After the arrival of my Shenhao game

Chapter 151 Zhao Wendong: Someone wants to cheat me out of my money?

Chapter 151 Zhao Wendong: Someone wants to cheat me out of my money?

The afternoon fitness session lasted for nearly three hours before ending.

Su Xiao was sweating profusely from practicing and had basically used up all her energy for the day. The floor of the small gym in the villa was also covered with sweat.

After a long period of strenuous exercise, it is necessary to stretch and relax the muscles, but he has no strength, so he can only let Li Ruzhen massage and relax things for him, such as his calves. If not relaxed in time, the muscles will easily become stiff and lactic acid will accumulate.

Li Ruzhen rolled her eyes at him.

"Do you really think you are an iron man?"

"It's been more than three hours. Are you going to die?"

She couldn't persuade her in the middle, so she could only complain a few words after it was over.

Su Xiao was breathing heavily, sweat dripping from his forehead, but he still enjoyed the hearty feeling. He smiled and said:
"I'm much better than Iron Man!"

Li Ruzhen massaged and relaxed his muscles and wiped the sweat from his body with a towel. He looked at the two sparring partners who were collapsed on one side and felt helpless in his heart.

It seemed that when he could exercise strenuously, he would have to join the ranks of sparring partners. Su Xiao's desperate fitness intensity and the physical strength of Xi Tianyue and Leng Yiyi made it too difficult to be a sparring partner.

I just don’t know if, together with myself, the three of us taking turns sparring can keep up with Su Xiao’s progress?
After resting for a while, Su Xiao carried Xi Tianyue and Leng Yiyi into Leng Yiyi's bedroom to rest. He went back to the second floor to take a bath, and then went back to the bedroom to sleep.

If you don’t take a nap at noon, you have to make up for it first.

At the same time, Zhao Wendong, who was a hundred miles away in Xueyu County No. 1 Civil Hospital, was finally discharged from the hospital after staying in the hospital bed for nearly 20 days. He put on his usual clothes and stood on the ground twisting his waist. He turned his head, looking frustrated.

Zhou Hui, who was standing aside, was a little worried.

"Husband, how do you feel? Is there anything else that feels uncomfortable?"

Zhao Wendong patted his chest:

"Honey, don't worry, the doctor has said that I have recovered!"

Because it was discovered in time, the operation was not large-scale, and the recovery period was almost half a month.

Zhou Hui nodded. Thinking of what the professor said, she suddenly felt relieved. She showed a smile:
"Well, husband, please wait a moment. I'll go through the discharge procedures. By the way, I'd like to thank Doctor Ren again!"

The Dr. Ren she was talking about was a liver expert that Leng Yiyi brought to the team before. He was also Zhao Wendong's attending physician during this period.

Zhao Wendong nodded:

"You should really thank me. I'll go with you!"

Hearing this, Zhou Hui nodded, as it should be.

So, the two of them went to thank Professor Ren first, but since they were friends of Su Xiao, even though they were well-known experts and professors in the country, Professor Ren was still very polite.

Afterwards, the two of them left the office and went to the nurse station to complete the discharge procedures.

As soon as he arrived at the nurse's station, Zhao Wendong's phone rang.

He picked it up and saw that it was an unfamiliar number, but he still chose to answer it.

"Hello, hello?"

The next moment, a very polite voice came from the other end of the phone:
"Hello, is this Mr. Zhao Wendong?"

Although he was a little confused, Zhao Wendong still nodded and said: "It's me, who are you?"

"Hello Mr. Zhao, I am Ke Ying, the HR of Tianshi Catering. I am calling you this time. Someone in the company recommended you and said that you have rich management experience. After our inspection, we also feel that you are a good fit for our company. !”

"So I would like to ask you if you are willing to serve as the acting director of Tianshi Catering School's Tong'an Town branch in County?"

Hearing this, Zhao Wendong blinked, obviously confused.

Seeing his expression, Zhou Hui, who was waiting for the nurse to handle the procedures, asked with concern:

"Husband, what's wrong?"

Zhao Wendong finally came to his senses, shook his head and gave her a reassuring look.

Then he came to a quiet place and asked again:
"Hello, you just said that you would like me to be the acting director of what factory?"

It’s not that I didn’t hear it clearly, or that I didn’t know about Tianshi Catering’s establishment of a factory in Tong’an Town, but this information is too ridiculous. Although I studied management in college, I don’t have any business management experience!
Fortunately, the HR on the other end of the phone was very patient and repeated it again with standard pronunciation. Only then did Zhao Wendong confirm that he was not hallucinating.

Although he had been hospitalized during this period, he had heard about Tianshi Catering's construction of a factory in Tong'an Town. The county TV station had broadcast the news countless times, investing in a billion-level large-scale food processing plant. It is not only Tongan Town that will benefit, but also several nearby towns.

This means that farmers have a stable sales channel for crops in their fields, and Tianshi Catering is well-known as a conscientious enterprise throughout China. The recycling prices of various crops are very reasonable, and there has never been any arbitrary price reduction. .

Moreover, the food processing technology of Tianshi Catering is famous all over the world, making many capitals jealous.

However, because they were backed by the Qingcheng Group, no one dared to get involved, and those who dared to get involved had their hands chopped off!

But Zhao Wendong still knew how much he weighed, and he said with regret:
"Sorry, I don't have any actual management experience, so I may not be qualified for this job!"

There are two main reasons for saying this. The first is that he thinks the other party may be a fraud. Although he doesn't know what he has to be deceived, he is still very cautious.

The second point is to have a clear understanding of yourself. Even if what this HR said is true, as a management undergraduate, he must be powerless to manage such a billion-dollar factory.

There will be no pie falling from the sky, it will only be a high-altitude object!So it’s better to refuse directly!
No, the HR on the other end continued:
"Mr. Zhao, we have understood this, but we still think you are very suitable to be the director of our branch factory. Don't worry, there are still more than two months until it is completed and put into production. During this time, we will send you to Tianshi The catering headquarters will conduct systematic training!”

"As long as you are willing, all problems are not problems!"

Going to the headquarters for training?

Zhao Wendong immediately became vigilant. Wouldn't it be that food and accommodation were included, and then he would change planes and send someone to the north of Myanmar?

Sure enough, I said it was impossible for such a good thing to happen to me.

"No, no, no, I still feel that I am not suitable..."

He was about to hang up the phone and mark it as a scam. The next moment, HR Ke Ying, who noticed his doubts, hurriedly said:
"Oh, the referral this time is Mr. Su Xiao. You can call him to confirm first!"

Hearing this, Zhao Wendong was stunned, Su Xiao?

He paused for a few seconds and then said politely:
"Okay, okay, then I'll confirm with him before I call you back!"

If he may not trust others, Su Xiao is different. As a best friend for many years, his trust in Su Xiao is extremely high.

"Okay, looking forward to your reply!"

(End of this chapter)

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