After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 136: Brother is so powerful, he hits so accurately!

Chapter 136: Brother is so powerful, he hits so accurately!

...There is a chapter, and it will be in the next five chapters...

While Su Xiao was continuing the happy duo queue, Li Ruzhen and Xi Tianyue came back from get off work. It was their first time going to the club, so they had a lot of things to deal with, so they were late. It would be much easier later. After all, Li Ruzhen has master-level management. And a master of decision-making.

"Hey, brother, are you playing a game?"

As soon as Xi Tianyue entered the door, he saw Lidya Su sitting on the lazy sofa and was a little surprised.

After so many days together, this was the first time she saw Lidya Su playing games. Li Ruzhen, who was following behind, also looked surprised.

During the two years that she and Su Xiao were together, Su Xiao only occasionally played computer games. Although she had no memory of that game at all, she had never seen Su Xiao play mobile games, especially when listening to the music played on her mobile phone. You can tell by the sound that this is Nong.

But she was relatively calm and didn't say anything. She just came to Lidya Su and kissed her before going back to change clothes.

Although the work clothes look cool and cool on her, she still likes to wear something cooler, especially when Lidya Su is at home.

Xi Tianyue lay on Su Xiao's back and watched him play games with great interest. Although she didn't play games herself, Xie Yuran and the others used to play them often, and she had an impression after seeing them often.

Seeing that they were the only two people left in the room, Xi Tianyue blinked his smart eyes and immediately started to play tricks.

Su Xiao immediately felt as if his ears had been licked by a kitten, but a team battle was breaking out at this time, and his Baili Shouyu was performing a long-range OB. No, it was a long-range sniper.


The enemy general was sniped to death!
Another sniper attack!
Enemy shooter Di Renjie died!
OK, a great victory in the team battle!
Qiqi’s continuous flattering voice suddenly came from the voice:
"Boss is playing well, Boss is playing well. This gun is so accurate that it can be used to play professionally. If there is no boss in the professional arena, I won't even watch it!"

"Comparing Jiucheng with the boss, that's just a p!"

Hearing this voice, Xi Tianyue blinked, spit out the earlobe from his mouth, and asked curiously:
"Brother, is this your new girlfriend?"

Although I don't care very much, after all, relying on myself alone, I am no match for my brother, but my brother made this girlfriend too fast, right?
If only a few years pass, will my brother still have his own place in his heart?

Xi Tianyue suddenly felt a little panicked.

Qiqi on the other end of the voice stopped immediately, and Su Xiao turned around and gave her a sip, saying dotingly:
"This is the game I was looking for to play with!"

Hearing this, Xi Tianyue breathed a sigh of relief. It's okay, okay, it's just for fun, not company...

She looked at Lidya Su's sitting posture, and then took stock of the surrounding environment. Suddenly an idea flashed in her mind, and she couldn't help but narrow her eyes. She leaned her head and communicated with Lidya Su for a minute, and then she said :

"Brother, you can play for now while I go change my clothes. I'll be with you later!"

Lidya Su nodded:

After Xi Tianyue left, Qiqi turned on the mic again and asked:
"Boss, was that your sister just now?"

The relationship between brother and sister is too good, right?so envious!

However, Su Xiao shook his head with a smile and said while sniping and sniping the newly resurrected Di Renjie:
"No, it's my girlfriend!"


Qiqi was a little surprised, but after thinking about it, it seemed that many people now like to call their boyfriends brother, which is inexplicably sweet.

Oh, I’m so envious. When will I have a sweet boyfriend?
As soon as this thought crossed her mind, she couldn't help but give it to herself, Wen Qi, Wen Qi, what are you thinking about? How can a boyfriend be as important as making money?

I'll give you a yellow card once, but you won't be allowed to do it next time. Really, under what conditions do you dare to fall in love?If I gave you more space, wouldn't you want to have a baby?


Sisters don’t want to waste their beautiful youth like this!Then his mind returned to the game, controlling his auxiliary Mozi to block the boss's gun!

Originally, she chose Mozi to cooperate with the boss and improve the sniper hit rate, but it seemed that it was not necessary. Even if she did not stabilize the opponent, Baili Shou's bullets could hit the enemy accurately.

Just like the braised eggs in the game!
It seems that what I said is right. This boss really has a connection with cannons and has an amazing talent for it!

However, although this kind of words are compliments, and all the male bosses are happy to hear them, she cannot say them out loud. After all, it is easy for people to think wrongly.

I, Wen Qi, am a positive companion!

"Wow, boss, this shot is so accurate, isn't it? Your girlfriend must be extremely happy!"

Well, it got so loud that I heard someone talking in sleep again.

On the other side, Lidya Su couldn't help but touched her nose, silently picked up the headphones from the table next to her and plugged them in.

About twenty minutes later, Xi Tianyue came out. She changed into a floral dress, the kind that covered her feet.

The original makeup on her face had been removed, but she still wore a little light makeup. Her lips seemed to be stained by bright red pomegranate juice and were moist.

The neckline of the floral skirt is a bit low, and only two thin straps hang on her fair shoulders.

She didn't wear any jewelry on her neck. Her neck was long and fair, with a curve like white jade, which made people want to touch it.

The most eye-catching thing is her delicate collarbone, which is like a blooming flower receptacle. It is exquisite and full of spiritual beauty.

Coupled with her bright, clear eyes that seem to be able to speak, she looks like a beautiful elf coming out of a comic, incomparably smart, cute and beautiful!
Seeing Su Xiao sitting on the lazy sofa under her until it was deformed, she thought for a while and walked over to pull her brother up.

"Brother, sit on the sofa!"

Su Xiao was playing the game attentively, so he had to let her pull him up, and then sat on the big sofa not far behind as she was told.

This sofa is long and has a corner on the left, forming an upside-down "7" shape.

In front of me is a soft handmade carpet, which is cleaned regularly by the servants. Even if you roll on it, you won't feel dirty at all.

Lidya Su took her mobile phone and sat at the corner of the sofa.

The next moment, Xi Tianyue sat astride his lap, facing each other. She intimately put her head in front of Lidya Su's mobile phone. After noticing his headphones, she immediately asked:

"Brother, can you give me one to wear?"

What is this request?
Su Xiao tilted her head and put her left ear close.

Seeing this, Xi Tianyue happily took off an earphone and put it on his right ear. Hearing the sound of fierce fighting coming from inside, he suddenly began to get excited.

"Wow, wow, wow, brother, they are coming for you, run, run!"

As he spoke, his body couldn't help shaking up and down, which made Lidya Su excited.


Su Xiao still used Baili to keep his promise in this game. When he saw four enemies rushing towards him, he immediately used his ultimate move and flash to distance himself from the enemy.

When the enemy retreated, he started sniping again!
Take away the enemy jungler Ah Ke with one shot!
"Ah, brother is so powerful, he hits so accurately!"

(End of this chapter)

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