Chapter 49: Taoism, finding your own way

"If senior sister hadn't led us to retrieve treasures, obtain high-grade immortal plants, refine elixirs, and help us improve our cultivation, how could I have stepped into the heavenly realm!

If you don't become an immortal, you won't be able to survive the tribulation, so how can you get this luck reward? "

Lin Mo looked at the Holy Mother Turtle Spirit and smiled casually.

"As my junior brother said, it really seems that I have made great contributions."

Upon hearing this, Holy Mother Turtle Spirit smiled, shook her head, and continued:
"However, Junior Brother can say this, but I can't agree with it and pretend to take credit!
Even without me, junior brother's strength will reach the level of immortal sooner or later, which will also trigger the body-certification catastrophe. Moreover, junior brother will survive this body-certification catastrophe on his own.

Therefore, the junior brother was able to obtain this majestic luck, after all, he got it by himself. "


Lin Mo heard her words and wanted to say something more.

"Well, I know what my junior brother is thinking. He is really grateful to me and that's why he said these words. I am very happy that my junior brother can have such a heart.

As for whether I have merit or not, you say you are right and I say I am right. There is no need to waste time arguing about this between you and me, senior sister and brother, if there is no result. "

The Holy Mother Turtle Spirit interrupted Lin Mo directly and said with a smile.

When Lin Mo heard this, he didn't say anything else, but just kept his gratitude in his heart.

"Let's get down to business. Practitioners cultivate their bodies as well as their minds. If they have some insights in the practice of the Tao and find the path they want to take, they can gather the seeds of the Tao. From then on, if they walk on the chosen path, they will be impartial and impartial. If you lean on it, you can turn it into a Taoist heart.

With a Taoist heart, even if you die, your soul will be scattered. As long as your Taoist heart is firm and a single thought remains in the world, you can be reborn in the world, just like me.

At the same time, in the future, striving for the Dao and realizing the Dao will inevitably require a Dao heart. If you don’t have a Dao heart and don’t know what you want, how can you prove the Dao?

However, it takes someone with great perseverance to condense the Tao seed and turn it into a Tao heart to succeed! "

Mother Turtle Spirit looked at Lin Mo and Chen Xiaoyun with a gentle face, and continued to say softly:
"The Taoist heart is still far away from you, so let's talk about this Taoist seed first.

The seed of the Tao is to understand the path of cultivation and find the path you want to take. Once you have experienced more and know what you want, you will naturally find the path you want to take.

However, I can give you a sermon next. If you can gain some insights, it will also help you gather your Tao seeds in the future.

However, what I teach is my way, and it may not be suitable for you. You can gain insights from it, but you cannot stubbornly accept my way. Do you understand? "


After Lin Mo and Chen Xiaoyun heard the words of Holy Mother Turtle Spirit, they spoke in unison.

Then, the three people fell back to the ground from the air and sat cross-legged.

The Holy Mother Turtle Spirit held her breath and concentrated, sat upright and said:
“The road is invisible, the road is tangible.

All sentient beings in heaven and earth, including those with spiritual wisdom, practice cultivation?

What is a practitioner?
Cultivation of body and mind!

The changes in the soul are all-encompassing, from nothing to something, or from something to nothing!
A single thought changes everything.


The Holy Mother Turtle Spirit kept talking about her teachings, and Lin Mo and Chen Xiaoyun also listened carefully.

I don’t know how long this sermon lasted.

After the sermon of Our Lady of Guiling was completed, both Lin Mo and Chen Xiaoyun looked thoughtful.

The Taoist heart of the Holy Mother Guiling is a heart that follows one's desires.

All she wanted was to have her own way.

A thought comes from the heart, and if you want to do it, do it.

If I like it in my heart, no matter how others dislike it, I should go with it.

If I hate something in my heart, no matter how good it is, I won't even look at it.

This is true for all people and things!
Practice a practice, even if you die, you still want freedom in your heart!
If you can't do whatever you want, it's no different than death!

"Which way am I going to take?"

Chen Xiaoyun thought about what she just heard and felt quite enlightened.

She silently turned to look at Lin Mo, and an idea came to her mind.

The thoughts became stronger and stronger.And the seeds of Taoism began to sprout in her body.

All I think about and see is this one person!
Build a great road and cross the same path.

The avenue is invisible, but the living beings are tangible.

There are so many sentient beings in the universe, and only one person can stay with them!
The word love should be my way!


Soon, Chen Xiaoyun had a complete Tao seed in her body.

Mother Turtle Spirit was a little surprised when she saw Tao Seed condensed in Chen Xiaoyun's body.

Taoism is about finding the path you want to take.

What sentient beings think in their hearts is often not what they really think, and it is difficult for them to follow their own path.

Even if some people reach Daluo Jinxian, they may not be able to find their own path.

And some people need to go through hardships before they can recognize themselves.

Like Chen Xiaoyun, just by listening to a sermon, she gathered the seeds of Taoism.

It’s not about how well this sermon was preached.

But her heart is like a mirror!

Mother Turtle Spirit looked at Chen Xiaoyun and couldn't help but think:

It's been a long time since I was surprised by my junior brother again and again. I didn't expect that this little girl would be so surprising. She actually has a heart as clear as a luminous state. How rare is this kind of mind among all living beings?
However, this girl’s Taoism...

From the Tao seeds in Chen Xiaoyun's body, Holy Mother Turtle Spirit could vaguely sense the path she was going to take.

This is a Tao seed originating from emotion, and this emotion is connected.

The target he is connected to is his junior brother!
This girl's Tao seed is connected with her junior brother.

If she uses this Tao seed to transform into a Tao heart, then as long as something happens to her junior brother, her Tao heart will be broken.

It is unknown whether a practitioner will eventually be able to achieve the great path and then attain enlightenment and become a saint.

But if Tao's heart is broken, he is destined to never have another chance.

"Do you know that once you embark on this path, there will be no way out?"

Mother Turtle Spirit looked at Chen Xiaoyun and asked softly.


Chen Xiaoyun nodded lightly.

She knew it, but this was the path she was determined to take.

"Obviously, junior brother has not received great luck before, how come he met such a good person like you?"

After hearing this, Holy Mother Turtle Spirit nodded slightly, and then joked with a smile.

When Chen Xiaoyun heard this, she lowered her head and blushed.

At the same time, Lin Mo was also looking for his own way.

The most difficult thing about condensing a Tao seed is to convince yourself. Some people only need a small reason to completely convince themselves, while some people cannot convince themselves no matter what.

You are your own biggest "enemy"!
You can lie to others, but you cannot lie to yourself.

Many thoughts emerged in Lin Mo's mind.

To attain the great truth and become a saint?
This is the goal of all practitioners, and you should also take this as your goal.

This is not the path you want to take, but something you must do.

Like Senior Sister Guiling, do you want someone to do whatever you want?
Everyone has their own ambitions, and it is certainly good to do whatever you want, but is it suitable for you to do whatever you want when you know you cannot do it?
The next invasion will definitely be a chaotic time.

In troubled times, if you have strength, you should not be alone.

But to push yourself to the limit and give everything for other people?
Lin Mo asked himself that he was not yet so enlightened.

(End of this chapter)

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