Chapter 95
"So, you killed someone because of the jade tokens, and then because the jade tokens were limited, you started fighting over them?"

Lin Mo narrowed his eyes slightly after listening to what this man described.


The man nodded, and then cautiously said:
"Can you please..."

"You want me to keep it a secret for you and not tell the operations department?"

Although he didn't finish his words, Lin Mo seemed to already know what he meant.

"You are so powerful, you definitely don't have time to meddle in such nosy matters."

The man said guiltily.

"Then have you ever thought that I am from the Operations Department?"

Lin Mo looked at him and spoke slowly.


In an instant, the man's face turned pale.

"Okay...the people from the operations department are back?"

"What should I do? He is from the Operations Department."

"What should we do? What should we do?"

"Run, run!"

Not only were the people who described what happened to Lin Mo panicked, but other people's expressions also changed after hearing Lin Mo's words.

They originally thought that Lin Mo and others were just strong men passing by.

Coupled with the oppression of Xianwei and the shock of Zixiao Divine Thunder, when the person who attacked Lin Mo described what happened, the reaction of others was not too big.

As long as this matter is not known to the operations department.

They still had a sense of luck, thinking that Lin Mo would not have anything to do, so they went to the operations department to report.

After all, how could a strong man care about such a "little thing"? If there is no profit motive, he might just treat it as a good show and then turn around and forget about it.

But they never expected that, by coincidence, Lin Mo would be from the Operations Department.

Killing people to seize treasures, it's better not to be discovered, but if it is discovered, the consequences will be very serious.

Some people were already despairing. Just from Lin Mo's immortal power, they felt oppressed.

Coupled with the deterrence of the purple divine thunder, they knew that they were no match and they would definitely not be able to escape.

But there were still a few people who refused to give up and were ready to move, trying to escape.


At this time, the purple sky thunder in the sky made a deafening roar.

Whether it was those who were despairing or those who were ready to take action, their heartbeats suddenly stopped with a roaring sound.

"Travers, die!"

Lin Mo glanced at those people who were determined to escape and spoke.



For a moment, fear arose in the hearts of those people, and their legs became weak and they knelt on the ground.

"Spare me, this is my first time doing something like this."

At this time, a girl looked at Lin Mo tremblingly and begged for mercy.

"Me too, I've never done anything bad before!"

"We just listened to others' instigation. Yes, it was the Earth Immortal who instigated us, so we took action."

"Yes, you should go find that Earth Immortal. He is the cause of all this."


After the first person spoke, others soon begged Lin Mo for mercy.

"I won't kill you."

Lin Mo looked at these people and spoke slowly.

This sentence immediately made everyone present happy.

However, Lin Mo's next words made them panic again.

"The Operations Department has regulations that you cannot kill people to seize treasures, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences. I will not kill you, but I will imprison you here. When I get out, I will notify the people in the Operations Department to come here to take you away. What will be the specific consequences? What kind of punishment will be determined by a dedicated person at that time.”

Lin Mo said calmly.


After the words fell, a ball of power gathered in Lin Mo's palm.

Immediately afterwards, these powers spread out, like threads, and entered everyone's body.

These forces imprisoned everyone from the inside out, making them unable to move.

And when someone attacks them, the power in their bodies will also fight back against the enemy.

"Please, let us go!"

"I don't dare anymore. I won't kill people and seize treasures anymore."

"This is my first time killing someone, can't I give him a chance?"

"As long as you let me go, I can give you everything."

Everyone was imprisoned and did not want to wait to be punished by the operations department, so they continued to plead.

Lin Mo looked at these people unmoved, turned a deaf ear to their words, and walked towards the stairs.

Chen Xiaoyun and others followed Lin Mo and ignored these people.

"Fellow Taoist, please forgive me for being rude. I have a question and I hope you can clarify it."

In front of the stairs, Fengyue's soul said in Lin Mo's body.

"What do you ask, fellow Taoist?"

Lin Mo heard this and asked in his heart.

"In the past, in the world where I lived, if a treasure appeared, it would definitely cause a massacre, so I didn't feel anything wrong when I heard that these people killed people to seize the jade medal.

Killing people to seize treasures is a perfectly normal thing. Why do fellow Taoists think they are doing something wrong? "

Feng Yue asked with some confusion.

"I don't think they are wrong. The weak eat the strong, and strength is the most important. They kill people and seize treasures to improve their own strength. This is what practitioners should think about."

Hearing this, Lin Mo shook his head slightly and said.

"Since fellow Taoists don't think there is anything wrong with this matter, why do they still need to be imprisoned?"

After hearing this, Feng Yue continued to ask.

"Do you know what the Action Department is?"

Lin Mo thought for a while and then asked.

"It sounds like a force in this world, and fellow Taoist is also one of their people.

I don’t understand this even more. Killing people and seizing treasures is actually a default rule for practitioners. Even fellow Taoists think so. Why would the power that fellow Taoists belong to stop this? "

Feng Yue said.

"Because the Operations Department wants to keep more people alive."

Lin Mo took a deep breath and slowly said:
"The world where my fellow Taoist lives should not show mercy to the weak. Even a weak individual of the same race will be disliked by his tribe."

"If a race wants to prosper, it will naturally have to give up some things."

Feng Yue said.

“But the Operations Department will consider weak individuals, not everyone can become stronger.

In this world, there must always be room for the weak to survive.

Killing people and seizing treasures is the philosophy of normal practitioners, so is it wrong to give the weak a chance to survive?

The Operations Department knows that it is impossible to completely ban this kind of thing, but at least there is such a rule, which can prevent many people from dying. "

Lin Mo responded in his heart.

"What about fellow Taoist? Do you also have compassion for the weak? So even if you think there is nothing wrong with killing people and seizing treasures, you will still take action?"

After being silent for a long time, Feng Yue spoke.


Lin Mo smiled and said:
"I am a member of the Operations Department, and I work in my position. Since the Operations Department has this rule, it is naturally impossible for me to see it, so I will pretend I didn't see it.

I take action regardless of what I think. "

(End of this chapter)

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