Chapter 37 Is Jiejiao so powerful?


Daluo Jinxian.

No matter which realm it is.

For those present, it was an existence that was out of reach.

Among the people present, these geniuses in the training team have actually come into contact with beings as powerful as the Turtle Spirit Madonna.

For geniuses in the training group, the lowest level sect they join is purple.

There are many strong people in the purple sect.

Even their master, who is as strong as the Turtle Spirit Mother, may be even stronger.

But the teacher’s sect is the teacher’s sect, and the present world is the present world.

The teacher's sect and the present world are in two different worlds.

The sect is a world where strong people gather.

There is an insurmountable gap between that distant world and the present world.

People in this world can only look up when facing this natural chasm.

They had never thought that they could see such a powerful existence outside the teacher's sect.

An unreachable existence appeared before their eyes.

This gave everyone the shock of having their worldview subverted.

And this strong man is just Lin Mo's senior sister.

After Lin Mo showed his strength, everyone present realized that their understanding of Jie Jiao might be wrong.

They felt that Jiejiao might be very strong.

But I never expected that Jie Jiao would be so strong.

This senior sister was formerly Daluo Jinxian.

So how strong is Lin Mo's master?
What kind of powerful existence can teach Daluo Jinxian?
Daluo Jinxian, this is a known and certain highest realm of existence.

Could it be that Lin Mo's master has surpassed this highest realm?
According to reports from the geniuses who joined the Golden Sect, there are suspected to be strong men of a higher level among the Golden Sect.

But there are too few geniuses joining the Golden Sect, and they know very little information.

With limited information, it is still impossible to determine whether a higher realm really exists, or what that realm is called.

This unpublished information is known within the Operations Department.

If Lin Mo's master is really a being who surpasses Daluo Jinxian.

So in other words, is it possible that Jiejiao is a sect that can be compared with the Golden Sect?
For a moment, everyone except Chen Xiaoyun, Zhao Yanfei and Chen Yu felt regretful.

Chen Xiaoyun does not regret her choice, because she originally wanted to leave a way out for the future of the two of them.

Now that she knew how powerful Jie Jiao was, she was shocked but also happy for Lin Mo.

Zhao Yanfei and Chen Yu, because of the golden sect they joined, were shocked by the power of Jiejiao, but they did not regret it.

From their current understanding of Jie Jiao, they have not realized that Jie Jiao is not only comparable to the Golden Sect.

The things they now recognize are not all of Jie Jiao, but just the tip of the iceberg.

But Wang Bo, the two female geniuses in the training team, and the members of the field department were all filled with regret at this moment.


Who would have thought that Jie Jiao could be so powerful!
The church will appear to everyone when they choose.

Everyone feels that a sect that doesn’t even have a threshold must be a garbage sect.

But in fact, Jiejiao gives everyone a chance to choose, but it is not a garbage sect.

If Jiejiao is a garbage sect, then what are the other sects?
With such a powerful sect, everyone obviously has the opportunity to join.

However, the only person who really chose was Lin Mo.


They felt heart-wrenching regret.However, there is no second chance for martial arts selection.

At first they felt that Jiejiao was rubbish, but now even if they regret it in their hearts, it can't change the reality.

"Junior brother, is this your Taoist companion?"

At this time, Holy Mother Turtle Spirit walked slowly to Chen Xiaoyun's side, with a friendly smile on her face.

"Yes, her name is Chen Xiaoyun."

Lin Mo nodded in response, then turned to Chen Xiaoyun and reminded:

"My name is Senior Sister Guiling."

"Gui...Senior Sister Gui Ling."

Chen Xiaoyun heard Lin Mo's words, lowered her head and shouted softly.

Even though the Turtle Spirit Mother looked approachable and did not reveal the slightest bit of majesty, Chen Xiaoyun still felt a little stressed when facing such a powerful being.

In addition, there was another important reason why she lowered her head.

Because Lin Mo grew up in an orphanage and had no relatives.

The Holy Mother of Turtle Spirit is Lin Mo's senior sister and to some extent Lin Mo's relative.

This was the first time she had been in contact with the relatives of her sweetheart since she was a child. Chen Xiaoyun felt inexplicably like an "ugly daughter-in-law meeting her parents-in-law", feeling both shy and nervous.

Mother Turtle Spirit looked at Chen Xiaoyun's appearance, nodded slightly, and continued to say with a smile:

"Senior Sister Guiling, this sound is very pleasant to the ear. Since you two are Taoist couples, when we meet this time, Senior Sister should give you a gift.

I hope that you and your junior brother will be of the same mind, and we will work together to overcome the ups and downs in the future. "

"no, I'm fine."

Chen Xiaoyun heard what the Holy Mother Turtle Spirit said and quickly waved her hand in refusal.

"This gift must be given, and you must not shirk it. Although it is fine to accept it, I don't have any good treasures with me at the moment. I can only give it to you when I collect the treasures later."

After the Holy Mother Turtle Spirit finished speaking, she looked back at Lin Mo and said with a smile:

"This is supposed to be your chance, but now I have to pick some to give to Xiaoyun, are you willing?"

"Of course I am willing, it all depends on senior sister's arrangements."

After Lin Mo heard the words of Holy Mother Turtle Spirit, he responded without any hesitation.

Even if there is no such thing as giving gifts, Lin Mo plans to select some suitable ones after harvesting the treasures of heaven and earth and give them to Chen Xiaoyun.

Lin Mo didn't want to think that one day, he would reach a very high position, and when he suddenly looked back, he would find that the little girl who had been following him was no longer there.

No matter how strong you become, you will only feel endless loneliness.

There are many things that are actually more important than becoming stronger.

"Okay, if that's the case, let's go!"

The Holy Mother Turtle Spirit nodded and said with a smile.

"Senior sister, please wait a little longer, I will explain to these friends again."

Lin Mo heard this and spoke.

As for Zhao Yanfei, Chen Yu and others, Lin Mo did not intend to take them to retrieve the treasure.

After all, I had just joined the Operations Department, so I could only just get to know these people.

From a certain point of view, they can only be regarded as colleagues, without any deep feelings.

Of course, Lin Mo couldn't stupidly lead them to get the treasure.

The treasure I got next was definitely the best thing in this world.

People's hearts are unpredictable, and it's easy to say good things if you can't see them.

But seeing that they have taken so many good things, these people are bound to not have any thoughts.

However, it was acquaintance after all, especially since Zhao Yanfei asked him for help and he arrived in time to save Xiaoyun. Lin Mo had no intention of just leaving a group of people here.

(End of this chapter)

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