After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 150 Afternoon Fitness

Chapter 150 Afternoon Fitness
…There is a story…

Su Xiao called Su Qianqian again, and after learning that she didn't need to help with everything, she took Luo Yunsheng back to Yunjingyuan Villa.

After getting off the car, Luo Yunsheng looked around Su Xiao's villa, but she was not too surprised. From the information she had received before, she had already guessed Su Xiao's identity, although anyone who came to this identity would find it unbelievable. But she felt it was highly possible.

However, she was smart and didn’t ask or tell too much!

As long as Su Xiao can wait for her to get out of the quagmire, then she will sell herself to him in this life, so what if she has to work for the rest of her life?
Su Xiao introduced her to Ye Fanyan, Li Ruzhen, Leng Yiyi and Xi Tianyue, and arranged for her to live in the remaining room on the third floor.

There is no need to go back to school for the time being. After all, it is not Luo Yunsheng who collects evidence. Is Qingcheng's information channel just a false reputation?
Although many subsidiaries and departments cannot contact Su Xiao directly due to restrictions, there is still no problem in providing assistance.

After all, the four vice presidents have all spoken!

Seeing Luo Yunsheng's favorability level rise to 60 and turn into dark green, Su Xiao nodded secretly.

"Miss Luo, please come with me. Take a look to see if there is anything else you need in the house. If so, I'll have someone decorate it right away!"

Ye Fanyan did not dare to neglect the people brought by his president.

When the two of them went upstairs, Tongtong ran over and hugged Lidya Su's leg:

The voice was very affectionate. Over the past few days, she had become closer to Su Xiaoshi. If the two of them walked outside, others would definitely think that they were a biological father and daughter.

Lidya Su picked her up and kissed her before smiling:

"What's wrong, Tongtong misses her uncle?"

Tongtong nodded:

"Hmm, Tongtong hasn't seen Susu for a long time. I miss her so much!"

Lidya Su smiled and teased her:

"How much do you want to think about it?"

Hearing this, Tongtong opened her hands without thinking, as if she wanted to hug the earth:
"So many, so many thoughts!"

Lidya Su and the girls were all amused by her cuteness.

After holding her and teasing her for a while, he put her down. Su Xiao said gently:

"Tongtong, uncle and aunts have something to say, you go and play by yourself first!"

Tongtong nodded obediently, and then went to the first floor to read. In the hall on the first floor, there were various picture books that Su Xiao bought for her. Su Xiao would usually tell her about picture books when she had time, but more often than not, Ye Fanyan said it himself.

Taking Xi Tianyue, Li Ruzhen and Leng Yiyi to the second floor, he stretched and said:

"I've been a little slack on fitness these days. Go change your clothes and help me guide my movements. I always feel that my fitness movements are not up to standard!"

Hearing this, Xi Tianyue nodded eagerly:
"Yeah, I'll go right away. Brother, please wait for me in the gym upstairs!"

After saying that, she turned and went to her bedroom to change clothes. Although she stayed up late last night, she had regained her strength after a morning.

Leng Yiyi's cheeks turned red. Unlike Li Ruzhen, who has legendary yoga skills, she has an absolute advantage in fitness, so she can usually only be used as a fitness equipment. For example, Su Xiao acts as a 45kg humanoid when bench pressing. Weights.

"Then CEO, I'll go up and change clothes first!"

When Lidya Su nodded, she turned and went upstairs to change into fitness clothes.

Li Ruzhen was the only one left. Seeing that he wanted to exercise again, he couldn't help but said:

"Fitness should be done step by step, don't be too eager for success!"

"Moreover, your abdominal muscles have begun to show their size, and your vest line is getting faster!"

Lidya Su held her and lifted her up, looking extremely relaxed:

"It's okay. It's not like you don't know my physique. It doesn't hurt to exercise twice as much!"

After being put down by Su Xiao again, Li Ruzhen rolled his eyes at him angrily. After so many years, why did he still look at him the same way before and never stop working out.However, her menstrual period is here today and she cannot do too strenuous exercise. She will only be a trainer in the gym for a while.

"Okay then, I'm going to change clothes!"

Seeing his persistence, Li Ruzhen stopped persuading him. Although he didn't know why after the reunion, Su Xiao's physical condition became so good. Even if he exercised a lot, he still looked like a normal person, but this was a good thing after all!
After all, the body is the capital of revolution.

As the mainstay of the family, as long as he is healthy, others will feel at ease.

Lidya Su herself went back to the house and changed into loose sportswear, and then quickly went upstairs.

As soon as she arrived on the third floor, Ye Fanyan walked out. When she saw Lidya Su, she hurriedly said respectfully:


Lidya Su nodded:

"Is it arranged?"

Ye Fanyan nodded:

"Arrangements have been made, CEO!"

"Then you go down first. Yueyue and I will practice in the gym!"

"Okay, President!"

After Ye Fanyan went downstairs, Su Xiaocai came to Luo Yunsheng's bedroom and knocked on the door.

Luo Yunsheng hurriedly ran to open the door and said respectfully:


Seeing that she was a little reserved, Su Xiao smiled and said:
"How is it? Are you satisfied with the room?"

Luo Yunsheng nodded quickly. This was more luxurious than any room she had ever lived in.

"Yeah, thank you boss!"

Seeing that she had a tired look on her face and heavy dark circles under her eyes, she probably hadn't had much rest during this period, so she smiled and said:
"I think you haven't had a good night's sleep in a long time. It's very safe and quiet here. No one will disturb you. You can rest assured and have a good sleep, and then you can cooperate with Yan Qi!"

Hearing this, Luo Yunsheng was moved in her heart. She knew that Su Xiao regarded her as one of her own. Although it might be just a simple care for her subordinates, it also moved her very much.

In the past two months, she has faced the same eyes as others and endless insults and accusations. Even her parents and relatives have not cared about her, which makes her exhausted.

"Boss, thank you!"

Well, her favorability continued to rise, reaching 70 points, changing from dark green to light blue.

This is a shift from friendliness to trust.

Lidya Su did not continue to say much, just said:
"Then go take a shower and get some sleep!"

After that, he entered the gym.

Looking at his solid back, Luo Yunsheng's eyes gradually became firmer. When he got out of the quagmire, he would definitely study hard and help his boss earn more money!
It was just before two o'clock in the afternoon. Su Xiao looked at her phone, put it on the table aside, and started to warm up.

After 2 minutes, Xi Tianyue, Leng Yiyi and Li Ruzhen came in.

Li Ruzhen wore black quick-drying pants, a white yoga vest on the upper body, and a high ponytail, looking very capable.

Xi Tianyue and Leng Yiyi wore baseball skirts, but Xi Tianyue wore pure white, while Leng Yiyi wore a light pink skirt and a white sports vest. Both of them also had their tails tied high.

Well, this outfit is very sporty, and Lidya Su likes it very much.

The four of them warmed up first, and then helped each other relax their muscles, so that the fitness effect would be better.

After relaxing for about 5 minutes, Su Xiao first started training with 44kg lifts, and then changed to 51kg bench presses after ten minutes. Repeated exchanges, squeezing the body's functions as much as possible, the whole process was enjoyable!
As the most professional fitness coach, Li Ruzhen provided guidance from the side, such as correcting Su Xiao's standing posture, waist force method, breathing rhythm, etc. He was very conscientious!
(End of this chapter)

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