document, Qin Feng saw a name on it that rarely appeared in the original work but was famous in reality, the Xu family of the Star Crown Sect.

The word Tiandou in the Tiandou Empire, Dou represents the Douluo Continent, and Tian symbolizes the swan martial spirit inherited by the royal family.
In the Xingluo Empire, in addition to the other word Luo taking from the word Douluo, Xingluo is also a powerful martial spirit.

It refers to the Xu family of Xingguan Sect, the first generation of the royal family of Xingluo.

"This is a bit awkward."

Qin Feng frowned slightly,
The current relationship between the White Tiger clan of the royal family and the Star Crown Sect was roughly the same as the relationship between the Nether Civet Cat and the Dai family later.
Marriage alliance, you have me, I have you.

Although he has lost the throne, he still has the same responsibilities as Black Emperor, but he lives in seclusion, and the two sides have not broken up.

He then continued to scroll down, and then saw Hu Liena and the Tianhu martial spirit originally inherited by the Hu family.

It is also a rare pure spiritual system, but not only is it slightly inferior in combat ability, it also lacks the auxiliary effect of the Star Crown.

What's even more uncomfortable is that almost the entire Hu clan was taken away to Poseidon Island by Qian Xunji.
There is only one Hu Liena left, who has become a disciple of the Pope and is quite favored by Bibi Dong. It is obviously not that difficult to poach someone.

Except for Xingguan and Tianhu, the martial arts spirits behind them have obviously been downgraded. There is no Magic Flute, Cloud Mirror, Crystal Love Sword, or even Soul Saint.

But even these, there are only a dozen or so types, among which there are several mutated martial spirits that have disappeared or only bloomed.

In just three or four minutes, everything was gone.

"Are spiritual martial spirits so rare?"

Looking at the information that quickly bottomed out, Qin Feng's brows suddenly furrowed even more tightly.

"Not only is it rare, it is also extremely difficult to practice and grow.
Except for the Star Crown, which can absorb the power of starlight to accelerate, and the Sky Fox clan also inherits special methods, most of the others have even surpassed the food system, which is recognized as the most difficult to break through.

Matching soul rings is also not an easy task, because spiritual soul beasts are as rare as this type of martial soul.

Even if they barely succeed, the power of soul skills is often not satisfactory.
Some soul masters even think that it is a useless useless martial soul.

The few that survived seldom practiced spiritual skills vigorously, but focused on developing other abilities possessed by martial spirits. "

As Dugu Bo introduced, Qin Feng became somewhat silent.

He didn't expect that everything was ready, but in the end, he fell short of this unexpected east wind.

Normally, mental strength, as one of the main qualities relative to physical fitness, cannot be so ignored.

But in this era, even the soul core has not yet appeared. Breaking through the title is mainly based on talent and toughness.
Extreme Douluo can only be inherited through gods, and trying to break through normally is almost like a dream.

The training method is really a bit too primitive.

Of course, ordinary soul masters also have spiritual power.

But unless the Dayan Art is disclosed, if you want to be able to form a soul contract, you must at least have a soul saint, and you can only contract the simplest hundred-year and thousand-year souls.For further ten thousand years, even title-level experts are needed.

There are only so many accounts banned in this era, not to mention that there is a high probability that they will not be willing to do such a tedious thing, even if they are willing, the number is far from enough.

If it's the spiritual system, it's far different.
Especially for the pure spiritual system that is properly cultivated, three rings are enough to preside over the production of a century-old soul, and five rings can easily complete the creation of a thousand years.

Even if it is a ten-thousand-year soul contract, the seven-ring soul saint is enough.

Only 10-year-old souls need titled figures to take action.

Both cost-effectiveness and feasibility are much greater.

Qin Feng thought for a moment and then said:

"Announce to the entire continent that Chuanling Academy will be established immediately. As long as they are spiritual or eye-brain related martial arts, all will be admitted for free, regardless of source.

The dean and chief mentor of Chuanling Academy is Level 99 Ultimate Fighter Roy Lex.

All members of the Soul Saint level and above recruited in the early stages of Star Reaching Tower also serve as academy instructors. "

Dugu Bo was suddenly startled, and everyone stood up from the sofa instantly, asking with some horror:

"Is this spiritual soul master very important to you?"

"It involves certain arrangements for the future."


Dugu Bo nodded quickly, his expression suddenly becoming serious.


Whether it is the construction of the Star Reaching Building or Chuanling Academy, it cannot be accomplished overnight.
After Qin Feng arranged everything for Dugu Bo, he once again entered the state of cultivating a madman.

Although his current cultivation has increased and his strength is comparable to that of a Super Douluo,

But instead of decreasing, the things to cultivate have increased again.

The exercises alone include Dayan Jue, Nine Yang Magic, Dao Sect Five Elements Fist, two spear techniques, two sword techniques, and a body-building secret technique.

Previously, during my time in the Star Dou Forest, I had gained a lot of plot points, and most of them fell into place here.

And when [Battle of Heaven and Earth], that is, the new entry yesterday, came out, there was no doubt that combat had become one of the compulsory main courses.

After all, having strength is one thing, but how to use your strength to its full potential is another matter.

Especially for a soul master like himself who possesses a large number of various abilities and skills.

However, there are not many opponents left who are qualified to serve as Qin Feng's sparring partner and give him a certain amount of pressure.

Most of them are not easy to borrow.

And these few people, whether they are the two soul beasts Da Ming and Er Ming, or Dugu Bo Ilex and others, their fighting methods are too single.

Obviously it is not enough to simulate various situations.

So he was also thinking about whether he should continue to trick himself and create a virtual battle space to fight against various enemies.

 Guys, the last chapter was a bit of a free-spirited one and was blocked.

(End of this chapter)

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