Chapter 96 Breaking the Formation
After Fengyue heard Lin Mo's words, she did not continue to ask any more questions and fell silent.

Lin Mo stepped forward to step onto the stairs.


The formation on the stairs was activated immediately, and a force blocked Lin Mo's progress.


Lin Mo looked at the stairs in front of him, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, revealing a smile.

The formation on this ladder is not a simple protective formation.

In addition to protection, this formation seems to have the effect of deflecting attacks.


Lin Mo stretched out his hand again and felt the transparent barrier of the formation.

The power within it surges and intertwines with each other. Although it is invisible, it actually forms a big network.

With the surge of power, the entire structural layout emerged in Lin Mo's mind.

This is a medium multiplication formation.

With Lin Mo's attainments in formations and his subtle knowledge, he has found the key to breaking the formation.

"Fellow Taoist, how is this formation of our clan?"

At this time, Feng Yue asked inside Lin Mo's body.

"This formation should not have been set up by one person. There are many details in it, and the styles shown are very different, but they are interconnected, so that the entire formation can operate perfectly.

Wonderful, it’s wonderful in front of you! "

Lin Mo opened his mouth and praised.

"Have you, fellow Taoist, ever found a way to break the formation? If there is no other way, let's use the jade token to enter the formation."

Fengyue said with a smile after hearing Lin Mo's words.

She felt that Lin Mo should be helpless.

After all, this was originally set up by several tribesmen who were highly accomplished in formations.

Even Clan Chief Yuan Feng said: If the formation is not broken and if there is no jade tablet, Daluo Jinxian cannot enter.

As for the tribesmen who set up the formation, their formation skills were so high that there were few who could compare to them, not to mention the Phoenix Clan, but even in the entire world.

They had devoted themselves to pondering this formation for thousands of years before finally settling on the layout.

How difficult is it to break this formation?
"I'll give it a try first!"

Lin Mo smiled and said.

The exquisiteness of this formation is really amazing.

And it was precisely because of its subtlety that Lin Mo wanted to break it.

Setting up formations and breaking formations are all ways to increase one's understanding of formations and make one's attainments deeper.

Only by constantly setting up formations can we create better formations.

As for breaking the formation, only by breaking the exquisite formation can you improve yourself.

Although I have found the key to breaking the current formation, it is not yet known whether I can succeed.

Only through practice can you know whether what you think is right.


Lin Mo waved his hand, and the sun and moon beads flew out of his body.



Lin Mo controlled the Sun and Moon Pearl and attacked from two different directions on the left and right.

Along with two roars, Sun Moon Pearl easily entered the formation.

"Broken... Broken?"

Feng Yue screamed in surprise while inside Lin Mo's body.

After she watched the Sun Moon Pearl enter the formation, she thought that the formation had been successfully broken.

But Lin Mo frowned slightly and murmured to himself:

"Wrong? These two places were left on purpose. They can't break the formation at all. Any attack landed on these two places will just drop into the sea and have no effect."

Lin Mo was thinking while controlling the Sun and Moon Pearl to come out.

But within the formation, there is a powerful force that is pulling on the Sun and Moon Pearl.

Lin Mo did not compete with this force and rethought the method of breaking the formation.

The entire formation layout that Lin Mo had thought about in his mind also changed at this moment.

Add a few more formation eye positions, so that the place where you just attacked can become two false points that confuse those who break the formation.The entire formation layout took on a new look in Lin Mo's mind.

"found it!"

Lin Mo closed his eyes and looked for a new point to break the formation. After a moment, he opened his eyes suddenly.


Lin Mo took out the Flying Fire Sword and slashed forward.

Afterwards, Lin Mo's figure moved around and swung his sword to strike at a dozen other locations.

The last two swords landed at the place where Sun Moon Pearl had just attacked.

Those two are fake formation-breaking points, but they are also real formation-breaking points.

Treat the true as false and the false as true.

Although the two positions in the entire formation are used to confuse those who break the formation, if you want to break the formation, you still need to attack those two positions.

First attack the sixteen points, and finally attack the two false points.

There are a total of eighteen points. Only attacking the real points will make the formation stronger. Only after attacking the real points and then attacking two false points can the formation be truly broken.


Fengyue waited for a moment and saw that there was no abnormality in the formation. She thought that Lin Mo had failed again and wanted Lin Mo to use the jade pendant to enter the formation.


But the next moment, a giant net formed by the power of the formation was revealed.

Immediately afterwards, the thread-like power of this giant web began to break.

A hole appeared.

"Let's go, this formation will be restored soon."

Lin Mo looked at the hole where the formation appeared, frowned and said.

Although this formation was broken, it was different from what I thought.

According to my own assumptions, once the formation is broken, the power of this formation will dissipate directly.

But now this situation has only opened a hole.

If the hole can be opened, it means that the formation is indeed broken.

There is no problem with your own method of breaking the formation.

But the formation seems to be broken but not broken. The power of the formation is broken but not scattered. It should be able to recover immediately.

This situation is really weird.

It seems that there is still a formation or something in this formation.

Even if the formation is broken, it will be repaired quickly.

"call out!"

"call out!"

Several streaks of light passed by, and Lin Mo led people into the formation.

And as everyone entered, the gap in the formation was completely filled, and the entire giant network disappeared.

Lin Mo and others were standing on the stairs. They couldn't see what was going on inside, but they could see the outside from the inside.

This section of stairs looks nothing special from the outside, just an ordinary white jade staircase, but in fact, it is very scary.

One by one, the phoenixes fell to the ground, and their blood flowed all over the stairs.

Not just Phoenix, but also other bird tribes.

"They... were all new members of our clan, as well as children born from races that submitted to our clan. They did not participate in the war because they were not strong enough."

Feng Yue's voice sounded a little sad.

Lin Mo frowned and walked towards one of the phoenixes.


A burst of power was injected into the body of the phoenix, and Lin Mo carefully sensed the situation of the phoenix.

The physical body is complete.

But there was no life at all.

The most important thing is that the soul cannot be felt at all from the body of this phoenix.

Lin Mo explored other phoenixes and some other bird tribes one after another.

Without exception, these phoenixes and bird tribes have their bodies intact, but they have no breath or spirit.

(End of this chapter)

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