Chapter 50 Farewell, see you eventually

What path do I want to take?

What is my path?

Lin Mo looked around at everything around him, Xiaoyun, senior sister, the sky, the earth...

If I were born in a prosperous age, I would not ask for unlimited money, but only for a stable life.

If I were born in troubled times, I would not seek to enslave the common people and dominate others.

What I want in my heart is just to protect myself and those around me no matter what the situation is.

The thoughts in Lin Mo's mind gradually became clearer, and a smile appeared on his face.

There is an idle fairy in my heart.

How can we talk about heaven and earth saving all sentient beings?

The sprout of Taoism appeared in Lin Mo's body.

Lin Mo is also clearing away the fog and seeing clearly the path he wants to take.

The avenue is as invisible as it is tangible.

My heart seems to be unintentional.

Practitioners regard the body as the earth and the mind as the heaven.

My heart can be as high as the sky, or it can sink deep into the depths.

As soon as I think about it, the whole body is a pillar and the four directions are boundaries. In this state, everything is peaceful!
I want the great road, I want the peak!
What you ask for and wish for comes true to my heart!


As he saw his path clearly, a Tao seed appeared in Lin Mo's body.

The Tao Seed has appeared, and the next step is to use the Tao Seed as a guide, great perseverance as resistance, and practice the path you have identified.

Eventually, the Tao seed will turn into a firm Tao heart.

"The two of you just listened to my talk about Tao, and then you found your own path and condensed the seeds of Tao. Your character really surprised me!"

The Holy Mother Turtle Spirit looked at Lin Mo who had also condensed the Tao Seed, and said with some regret.

She originally thought that it would take some training for the two of them to condense their Tao seeds.

Only after continuous training, the two will find their own way.

But he didn't expect that Chen Xiaoyun's heart was like a mirror, and she directly condensed the Tao seeds.

Lin Mo was also tenacious and quickly found his own path, also condensing his Tao seeds.

This matter is enough to become a strange story in the heavens, causing countless creatures to be shocked and envious.

At this moment, Mother Turtle Spirit's eyes were on Chen Xiaoyun and Lin Mo, and she was also shocked in her heart.

It's just that although I was shocked in my heart, I always felt that this shock seemed a bit dull.

She couldn't help but think: If it had been in the past, this incident would have caused a huge surge in her heart, but now it was just like a pebble falling into water, causing ripples.

The reason is because of his junior brother!

From the moment we met until now, every time he performs, it is extremely shocking.

Things that were originally unbelievable seemed to happen to him naturally.

Alas, I am still thinking about taking on a disciple in the future!
But after meeting such an amazing junior fellow apprentice, even if I meet any extremely talented creature in the future, I am afraid that I will find it boring and have no intention of accepting a disciple.

Thinking of this, Mother Turtle Spirit looked at Lin Mo with a hint of helplessness and resentment in her eyes.

"Junior brother, you are highly accomplished in alchemy, but you still lack knowledge of immortal plants. I will tell you all the medical properties of immortal plants and various elixir recipes that I know so that you can make alchemy in the future."

The Holy Mother Turtle Spirit calmed down her emotions for a moment, and then she pointed out, and a golden light flew directly from her fingers.

Golden light escaped into Lin Mo's eyebrows, and the shapes of various immortal plants and their medicinal properties, as well as thousands of elixirs, appeared in Lin Mo's mind.

These elixir recipes do not require fixed immortal plants to refine the corresponding elixirs.

When making alchemy, what needs to be paid attention to is the medicinal properties of immortal plants.

Just like the Nine Refining Guiyuan Pill, it can be refined with high-grade immortal plants, but it can also be refined with low-grade immortal plants with the same medicinal properties.

When it comes to alchemy, perhaps some small sects will only use fixed immortal plants to make alchemy.

But the alchemy that Guiling Holy Mother learned was taught by the Tongtian Cult Leader.

Although Master Tongtian is not good at refining elixirs, it still depends on who he is competing with.After all, it is the saint's alchemy method, which has long been reduced to simplicity and entered the realm of creation.

Each elixir has its own magical effects, but there are no restrictions on immortal plants.

This also means that if you want to refine an elixir and cannot find too many high-grade immortal plants, you can use low-grade immortal plants to refine it first.

Although the effects between the two will be different, the uses are exactly the same.

"You can also take this stove from the mountains and rivers!"

The Holy Mother Turtle Spirit threw it away again and gave the mountain and river stove to Lin Mo.

"Thank you, Sister."

Lin Mo bowed his hands and said.

"I don't know when we will meet next time. After you leave, I will start to control this world.

When I take control of this world, I will go find Master. "

Mother Turtle Spirit waved her hand with a smile, looked at Lin Mo and Chen Xiaoyun, and continued:
"I can't protect you all the time, but I am also worried that you will encounter a disaster of life and death, so I will give you something else!"


After the words fell, Holy Mother Turtle Spirit stretched out her hand to hold the two collapsed mountains in the distance.

An invisible force began to refine the two mountains, and the rocks began to come together.

After a long time, the two mountains turned into two palm-sized pieces of white jade.



The Holy Mother Turtle Spirit condensed two incarnations and penetrated into these two palm-sized pieces of white jade.

"This contains my two incarnations. If you are in danger, you can awaken the incarnations. They can use the full strength of my current cultivation to attack you and help you escape."

The Holy Mother Turtle Spirit delivered two pieces of white jade to Lin Mo and Chen Xiaoyun.


Lin Mo and Chen Xiaoyun looked at each other, deeply touched by this meticulous care.

"Next, senior sister has nothing to give you."

The Holy Mother Turtle Spirit looked at the two of them and warned them carefully:
"Remember to practice well. If you encounter danger, you must take action and find ways to protect yourself."

"Senior sister's teachings, Lin Mo takes them to heart and never dares to forget them."

Lin Mo heard the words and responded.

"Senior Sister's teachings, Xiaoyun will keep them in mind and never dare to forget them."

Chen Xiaoyun also followed Lin Mo's words and spoke.

"Well, then go ahead!
It may take a long time before we see each other again, but we will meet again eventually! "

The Holy Mother Turtle Spirit looked at the two of them, nodded with a smile, and said.

"Sister, let's say goodbye then! See you later!"

Hearing this, Lin Mo nodded heavily and said.

"Go, there is a broken space in the east of heaven and earth. That is the way you came from!"

The Holy Mother Turtle Spirit nodded and spoke to the two of them.

There was some reluctance in her heart.

Lin Mo and Chen Xiaoyun also felt reluctant to give up.

However, the three of them just looked at each other and smiled.

Lin Mo took Chen Xiaoyun and turned around to fly towards the east of the world.

There were no too sentimental farewell words, even the reluctance in my heart was restrained.

Because this is just a farewell!

Another meaning of parting is that we will see you again eventually!

Since we will meet again, let’s save it for another time if you have anything to say.

(End of this chapter)

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