After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 137 Uncle was just bitten by a mosquito

Chapter 137 Uncle was just bitten by a mosquito

…There is a story…

While Xi Tianyue was sitting on Su Xiao watching him play games and cheering for him, Leng Yiyi also came back. Seeing the two of them being intimate, she couldn't help but show a hint of envy.

She also wanted to be so intimate and playful with her CEO.

"Sister Yiyi!"

Seeing Leng Yiyi enter the room, Xi Tianyue waved to her, swaying back and forth cutely.

Lidya Su didn't have time to turn around, so she just said:
"Yiyi is back?"

Leng Yiyi came over, smiled and said respectfully:
"Yes, President!"

She came behind Lidya Su, bent down and looked at his mobile phone screen. As soon as she inhaled, she was filled with his breath, which made her couldn't help but squint her eyes.

Her body felt a little hot again, and she hurriedly said:
"Then CEO, I'll go upstairs and change clothes first!"

After arriving at the villa, they and Lidya Su had never had the chance to stay so warmly in the rest area. She liked this atmosphere very much, even if she couldn't sit on the CEO's lap like Xi Tianyue, she could just lean against him and smell him. I also feel very good and satisfied with the breath.

Su Xiao nodded and continued to snipe!

"(⊙o⊙)Wow, brother, I got hit again, brother is awesome!"


Yueyue with a cheerful voice kissed Lidya Su on the face.

As soon as Leng Yiyi went upstairs, Li Ruzhen finally changed her clothes and came out. She was wearing a white cotton camisole and a pair of red sports shorts with three white stripes on the side. She looked very youthful and beautiful, even better than before. His work attire makes him several years younger!
However, each outfit has its own beauty, and I can’t say which outfit looks better.

She also took off her makeup and didn't put much foundation on her face, because she discovered something. After communicating with Lidya Su in depth several times, her skin improved, and her face, which was originally slightly blemished, became Pink and moist, white and rosy, like a girl of eighteen or nineteen years old, full of collagen.

This made her very happy, and her dependence on Lidya Su became more and more serious.

Walking out in slippers, she naturally saw Su Xiao playing games on the sofa and Xi Tianyue sitting on her as a cheerleader.

She actually envies Xi Tianyue, but fortunately her relationship with Lidya Su is not bad, but she used to have exclusive favor, but now she can only get a share of it.

But so what?Just being by his side is enough!
It was absolutely impossible for her to have this mentality before, but after they were together again, her heart had undergone changes that she didn't even notice.

She sat elegantly on Su Xiao's right side and gently leaned her head on Su Xiao's shoulder.

"Why did you suddenly think of playing games today?"

she asked curiously.

Su Xiao's eyes were fixed on the mobile phone screen, and she replied casually:
"Let's relax after work!"

"Why else would you make so much money?"

Hearing this, Xi Tianyue and Li Ruzhen both nodded in agreement. Although they didn't know what had happened in the past few years, Li Ruzhen knew that with so many industries under Su Xiao's hands, he must be very tired and not easy.

Su Xiao didn't know what she was thinking, otherwise she would definitely nod in agreement. It was indeed not easy, tiring and difficult, but it was not for starting a business for herself, but for others!
My current industry, apart from playing games when I had nothing to do in those few years, the rest is all based on cheating!
But can you tell people this kind of thing?Would anyone believe it?
Just let it stay in your heart!

"By the way, in the future I have decided to implement the pattern of four days off and three days off. I may even do three days off and four days off. You really have to be on the same frequency as me, otherwise it will be too boring for me to rest alone!"

Hearing this, the two women were stunned, but then nodded.

"Okay brother, when you rest, I will rest too. I will be with you every day!"

"It's okay. This working model can improve work efficiency, but it is not recommended to promote it directly in the company for the time being. It will be better to implement it after it becomes stable later!"

Xi Tianyue and Li Ruzhen have different considerations.

The former only thinks about Su Xiao, while the latter is accustomed to taking company management into consideration in addition to Su Xiao.

Lidya Su nodded:
"Well, I think so too. As for how to implement it, you can decide for yourself!"

"Since I let you manage it, I won't care about anything!"

Of course, with his current management level, even with the help of system skills, there is still a slight gap compared to Li Ruzhen.

"President, it's dinner time!" At this time, the cook Ye Fanyan walked in and said respectfully.

However, when she saw the warm and intimate three people on the sofa, she immediately lowered her voice, as if she was afraid of disturbing the scene.

Before Su Xiao could speak, Xi Tianyue said first:
"Sister Ye, please bring the food. Brother finally relaxes and plays a game, so don't disturb him!"

After saying that, she looked at Lidya Su in front of her:

"Brother, you play games and I feed you, okay?"

Gee, is this kind of treatment still available?

However, feeling the comfort coming from his body, he still nodded and said with a smile:

"Okay, then I'll be a wealthy landlord who only wants to open his mouth for a meal!"

Seeing this, Xi Tianyue shook his body happily, and then said to Ye Fanyan:

"Sister Ye, go and bring the food!"

She couldn't wait any longer, and her originally clear and bright eyes seemed to be covered with a thin layer of mist, like the fine water droplets on pearls in the morning.

Ye Fanyan nodded, turned around and went downstairs to go.

Although it is easy to stain the carpet and sofa when eating here, what does it matter?It's rare for my own president to relax.

After a minute, Xiao Tongtong ran in first. She was originally waiting for Lidya Su to have dinner in the restaurant on the first floor. When he was resting in the afternoon, Ye Fanyan warned her not to disturb the CEO's rest, so she stayed there obediently. Playing on the first floor didn't even make much noise.

When she heard that Lidya Su was going to eat on the second floor, she couldn't wait to run up.


She screamed as soon as she entered the room.

Su Xiao happened to be chased to death by five enemies, and then he turned to look at her with a smile.

"Ah, Tongtong is here, come here quickly!"

Tongtong took off her shoes very skillfully and climbed onto the sofa, coming to Su Xiao's left hand side. She had no choice but to do so. On Su Xiao's right was Li Ruzhen and on her lap was Xi Tianyue. Only the left side had room.

Seeing the game running on his phone, Tongtong stood up and put her arms around Lidya Su's neck, kissed him, and then stretched out her soft little hand to press his eyebrows.

"Susu, mom said looking at the phone hurts your eyes, Tongtong, press it for you!"

She didn't say that looking at her mobile phone hurts her eyes, so she shouldn't play games. Instead, she thoughtfully gave Su Xiao some eye exercises.

Lidya Su also closed her eyes obediently and allowed her to massage.

Although Tongtong's massage skills are very unfamiliar, her little hands are very soft and tender, and it is very comfortable to press on the eye sockets.

"Well, Tongtong's pressure is great. Uncle feels that his eyes are much more comfortable!"

Hearing that the game character was resurrected, Su Xiao handed the phone to Li Ruzhen next to him to play for him for a while, while he himself enjoyed Tongtong's massage.

Tongtong was encouraged by the praise and worked harder!


Suddenly, Lidya Su hissed, startling Tongtong.

"Ah, Susu, did Tongtong hurt you?"

Lidya Su smiled and shook her head.

"No, uncle was just bitten by a mosquito!"

After saying that, he turned his eyes to Xi Tianyue, who was getting closer to him.

(End of this chapter)

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