Chapter 51 The Situation of the Present World


[There are currently a total of 920 known earth immortals in the Dragon Kingdom, of which 920 are members of the Operations Department. [-] of them have not joined the Operations Department and are only registered in the Operations Department. 】

[The secret treasure house can undoubtedly greatly improve a person. If you want to improve your own strength, you must go to the secret treasure house to obtain heavenly materials and earthly treasures. 】

[The Pale World Organization declares: Invasion is not a bad thing, it is a cleansing. We should welcome the arrival of the master with awe! 】

[The Shrine Organization declares: The Operations Department is a cancer for human progress. We should organize to eliminate the Operations Department and create a new world that belongs to us together. 】

【shock!Four demons appeared in Donghai City. Their strength is unknown. It is reported that they came out of the Secret Realm Treasure House seven days ago together with people from the Donghai City Operations Department. After coming out, they stayed at the entrance of the Secret Realm Treasure House. 】

[I don’t know if you have any impression of the “genius” who chose interception. Recently, I suddenly discovered that someone on the Internet was speaking for him, saying that he was very strong. This is really the funniest joke I have ever heard in my entire life. . 】

[Nowadays, various organizations have begun to emerge across the country, and the Action Department is actively working to eliminate bad organizations among them. We must always believe that the Action Department is an organization we can trust. Don’t blindly follow rumors and join bad organizations! 】

[The Excellence Conference jointly organized by Qingshan, Yaoshi and other organizations will start in three days. Everyone is welcome to register. The top [-] in this conference will receive generous rewards. 】


There are various posts and videos online.

Fifteen days have passed since the secret treasure house was opened.

Most people have already entered the Secret Realm Treasure House and came out with great rewards. There are even many people who have entered the Secret Realm Treasure House for the second time and come out.

The Operations Department also conducted a nationwide crackdown on those who had entered the secret treasure house without authorization. Some people were arrested directly as soon as they came out of the secret treasure house.

However, there are also some people who slipped through the net, escaped the first crackdown, established organizations, and even shamelessly clamored online.

In addition to these harmful organizations, there are also civil organizations established across the country.

Regarding unscrupulous organizations, the Action Department's attitude is to kill them without mercy. The guiding remarks and clamoring statements published by these unscrupulous organizations on the Internet are also blocked immediately.

As for civil organizations, as long as they do not carry out activities that harm society, the Action Department is also very tolerant towards them.

At the same time, there are many geniuses, as well as some lucky people, whose strength has been greatly improved by the treasures of heaven and earth obtained through the secret treasure house.

These people are already top experts for human beings.

Some of them are members of the Action Department, while others are casual cultivators or have joined other organizations.

There are currently a total of 920 known earthly immortals!

The list was announced by the Operations Department. Regarding this list, everyone recognized that the people on the list were indeed powerful Earth Immortals.

However, most people also suspect that the Operations Department has not published all the internal lists of strong people, and there may be strong people among the people who are unwilling to cooperate with the Operations Department to register.

It is still unknown how many powerful Earth Immortals there are nationwide.

And whether there are strong men at a higher level is also unknown!

Seven days ago, Zhao Yanfei and others also came out of the secret treasure house.

At the same time, some of the people who had seen Lin Mo fighting for the Sun and Moon Pearl came out earlier than Zhao Yanfei and others, while others came out later.

These people talked about how powerful Lin Mo was on the Internet, and they also speculated that Jiejiao might not be a garbage sect after all.

But the effect is negligible!

Most people online don’t believe it at all.

They even leave sarcastic comments:

"Brother, if you speak for him, is it worth it for him? Take me with you!"

"Ah, yes, yes, he is very strong, I believe it." "Just ask if you don't understand, a person who joins a garbage sect is very strong, so why haven't I become an immortal yet?"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, now people are telling lies with their eyes open?"

"Jiejiao is not rubbish? Yes, it is not rubbish. It is worse than rubbish."

There were countless comments like this, and gradually those who spoke for Lin Mo fell silent.

After all, they had no relationship with Lin Mo, and they didn't really want to help Lin Mo prove it. They just had an instinctive desire to share.

This is just a desire to share that comes from knowing something that others don’t know.

Since no one believes it, their desire to share will slowly disappear.

In addition to these people, Zhao Yanfei and others also spoke about Lin Mo online.

But the effect is equally unsatisfactory.

Even if Mr. Ren believed in Zhao Yan and others and issued a statement in the name of the Operations Department, no one would believe it.

When something is recognized as a fact, no matter how powerful a person or organization comes to explain it, it still cannot change people's inner thoughts.

They won't think about whether it is necessary for the Operations Department to issue a statement for a "waste".

They only believe what they want to believe.

And what they believe is more consistent with common sense.

If you join a trash sect, you should become a trash.

Now someone tells them that a person who joins a garbage sect is not actually a waste and is very powerful?

This sounds a bit absurd.

Because what they believe is consistent with common sense, this leads them to become more determined in their ideas.


At this moment, in the center of Donghai City, in front of the space crack.

Mr. Ren was holding a water glass and walking back and forth.

In the sky above, the four demons were also staring at the cracks in space.

"Why haven't you come out yet!"

Mr. Ren said to himself anxiously while looking at the crack in space.

When Zhao Yanfei and others came out and told him what happened in the secret treasure house, he was stunned for a moment.

Lin Mo became an immortal?
And he also has a very powerful senior sister?
Isn’t Jiejiao a garbage sect?
Lin Mo still has four subordinates from the Immortal Realm?

This thing sounds really unbelievable.

Mr. Ren was not without doubts in his heart, but he was confirmed repeatedly, and people from the operations department came out later, saying that Lin Mo was very strong.

He finally accepted these things.

And when he accepted these things, his heart was lifted.

He could have sat in the office and directly controlled the entire Donghai City.

But now he really couldn't sit peacefully in the office, and would run over from time to time to see if Lin Mo had come out.

(End of this chapter)

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