After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 149 Yan Qi: Envy’s chest hurts, both dogs hurt

Chapter 149 Yan Qi: Envy’s chest hurts, both of them hurt
Yan Qi on the other end of the phone said solemnly after hearing what Lidya Su said.

"Yeah, okay, CEO, I will immediately ask someone to collect physical evidence, documentary evidence, and electronic data related to the case..."

"However, in order to achieve better results, we may need Miss Luo Yunsheng's help!"

She said it tactfully, because this was Luo Yunsheng's matter, and it was self-evident who helped whom, but this person was probably the president's friend or even girlfriend, so she chose her words carefully.

Hearing this, Su Xiao turned his eyes to Luo Yunsheng, who was sitting opposite.

Luo Yunsheng nodded quickly and said:

"Yes, you can do anything you need from me, and I will cooperate unconditionally!"

Hearing her voice, Yan Qi on the other end of the phone secretly said that sure enough, he was following his CEO closely, and he could also hear the phone calls between them. This kind of treatment was not something that ordinary people could have.

But she only dared to mutter in her heart, and then said:

"Okay, CEO, please send me Ms. Luo's phone number and WeChat ID, and I can communicate with her privately, trying not to take up your precious time!"

Lidya Su nodded:

"Okay, thank you for your hard work Yan Qi!"

"President, you are serious. It is my honor to serve you. If my colleagues in other branches knew about this, they would be jealous to death!"

Su Xiao didn't answer. Isn't "colleague" the abbreviation for fellow officials? I'm just the president of a company, not the emperor.

After hanging up the phone, he first agreed to Yan Qi's WeChat friend application, and then handed the phone to Luo Yunsheng:
“Send me your phone number and WeChat message!”

Luo Yunsheng hurriedly took it carefully and looked at the message that the famous barrister sent to Su Xiao, respectful and playful, just like a young girl who had just joined the job facing her domineering CEO.

Although the reality is similar to her metaphor, for her at this time, the impact is evident!
She carefully sent her WeChat ID, because many people had called to insult, curse, and harass her, so her phone had been turned off long ago. She told Yan Qi this.

In the Imperial City, in a high-end community, she was wearing loose home clothes and lying on a soft sofa in a very unladylike posture. There were various fruits and snacks on the table next to her.

Behind her head was a set of work clothes she had just taken off.

There was no way, although it was just a phone call, no meeting or video, but the person on the other end was his own president, a legendary man. Even if he was just talking on the phone, he had to dress neatly. This is the heartfelt respect that Qingcheng people have for Su Xiao.

As soon as she hung up the phone, she couldn't wait to take off her clothes, put on her comfortable home clothes, and lay down on Ge You. She picked up a crystal clear grape with her slender fingers and stuffed it into her mouth. When she bit it, the juice overflowed.

She stared at her phone and looked at the message she had just sent to Lidya Su:
Yan Ruyu: "Hello, CEO, I am Yan Qi."

Yan Ruyu: "Hehe, please give Qiqi all your instructions (well-behaved.jpg)"

It took a while before I received a reply.

Our President: "Hello, Lawyer Yan, I am Luo Yunsheng..."

"Our President" was the note she gave to Su Xiao. She strictly implemented the unanimous policy of all the sisters in Qingcheng, that is, the President belongs to Director Ye, and the President belongs to everyone!

Seeing that Luo Yunsheng could actually use Lidya Su's mobile phone to send messages to herself, she was a little envious and jealous, pouted and muttered:

"Wow, you little bitch, what secret method did you use to charm my... our president?"

"To be so pampered... Bah, it's trust. To actually make our president trust you so much?"

Her fingers were flying, but what she sent out was: "Okay, Miss Luo, it's nice to meet you. Don't worry about the harassing calls. You can just turn on the phone later. We will contact the people at China Mobile and ask them to cooperate in collecting these calls." The sources and information were filed together with the lawsuit!"

"I'll add your WeChat account right now. Please agree. There are some things we need your cooperation with..."

After each typing, she would check it carefully to make sure it was not rude before sending it out.

After sending it, she put the phone aside, picked up the pillow on the side and covered her face, kicked her two white feet into the air, and said to herself:
"Oh my god, Yan Xiaoqi is so spineless. She is just the CEO's woman. What is there to be afraid of?"

After a while, when I heard the ding of my phone, I quickly put down the pillow, then quickly picked up my phone and quickly applied for Luo Yunsheng's WeChat friend.

Luo Shuiyunyan: "Hello, Lawyer Yan, I am Luo Yunsheng!"

Yan Ruyu: "Hello, hello, I'm very new to meet you, Miss Luo (silly smile.jpg)"

She curiously clicked on Luo Yunsheng's circle of friends, but found that the other party had set it to be visible for only three days, and Luo Yunsheng had not posted any updates during these three days.

I just had to click on the other person’s profile picture.

"Hey, you have a good temperament, but I don't know if I'm cheating..."

Yan Qi curled his lips and complained bitterly.

But thinking about the taste of my own president, I feel a little discouraged. To be favored by the president, ability is secondary. Appearance and temperament must be top-notch, at least S-level!
In the words of Queen Ye and the four noble concubines, even if the president's woman is a vase, she must be S-level, otherwise she will lose points if she tells her about it!

Well, that's right, the old employees in Qingcheng privately call Ye Xinyi and the four secretaries "Lanbai Qingshu" this way. Su Xiao's status in their minds is that of the aloof emperor!

Although she is a bit of a middle-class, as long as she is an S-class female character in the group, who doesn’t want to be Su Xiao’s woman?This is the thought that has appeared in their minds from the moment they came to this world, and it has never wavered.

Even if it's just a bed-warming maid.

But within Qingcheng Group, how many S-classes are there?Not to mention one thousand, at least eight hundred!

How fierce is the competition?
They all hope that they can be selected by the president as soon as possible and become his ministers for re-emergence, so that their chances will be greater.

Just like Ji Yi and Leng Yiyi, these two people have already been favored by the president!

Hey, my chest hurts with envy, both of them hurt!

While Yan Qi was thinking wildly, the phone remembered the sound of receiving a message again.

Our President: "Yan Yan, I'll leave the matter to you. After handling it, bring the team to Yuncheng. There are still many things that need your help here!"

This tone was definitely not Luo Yunsheng's.

She hurriedly started to do it, ensuring a dignified sitting posture, and then quickly replied:
"Okay, CEO, I promise to complete the task! (yellow man saluting expression)"

After putting down the phone again, she danced again, this time excitedly.

"Hahaha, Yan Xiaoqi, you are such a lucky girl!"

"Young girls in Qingcheng, tremble. Next time you see me, please call me Yan Guiren! Hahaha..."

(End of this chapter)

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