Chapter 36 Is your senior sister Daluo Jinxian?

"I have been dead for such a long time, but this place has produced some good immortal plants, as well as several acquired magic weapons that I used to have."

Mother Turtle Spirit watched Duobao Tathagata leave, carefully sensed the world, turned around and said to Lin Mo with a smile:
"I have transformed this world and everything in it should be an opportunity for my junior brother. Junior brother, come with me and let's go get the treasure."

"Senior sister, there is no rush to retrieve the treasure. I still need to find someone first."

Lin Mo heard this and spoke.

First they fought for the Sun and Moon Pearl, and then they were chased by four demons.

Immediately afterwards, Senior Sister Guiling and Senior Brother Duobao appeared. The Senior Sister helped him erase the mark of the Sun and Moon Pearl, and the Senior Brother trapped the four demons and taught him the Kingdom of Buddha in the palm of his hand.

Now that the four demons have recognized their master, there is no longer any danger.

Lin Mo planned to find Chen Xiaoyun first, and put the matter of collecting the treasure on hold for now.

Anyway, this world belongs to Senior Sister Guiling. She can sense all the treasures of heaven and earth. Are she still afraid that things will escape?

"Looking for someone? Who is it?"

After hearing this, Holy Mother Turtle Spirit asked curiously.

"If we go by what you, senior sister, say, she is my Taoist companion."

Lin Mo was afraid that the Holy Mother Turtle Spirit would not understand the title of childhood sweetheart, so he changed it to Taoist companion.

"Oh? Taoist companion, I didn't expect that junior brother already has a Taoist companion."

When the Holy Mother Turtle Spirit heard this, the curiosity in her eyes became even more intense, and she said:
"You are your Taoist companion, can you allow me and my junior brother to meet him together?"

"of course can."

Lin Mo heard this and said with a smile.

"Okay, then let's go!"

After hearing this, Holy Mother Turtle Spirit nodded and replied.

Afterwards, Lin Mo took the Turtle Spirit Madonna and the four demons and flew towards the canyon where Chen Xiaoyun's demonic beasts had previously besieged.

"Junior brother, did you get acquainted with the Taoist companion before becoming a disciple?"

On the way, Holy Mother Turtle Spirit asked Lin Mo.

Even if she doesn't use her magical power to escape, the Turtle Spirit Mother can easily keep up with Lin Mo who uses Hunyuan Qi by virtue of her own cultivation.

The four demons were left far behind.

"Well, we grew up together."

After hearing what the Holy Mother Turtle Spirit said, Lin Mo nodded and replied.

"Growing up together since childhood, I guess the relationship between you is also very good."

The Holy Mother Turtle Spirit looked at Lin Mo and continued to say with a smile.


Lin Mo heard her words, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and he answered.

Although the response was simple, the natural smile on Lin Mo's face was already the best answer.

Chen Xiaoyun often said that she felt that meeting Lin Mo was the luckiest thing in her life.

Lin Mo never said such disgusting words, but as a man of two generations, Chen Xiaoyun's position in his heart could not be shaken by anyone.

To give an inappropriate example, the relationship between the two has already reached the point where they would die for each other at any time.

The four words "irrespective of each other" are not just four simple words for the two of them, but the best interpretation.

"The road to spiritual practice is long, and there are many ups and downs along the way. If you can find someone who can accompany you at all times, it is more important than the so-called chance."

The Holy Mother Turtle Spirit looked at Lin Mo and spoke slowly.

She was devoted to the Tao and had never been moved.

But she also knows that everyone's path is different.

The creatures in the world are in various shapes and forms.

When practicing Taoism, the most important thing is to follow your heart.

Everything is caused by fate, and everything is created by nature.

It is a blessing to be on the road together.


Soon, Lin Mo took Madonna Turtle Spirit to the collapsed canyon.

"There are some un-immortal human monks over there."

Before Lin Mo could sense it, the Holy Mother Turtle Spirit had already pointed out the direction.

In the direction she pointed, rocks were stacked together.

Lin Mo walked over and moved a blocking rock in front of him.Chen Xiaoyun, Zhao Yanfei, Wang Bo, Chen Yu and others are in this cave made of rocks.

"You are finally back!"

When Chen Xiaoyun saw Lin Mo, she finally let go of her nervousness, and then asked nervously:

"Well, you're not hurt!"


Lin Mo shook his head and smiled casually.

Although he was injured by the roar of the dragon, the minor injury has long been recovered.

To avoid worrying Chen Xiaoyun, Lin Mo did not plan to mention this matter.

Chen Xiaoyun looked at Lin Mo seriously for a while, made sure that Lin Mo was fine, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Boss, have you got it?"

Wang Bo looked at Lin Mo, raised his finger and pointed at it, and asked excitedly.

"got it."

Lin Mo looked at him, nodded and said.

Although Lin Mo didn't mention the process, the bright sun and moon hung in the sky.

Without even thinking about it, there will definitely be a fierce battle.

Not only did Lin Mo successfully get the treasure, but he also came back intact.

For a time, everyone worshiped Lin Mo even more.

Even Zhao Yanfei, although she didn't say it with her mouth, felt some admiration in her heart.

"Now that we have it, let's find an exit to leave the secret treasure house first, or should we continue to look for heavenly materials and earthly treasures?"

Zhao Yanfei looked at Lin Mo and asked about the next action.

"I will definitely continue to look for treasures of heaven and earth, but there is no rush in this. I will introduce you to someone first."

Lin Mo looked at everyone and said.

After saying that, Lin Mo took Chen Xiaoyun out of the cave.

Everyone also followed behind the two.

Chen Xiaoyun and everyone were a little curious. Who did Lin Mo want to introduce them to?

Could it be that he met a friend in the secret treasure house?
"Who is she?"

After Chen Xiaoyun followed Lin Mo out of the cave, she saw the Holy Mother of Turtle Spirits and asked in a low voice.

"She is my senior sister, her name is the Holy Mother of Turtle Spirit. She was a Daluo Golden Immortal before. This world is her former body. For some reasons, she is now a Golden Immortal."

Lin Mo looked at Chen Xiaoyun and introduced.

"Before... was it Daluo Jinxian? Now is it... Jinxian?"

Chen Xiaoyun was stunned after hearing Lin Mo's words.

Daluo Jinxian, Jinxian!
These are two different realms!
But it makes no difference to her.

Whether it is Daluo Jinxian or Jinxian, they are all unattainable existences.

"Oh my god, Daluo Jinxian? Jinxian?"

After Wang Bo heard Lin Mo's words, he fell to his knees and stared wide-eyed.

"Did I hear you correctly? Your senior sister was Daluo Jinxian before, but now she is Jinxian?"

Zhao Yanfei was also shocked and a little unbelievable.

"Master... what does senior sister mean? Senior sister of Jie Jiao? Daluo Jinxian, isn't that the highest known realm?"

Chen Yu looked at Lin Mo and his voice trembled a little.

"Lin Mo, are you right? You said your senior sister is Daluo Jinxian?"

"Your senior sister...are you so powerful?"

"Oh my god, is she really your senior sister?"

"Jie Jiao...are you so powerful?"

"You met senior sister here, and she was Daluo Jinxian before?"

The others also had expressions of disbelief.

Go out to seize the treasure and then bring back a senior sister?
And this senior sister was Daluo Jinxian before?
This is too outrageous.

(End of this chapter)

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